Looking at the furious ape flying sun, Qianyu smiled and began the real negotiation.

Of course, he knew that he could not agree to all of his conditions.

That’s why the price was raised in advance.

The two discussed for a long time and finally settled on the final chip.

Chiba got all the research materials of Orochimaru in Konoha Village.

It includes research results on intercolumnar cells, wood escape secrets, and chakra eyes.

It also includes the Great Snake Pill Flow Secret Technique developed and created by the Great Snake Pill himself.

There are even various theoretical studies that can be called scientific.

Including cell transplantation technology, cloning technology, gene modification technology and so on.

These later became a source of strength for Shimura Danzo, Yamato, Uchiha Shin and others.

In addition, of course, the Great Snake Pill also studied numerous forbidden techniques.

Including the undead rebirth technique that allowed him to obtain an immortal body.

It’s just that the part in Konoha Village is not complete, and obviously the big snake pill has not been completely successful at that time.

But Ape Flying Sun Slash knew about the Great Snake Pill’s Immortal Rebirth Technique.

Therefore, when he was at the Master Killer Conference, he was surprised that the Great Snake Pill had completed this technique, rather than being completely unaware of the existence of this technique.

In fact, Orochimaru also studied many forbidden techniques left by the second-generation Hokage Senju.

The core of these is undoubtedly the art of soil rebirth.

Of course, like the rebirth of an immortal corpse, the research of the Great Snake Pill is also imperfect.

In fact, the Great Snake Pill’s Dirt Rebirth Technique has never been perfected.

What really reincarnates and perfects the dirt is the medicine master pocket and the resurrected big snake pill.

Look at the fourth Ninja World War, the strength of the first generation Hokage Senjukuma, the strength of the two brothers between the second generation Hokage Senju, and then look at the strength in Konoha’s collapse plan, you can see how much worse the accuracy of this filthy soil rebirth.

Of course, the thousand “020” feathers do not care about imperfect research.

Because he has unparalleled deduction ability in the world.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper naturally does not know this.

The reason why he agreed to hand these over was precisely because almost all of the Great Snake Pills were only half studied.

And like the Book of Seals left by Senjutsu, which recorded the complete ninjutsu forbidden arts, he refused to hand it over.

Qian Yu was able to get the research materials of these big snake pills, which was actually quite rich.

In the end, what competed with the ape flying sun was the ninja god, the somatic cell between the thousand hand pillars.

This thing can be called Naruto’s first artifact.

Qianyu naturally will not let go.

But now this ninja world, there is only Konoha Village, and Uchiha spot, Uchiha Obito there.

Naturally, it was impossible for Chiba to get it from Uchiha Obito.

So I can only knock on the bamboo bar of Ape Flying Sun Chopper and Konoha Village.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper is still struggling at the end.

“The body cells of the first Hokage-sama are not only the precious property of Konoha Village, but also belong to the first Hokage-sama, if I hand it over, it will be a blasphemy against him!”

Qian Yu couldn’t help but laugh and said, “You Konoha Village have experimented with intercolumn cells not once or twice. ”

“I heard that more than sixty children even died because of this that year.”

“Isn’t Yamato in the dark part the only successful experiment?”

“Ape flying sun, you can’t hide from me.”

Ape Fei Ri was taken aback, these secrets were rarely known in the village.

But Chiba knows it all!

What kind of divine is he?!

Sarutobi was dumbfounded, but then said, “Even if that’s the case, that’s our research within Konoha Village. ”

“What’s more, because this experiment of the Great Snake Pill was too harmful, I quickly stopped him and drove him out of Konoha Village, which is known to everyone.”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “These are none of my business. ”

“I just need intercolumnar cells.”

Ape Flying Sun struggled for a long time, but finally agreed.

Because he suddenly figured out something.

The terrifying power of intercolumnar cells.

In Konoha Village, there is the support of himself, Lord Hokage, there are various materials left between the Senju Pillar and the Senjukuma, and there is Orochimaru, the number one research genius in the ninja world.

Even so, more than sixty people were killed, barely succeeding one by one.

And it can’t be promoted at all!

In that case, why should he worry about the success of Wuyin Village?!

If Chiba is obsessed with the study of intercolumn cells, I am afraid that it will only kill more ninjas in the Mist Hidden Village in the end.

Thinking of this, Ape Fei Ri Chopper pretended to agree.

So far.

All the topics on the first day of the Five Shadows Conference are over.

The anti-Konoha alliance proposed by Chiba, joined forces with Iwahide Village and Yunyin Village to put pressure on Konoha Village, and succeeded in obtaining considerable benefits for all three countries.

The Five Kages Conference is a mutant Ninja World War.

And the victor is the anti-Konoha alliance led by Chiba and Kirihide Village.

The villages of Konoha and Sunahide became the defeated parties.

Ape Fei Ri’s face was ashen, angry and unwilling, but in the end, he could only endure and leave.

Luo Sha glanced deeply at Qian Yu, and also snorted coldly and left.

For two days, Ohnogi and the fourth generation of Mei Thunder Shadow did not leave.

Instead, he seemed to be very interested in Chiba.

Especially the two-day scale, Onoki looked at Qianyu and smiled: “Lord Mizukage, today’s good show, you have to remember the first work.” ”

Qian Yu also smiled and said, “Thank you two for your cooperation.” ”

The two-day scale Ohnogi laughed: “It’s really painful to see the monkey eat such a big deflated!!! ”

“I haven’t been so cheerful in a long time!”

The fourth generation of Mei Lei Ying also said: “Indeed, Ape Flying Sun cut that old fox, good at internal fighting, weak externally, but thanks to our three ninja villages joining forces, we can get so much.” ”


“Onoki, I will never forget your Yanyin Village’s revenge for killing my father!”

Tenoki smiled and said, “I understand. ”

“In the end, that battle obviously achieved your father’s third-generation Mei Thunder Shadow, although he died in battle, it also shocked the entire ninja world, and it was our Yanyin Village that really suffered heavy losses.”

The fourth generation of Mei Lei Ying snorted coldly.

He looked at Chiba again.

“Shui Ying, although there is no grievance or enmity with Wuyin Village, but today’s alliance is just a scene, don’t think that Yunyin Village will really need you.”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “I understand too. ”

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow snorted and left with the two Thunder Shadow guards, Darui and Xi.

Two days of scales, Onoki looked at his back and shook his head.

“Sure enough, he is still as reckless as ever…”

“The recklessness of Yunyin Village is really passed down from generation to generation.”

Qian Yu said, “At least he still knows how to score the pros and cons, and he is not too stupid.” ”

The two-day scale Onoki laughed.

“Lord Mizukage, you’re such an interesting guy.”

“Speaking of which, we all have a feud with Shayin Village, but we can be regarded as real allies.”

Qian Yu’s heart moved slightly.

“Lord Tokage, are you trying to form an alliance with the Mist Hidden Village?”

The two-day scale Onoki smiled and said, “It’s not impossible.” ”

Qian Yu looked at this old fox, and he was also thinking about something in his heart.

Two-day scale Onoki, in fact, his real name is Onoki.

Two-day scales mean men who are extremely good at dealing with other countries.

He can always maximize the benefits of his country and Shinobi Village in his dealings with other forces.

He is an extremely intelligent and extremely resourceful man.

Moreover, it is also a soil shadow that will do whatever it takes to achieve the end.

In the original Five Kage Conference, the other Four Kages once accused Onoki of cooperating with the Xiao Organization and hiring the Xiao Organization to complete some shady tasks.

The means and style of the two-day scale Onoki can be seen.

Chiba pondered the reason for Ohnogi’s proposal for two days.

The strength of Yanyin Village is above the middle level among the five major countries.

It is generally not comparable to Konoha Village and Yunyin Village.

But it is significantly larger than Shayin Village and Wuyin Village.

This is also the reason why Onoki likes to crisscross between major countries.

Now forming an alliance with Wuyin Village is of course one of his means.

The feud between Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village is as deep as the sea.

It is impossible to truly join forces.

Similarly, the nearest village of Iwain is also at war with the village of Sunahi, and the village of Sunahide and Konoha are allies.

In other words, the object that Onoki can choose now is indeed only the Misty Hidden Village.

On the one hand, it can resist and deter the most powerful enemy, Yun Yin.

On the one hand, it can also be used against the alliance between Sunahide and Konoha Village.

Qian Yu thought for a moment, feeling that this might not be a good thing for Wuyin Village.

After joining forces with Iwahide Village, Kirihide Village can also compete with the alliance of Yunyin, Konoha and Sunahi.

Moreover, after the alliance of the two great powers, the power even surpassed the alliance of Konoha and Suna, and of course surpassed a Yunyin village.

So Qian Yu smiled and said, “This is a very good proposal.” ”

“Tsuchikage-sama, I’ll think about it.”

Although Qian Yu had agreed in his heart, he still did not reply immediately.

Two-day scale Onoki is also a human spirit, and he saw Chiba’s mind.

He laughed and said, “Okay, then I’ll wait for Lord Mizukage’s answer.” ”

Afterwards, he and two earth shadows guarded Loess and Kai left the venue together.

In the end, only Senba, Terumi and Dried Persimmon Ghost were left in the venue.

Terumi breathed a sigh of relief.

“Although it’s only the Five Shadows Conference, it feels similar to fighting.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Again and again, it seems that it will fight at any moment.”

The dry persimmon ghost mackerel smiled and said, “I didn’t expect that ape flying sun slash to actually agree.” ”

“What a weak fellow…”

Chiba smiled and said, “Because he knows about the anti-Konoha Alliance, it’s not just talk…”

“If you don’t agree, it will become a reality.”

“And now Konoha Village really can’t withstand the invasion of the three great powers.”

“Of course, the idea of ape flying to the sun is just a delaying measure.”

“I want to delay time in such a humiliating way so that Konoha Village can regain its vitality.”

“I guess he’s contacting the two people who are out there.”

“The legendary three Shinobi, Jiraiya and Tsunade.”

Terumi’s heart moved: “The legendary three ninjas?” Those are indeed amazing ninjas…”

“If two of them can return to Konoha, Sarutobi will indeed have the confidence.”

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel nodded.

“Lord Mizukage, why don’t you immediately agree to the alliance of Iwain Village?”

“This is also beneficial to us, right?”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “I know. ”

“However, the Five Kages Conference has just begun, and I want to see Onoki’s sincerity.”

“That old fox understands what I mean, and in the follow-up discussions, he will naturally support our request as much as possible.”

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel nodded and said, “So it is.” ”

“Sure enough, I’m still not good at this kind of political negotiation.”

Terumi also sighed: “Indeed, I didn’t think about it so much at all. ”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “Well, we have gained enough today. ”

“I got almost everything I wanted.”

“In the follow-up meetings, let’s see if we can exceed expectations.”

Later, he also left the venue with Terumi and the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.



The water shadow residence provided by the Land of Iron is when Terumi enjoys the world of two.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside.

Terumi was lying in Chiba’s arms, greasy and crooked, obviously not wanting to pay attention to it.

But then the two heard the voice of one of the men.

It is the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.

Terumi couldn’t help but be stunned: “That guy from the oni mackerel, shouldn’t there be a conflict with other ninja villages?!” ”

After all, this is the Five Shadows Conference, and this conflict can be big or small.

Chiha and Terumi got dressed and walked out.


They saw the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, and sure enough, he was confronting two ninjas from Konoha Village.

It was none other than the two Hokage guards of the Sarutobi Slash.

Kiki Kakashi and Matkai.

In particular, Matkai also took a pose at this time, preparing to fight the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.

Qian Yu was stunned, and then he couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

Are these dried persimmon ghost mackerel and Metkay really enemies of fate?!

This plot has been changed so much by itself.

But after the two people met, a conflict broke out immediately.

Is this fate?

Qian Yu spoke, “Ghost mackerel, what’s going on?” ”

The big knife muscles of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel had already been pulled out from behind, and the arms were raised straight up to face Matkai.

Seeing Qian Yu come out, he smiled and said, “This rare beast has to go against me.” ”

The rare beast he was referring to, of course, was Metkay.

Metkay 5.9 also said angrily: “Hey, hey, it’s obviously your weirdo’s fault, right?!” ”

Kakashi, who was beside him, couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

“I’m sorry, Mizukage-sama.”

“It’s Kai, this guy is too impulsive, I apologize to Lord Mizukage and this Mizukage guard.”

“Kai, let’s go.”

Obviously, Kiki Kakashi has the overall situation in mind and knows what kind of occasion this is, and a careless one may trigger a war.

Although Metkay is simple, he is also very self-aware.

So I will listen to Kakashi’s words.

So he nodded, turned around and left.

Right at this moment.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper suddenly came over.

“What’s going on?”

Kiki Kakashi sighed: “It’s nothing, it’s Kai and Mizukage-sama’s guards who have some misunderstanding.” ”


The ape flying sun looked at Metkay, and then at the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, as if thinking about something.

Then, he flashed a fake smile.

“Lord Mizukage, it’s just a small fight between two people.”

“It won’t affect anything, will it?”

Qian Yu looked at what he meant, obviously wanting the two to fight.

Ape Fei Ri knew that although Matkai was simple-minded, he was extremely strong, and he obviously wanted to use him to kill the sharp energy of the Mist Hidden Village, and also to regain some face for the humiliation of the day.

Qian Yu smiled and said, “Of course not. ”

“It’s time for a discussion.”

“Ghost mackerel, don’t hurt the peace.”

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel smiled: “Okay, Lord Mizukage.” ”

“Come on, Zhenbeast, I want to see how much you can do!”

Matkay also immediately burst out his own chakra and power.

“Good! Then go for it, you weirdo of the Mist Hidden Village!!!! “。

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