"Rather than saying why Frost did such a little trick, it is better to say that he is this kind of person."

At this time, Bados's voice rang throughout the nameless star.

"Um?! What?!"

Everyone was stunned

"Gabe, when I fought with you, those space pirates were actually the underground organization led by him!"

Bados smiled.

"how...How can it be?! Xiangpa was also stunned, and turned back to look at Bados in disbelief:"Are your words true?"!"

"Of course it is true, no one can hide themselves from the eyes of angels. unless...That guy is really no ordinary person."

As Bados spoke, he glanced at Su Bai who was in the audience of Universe 7. Obviously, this was implying something.

Su Bai felt Bados's meaningful gaze, and his face was filled with emotion. It's calm. He is not afraid of others seeing through him at all. Let alone angels, even if the great priest comes to him, they can't see through what he is hiding.

"You are too slanderous, Bardos!"

At this time, Frost on the ring turned around with a sneer on his face, and then said to himself:"You start the war yourself, and you go to calm it down. Then they bought the land that was desolate due to the war at a low price, and then used the rights after redevelopment and revitalization to make a lot of money."

As he spoke, the expression on Frost's face gradually turned into one of intoxication. He glanced at the audience, raised his head and said,"This is what I invented, which can be called a business model!"

Hearing Frost's words, Beerus was stunned for a while, then shook his head and said:"I thought this guy was different from Frieza, but in the end, he still did the same thing as Frieza."

"In order to cover up the foul, he completely and perfectly played the role of a good guy. This guy is also quite powerful."

Wes laughed on the side

"Even in a different universe, Frieza is still not a good guy! Vegeta said coldly.

Only now did he understand why he felt so uncomfortable when he saw the face of Frost.

"Bados, how could you choose such a guy!"

In the auditorium of the Sixth Universe, Xiangpa complained to Bados who was sitting there.

"Mr. Xiangpa, you did not order me to pay attention to the conduct of the players. Please save me the trouble. I am looking for someone who is sure of winning. It is you, Mr. Xiangpa!"

Bados said lightly.

Xiangpa was speechless for a while. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he was the one who asked Bados to find someone who was sure of winning. After all, he really wanted to win this game!

"This guy has disgraced me and I'm going to destroy him!"

Xiangpa turned around, looked at Frost walking around the ring, and slowly raised his hand.


At this time, Vegeta stood up and said:"There is no need to destroy him or make him withdraw from this competition. The next one in Universe 7 is me. I want to teach this damn scumbag a lesson!"

"However, the judgment that Piccolo's player failed has been cancelled, which can only allow Piccolo's player to enter the fourth game."

The referee waved his hand and reminded

"Piccolo said he was going to abstain!"

Vegeta narrowed his eyes and laughed.

Hearing this, everyone in the audience was shocked. They all turned their attention to Piccolo, wanting to see what his reaction was.

Piccolo took a deep look at Vegeta. He took a deep breath and nodded:"Referee, Vegeta is right, I want to forfeit!"

"Don't mess around, this guy disgusts me, I must destroy him, otherwise it will be difficult to understand my unhappiness!"

Xiangpa said coldly.

"Master Xiangpa, isn’t this great?!

Bados, who was sitting in the audience, smiled slightly and said:"If the penalty is canceled and the opponent abstains, wouldn't this be our victory?"! so...It seems like our side didn't suffer any losses at all, but instead won a game. Isn't this a great thing?"

"Having said that......"

Xiangpa frowned and said coldly:"I Xiangpa really disdain......"

"Do you want to lose to Lord Beerus so quickly?!"

Bados smiled.

Although she understood that this time the fighting competition would definitely be won by the Seventh Universe, Xiangpa was the God of Destruction she served after all, so she still had to think more about him.

"snort! It's still early. Who can say that one's side will win?!"

Xiangpa muttered in a low voice, but did not refute Bados' suggestion. Then he turned to look at the ring and shouted loudly:"Frost, if you can win another game for me, it will be embarrassing for me. I'll just forget about it! If not...Hahaha..."


Faced with Xiangpa's threat, Frost on the ring just laughed coldly, but did not immediately answer Xiangpa's words.

"This Frost is really as annoying as Frieza!"

When Beerus saw Frost's faint sneer and his contempt for the God of Destruction, a cold murderous intent emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"Vegeta, take care of this hypocritical guy!"

Vegeta has landed on the ring, Bulma suddenly shouted

"You also said you wanted me to win, but don’t lose to me when the time comes. You are not the only one who will be embarrassed!"

Facing Vegeta, Frost said calmly.

Since he has defeated two, what about the third one?!

"Your voice is so uncomfortable!

Vegeta squinted his eyes and looked at Frost, and said coldly:"Don't worry about who will win. Anyway, you will definitely be beaten black and blue by me!""

It's impossible to kill, so it's naturally impossible for Vegeta to kill Frost. But a beating can barely vent the anger in his heart."

"What did you say?!"

When Frost heard Vegeta's words, he burst into laughter with his arms akimbo. Then he looked at Vegeta coldly and said,"In your eyes, am I a waste who can achieve nothing without using despicable means? ?!"

Vegita didn't speak, just stared at this guy coldly.

"Oh ho ho ho...Yes, I am indeed such a person! This is not a disparagement to me, but a great compliment!"

Frost laughed,"Despicable means, in my opinion, as long as they can win victory, they are the most powerful weapons! And now, I tell you, I actually hide the most powerful weapon."

As he spoke, some purple liquid dripped from Frost's hands. After dripping on the ground, it actually corroded the ground directly.

"this...Do you say it so openly?! Player Frost, this time, I will really send you off the field, you have too much contempt for the sacred rules of the game!"

The referee said coldly.

"what to do?!"

Frost looked at Vegeta with a smile:"Referee, if you don't allow me to use despicable methods, then you won't be able to teach me a lesson. What a pity!"

"Referee, no need to send him off!

Vegeta said calmly:"If this kind of scumbag is just sent off, it will be too easy for him. Let him stay on the field and let him use despicable methods. I will punish him severely."......" boom!

Vegeta suddenly burst out his breath, and then roared:"Beat him!"


The referee's expression changed, and he was frightened back several steps by Vegeta's terrifying aura. Then he thought about it, finally nodded, and announced the start of the fourth game.

"etc....I have one more question!"

Frost said.

"If you fart, hurry up and don’t waste my time beating you! Vegeta said coldly, with a look of impatience on his face. It was obvious that he could no longer suppress his inner desire to teach Frost a lesson.

"I remember that there is a restriction in the rules that killing is not allowed, right?!"——

Frost said calmly:"In this case, if the other party dies due to an accident, how should the ruling be made?!"


The referee opened his mouth and was about to speak.

But at this moment, Xiangpa said coldly:"Start quickly!" Beerus did not speak. It was obvious that both Gods of Destruction had acquiesced in this round of fighting, and there were no rules. boom!

Vegeta directly transformed into Super Saiyan 1, and then rushed towards Frost.-

"Hahaha! There are no duels according to any rules. This will definitely be my Frost home show. Audiences, please keep your eyes open and watch my show......." boom!

"You scumbag!"


Frost was just about to show off, but Vegeta was too fast and arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye. He roared and raised his hand to punch him in the abdomen, knocking him away. Climbing into the sky.


As Frost fell in the air, Vegeta suddenly shot up into the sky, and then punched and kicked him.


Screams and blood kept spitting out from Frost's mouth. It was obvious that Vegeta's power was too strong, and he was simply unable to bear it.



Vegeta roared again, raised his hand and punched out again, hitting Frost in the face and knocking him out of the ring.


Frost fell to the open space outside the ring, smashing A deep pit emerged


Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong's expression changed in the audience of Universe 7.

"Don't worry, although I hate this guy, I won't kill him!"

Vegita returned to his normal appearance, with his arms folded across his chest and a sneer on his face.


Hearing Vegeta's words, Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Vegeta would kill Frost.


At this moment, a sound broke through the air, and he saw that he was in the audience. A figure appeared next to Su Bai who was sitting

"Um?! How did you come?!"

Su Bai tilted his head, looking at the girl who suddenly arrived, his brows suddenly wrinkled.


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