The ten minutes of answering time passed quickly.

At this moment, in the audience of Universe 7.

Beerus was furious:"What the hell are you doing?! Why are there only four people left?!"

"There's nothing you can do about it, Lord Beerus. Once Buu falls asleep, there's no way to wake him up."

Sun Wukong looked helpless. This was not what he wanted to see.


Vegeta crossed his arms and looked indifferent,"So, I was actually very opposed to this guy participating in this fighting competition!""

"Hello! Vegeta, don’t forget that the requirements for the written test were suggested by you!"

Sun Wukong complained


Hearing what Sun Wukong said, Vegeta was speechless.

"Stop arguing, there are only four of us here now, so you must win the game for Buu!"

Beerus scolded.

He didn't want to lose this fighting competition at all. If he really lost, who knows what kind of sarcastic words that guy Xiangpa would throw in his face.

"Lord Beerus, we need to determine the order in which the contestants will appear!"

Wes reminded me from behind.

"hateful! Beerus gritted his teeth and kept scanning the four of them. When he saw Su Bai with a calm face, he thought for a moment and was about to let him take action first.

At this moment, Sun Wukong suggested Said:"I think everyone wants to be the first to appear, so......How about we decide by guessing?!"

"good idea!"

Wes nodded in agreement.


At the same time, the elephant handkerchief in the Sixth Universe auditorium flicked, and the gongs and drums sounded to officially start the battle.

"Dear guests, I have kept you waiting for a long time!"

The referee of this fighting competition was jumping on the ring and warming up the place:"The fighting competition selected by the God of Destruction of the Sixth and Seventh Universe has officially begun!"

"first...Sing the song of the universe!"


In an instant, the entire nameless star went dark. Bulma and everyone in the audience of Universe 7 looked confused. They didn't know what was going on.


After a burst of music, the lights were turned back on, and everyone was speechless again.

"Okay, okay, just now it was just a little trick used by the referee to warm up the scene. Now I announce that the fighting competition has officially begun!"

The referee said loudly:"The first contestants to appear are contestants Bodhidharma from the sixth universe and contestant Sun Wukong from the seventh universe!"

Sun Wukong and Bodhidharma walked out of the auditorium in their respective universes at the same time, and instantly everyone's eyes were focused on them.

"That guy named Son Goku is a Saiyan like you. What do you think of his strength?!"

When Sun Wukong and Bodhidharma jumped on the ring at the same time, Xiangpa in the Sixth Universe audience glanced sideways at Gabe, who had a serious face on his side, and said lightly


Gabe was stunned for a moment when he heard Xiangpa's question. Then he scratched the back of his head with a wry smile and said awkwardly:"Master Xiangpa, I'm really sorry.......I can’t see through Mr. Goku’s strength!"


Xiangpa snorted coldly and looked sideways at Hit, who had his hands folded on his chest and his eyes closed. A cold smile couldn't help but appear on his lips.

With this ace player sitting in charge, his Sixth Universe was competing with the Seventh Universe in this match. It is absolutely impossible to lose in a fighting match

"By then...I will definitely make fun of this guy Beerus. If I can't beat you, can the people under me not be able to beat the people under you?!"

Xiangpa muttered in a low voice.

Bados on the side suddenly got a headache when she heard Xiangpa's words. She didn't know whether she should tell this adult, in fact,...Universe 6 is not a win-win situation.

Therefore, don’t say harsh words in advance to avoid being slapped in the face later.

However, seeing Xiang Pa's arrogant expression, Bados thought again and shook his head, but still did not tell the truth.

Now that I say it, I'm afraid Master Xiangpa will feel even more uncomfortable.

Rather...After Su Bai takes action, let's make Master Xiangpa feel more uncomfortable!

At least...Lord Xiangpa could still be happy until Su Bai took action!


"Send Wukong in the first round?! It’s really hard work!"

In the auditorium where the Seventh Universe Kaioshin and others were, the old Kaioshin focused his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"One less Buu, probably...It doesn't matter, right?!"

East Kaiwang Shen Xin frowned and asked tentatively.

"At this time, we can only believe in Wukong and the others."

The old Kaioshin sighed.



As Beerus and Xiangpa took action, the gongs and drums sounded, and the first match officially began.

On the ring, Sun Wukong and Boda Mo stood looking at each other, and no one could He didn't take action immediately.

After a while, Bodamo started jumping up and down, seemingly doing warm-up exercises.

"It looks bulky but is actually quite flexible!"

Sun Wukong made a signature preparatory attack posture, and looked at Bodamo jumping on the spot with a smile.


Bodhamo's jumping speed became faster and faster, and finally jumped into the sky with an extremely high speed. It fell from the sky at a very fast speed and hit Sun Wukong.

"Um?! What a speed!"

Sun Wukong dodged and looked solemnly at Bo Damo, who jumped into the sky again. Then he was about to launch his own attack, but found that the latter was attacking again.





This time, Bo Damo was attacking again. Bodhidharma didn't give Sun Wukong a chance to react. He jumped up and down faster than before, and almost only the afterimage could be seen.


After about a dozen times, Sun Wukong was hit and flew away instantly. He went out and landed on the edge of the ring, almost falling off the ring.

"This guy......"

Seeing this scene, Beerus's face in the audience of Universe 7 instantly darkened, and he said coldly:"Sun Wukong, I'm warning you, if you don't show some strength as soon as possible, I will turn around and destroy the earth immediately. Believe it or not!"

"Lord Beerus..."

Sun Wukong, who was at the edge of the ring, heard Beerus' threatening words, and a wry smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said helplessly:"Before fighting properly, you must warm up your body. Otherwise, how can you become more comfortable as you fight?!"


Beerus snorted coldly. He doesn't care what happens to Sun Wukong. Anyway, as long as he loses this game, he will definitely turn around and destroy the earth.

He can't get the delicacies of the earth, so don't think too much about that stinky fat guy Xiangpa. He wants to get the earth.

Anyway, he still has Su Bai, a master of cooking, but what about Xiang Pa? He doesn’t have a master of cooking at Su Bai’s level!

"Wukong, be prepared for his pursuit!"

Klin shouted loudly in the seventh universe auditorium.


Sun Wukong smiled and waved to Klin and others in the audience of Universe 7. This casual gesture made Bodamo's eyes slowly narrow in the ring, and anger rose in his heart.

He I feel that I have been betrayed by a weak guy like Sun Wukong.......Look down on it?!

"Such a good opportunity to attack, why did you give up just now?!"

Sun Wukong turned around and looked at Bodamo seriously.

"bring it on!"

Bodama stretched out his hand, hooked his fingers at Sun Wukong, and said calmly:"Master Xiangpa originally said that you are nothing more than this, but now it seems that it is not only that, you are also extremely rude to your opponents. You are really a Bad guy!"

"You should be more careful!"

Sun Wukong clasped his hands together, bowed to Bodamor, and then rushed in front of him as soon as he raised his body.

"Ah da da da!"

Sun Wukong landed a combination of punches, but Bodamo was unscathed.

"How can it be?!"

Sun Wukong punched him hard again, but he was pushed out by Bodamo's belly, which made him look shocked.

"Hahaha! Guys from Universe 7, are you tickling me?!"

Bodamo suddenly burst into sarcastic laughter.

"Hahaha! Too weak, too weak. This Saiyan from the seventh universe really made me laugh to death!"

Regarding this scene on the ring, Xiangpa burst into laughter. Tears had already reached the corners of his eyes and he couldn't stop. It was as if someone had poked his laughter hole.

Hearing Xiangpa's laughter, he kept his eyes closed. Hit's brows frowned slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the God of Destruction, which made him a little disgusted. The corners of his mouth twitched before returning to facial paralysis, and then he slowly closed them again. Eyes. , this idiot....It’s a little too early to be happy!

"Sir Xiangpa, you can stop! The whole nameless star is your laughter."

Bados was also speechless for a while. This game is all about���If you didn't win a complete victory, why did you start squealing so early?!

"Hahaha! Bardos, don't you think it's funny?! Isn't it funny that Beerus, that big idiot, let such a little idiot come on stage?!

Xiangpa was still laughing. He stretched out his hand to wipe the tears from the corner of his eyes due to laughter, and continued:"The earth in the seventh universe seems to belong to my sixth universe!" Hahaha!"


Bados was speechless for a while, and finally sighed softly. He secretly glanced at Su Bai who was extremely calm in the audience of Universe 7, and reminded in a low voice:"Master Xiangpa, don't be too happy too early. careful......There are extremely powerful players in Universe 7. It would be embarrassing if they overturned."

"Hahaha! Bardos, your joke is too funny!"

Xiangpa was once again amused by Bados's words.

At this moment, Sun Wukong on the ring used his strength and directly threw Bodamo from the sixth universe off the ring.

"Gong...Congratulations to the Sun Wukong player from Universe 7 for winning the first game!"

The reversal was so fast that the referee was so surprised that his eyes widened.


Hearing that the first victory was won by Sun Wukong from Universe 7, the laughter of Xiangpa, who was still laughing in the audience of Universe 6, suddenly stopped.


(Second update, please subscribe automatically! To be honest, there is no need to keep books. The author updates at least 18,000 words every day, so follow up and enjoy the reading experience!)

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