Feiyu is indeed one of the top three major companies in the entertainment industry, and its public relations capabilities are not limited.

The crew of "Love at First Sight" had just released a trial version of the film's theme song, and they quickly started working on it to prevent the previous hype from becoming a stain on Qin Yuan.

#GUANYUNYU's "Love at a Glance"#, and #QinYuan's contract termination# were two topics that rushed towards the top five hot searches at lightning speed.

Guan Yunyu's fans call themselves Little Feathers, and they go to Guan Yunyu's Weibo to be cute, confess their feelings and cheer for her.

Qin Yuan’s fans also congratulated Adou for joining the new company.

For a moment, it looked very harmonious.

Until someone came out and took out the screenshot of Qin Yuan's direct post on Weibo, [You also said that you want to cooperate with a big director? I've looked through the cast list but your name is not there, and now it's not even you who sings the theme song. So the question becomes, was this previous Weibo deceiving fans? 】

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. Qin Yuan had a lot of fans and a lot of blackmailers. The two sides started to fight each other. However, this was a small-scale matter. Jiang Mo didn't care. As long as the flames of war did not spread to Guan Yunyu, she would not Will intervene.

The manager of the public relations department yawned. He had been staring at the computer all morning. "I think there was no problem at the beginning, and there shouldn't be anything else next, right?"

Jiang Mo stood leaning against the wall, crossing his arms across his chest with an unclear expression, "I hope so."

However, some things always backfire. Ten minutes later, a staff member reported urgently, "The news appeared on Weibo that Guan Yunyu squeezed Qin Yuan away from the backstage."

Jiang Mo immediately went over and took a look, "How did a certain official artist who has been very popular recently squeeze out the company's first sister?"

There is not much content on Weibo, but it uses a gossipy tone, describing the artist surnamed guan who suddenly changed agents and various special treatment in the company. The competition for resources for "Love at First Glance" has become the focus, and there are also posts on Weibo Interactions with the big boss, etc.

To sum it up in one sentence, Guan Yunyu relied on his ambiguous relationship with the president of Tianyu to suppress Qin Yuan, the first sister of the company, and forced Qin Yuan to terminate her contract.

Jiang Mo looked solemn and said seriously, "From now on, everyone must focus on not letting any stain on Guan Yunyu's body."

"Don't worry about this. We at the Public Relations Department are not just for free." Gao Zhang couldn't help but admire Jiang Mo Lai. If such news was not discovered at the beginning, but was discovered after spreading for a while, it might not be easy to control. .

More seriously, even if public opinion is finally controlled, it will definitely ruin the popularity of some artists, which no one wants to see.

After all, Guan Yunyu is now the main artist promoted by the company, and his personal album is in production. If something goes wrong with the artist at this time, the loss to the company will be huge.

[Today is also Xiaoyu: Fans of Qin Yuan’s family, can you please stop making random accusations, saying that Qin Yuan was squeezed out by my little sister? Is your brain squeezed by the door, or kicked by a donkey? Have you ever seen someone on the 18th line squeeze out the first lady in the company? Brain is a good thing, please don't bring bad luck to your idol. 】

[Xiao Guamin: Upstairs, are you really a fan of this young lady? Could it be a black man? How could the young lady be eighteenth-tier? 】

[Aiyu Yisheng: Feiyu is a company with the level of a big boss in the entertainment industry. Can it be said that it will be squeezed out? This is obviously a job-hopping job. If you can get into a company like Feiyu by just being squeezed out, you are welcome to squeeze out our little sister. 】

[Eat three bowls in one meal: Welcome to exclude my little sister +1]

[Love eating tomatoes: Welcome to exclude my little sister +2]

Guan Yunyu's Weibo post returned to a cheerful look. Jiang Mo monitored it almost in real time and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the entertainment trend was no longer heading towards Guan Yunyu.

In a corner of the company, Tong Tong and Guo Yun gave high-fives to celebrate the success of changing the topic.

These two people have been fighting together all morning. Aiyu's life and Xiaoyu today are the two of them.

Also paying attention to this matter was Su Hebai.

He was the one who ordered Guan Yunyu's dirty information to be released.

"Mr. Su, the other party reacted quickly and acted quickly. The revelation was suppressed directly, and nothing can be revealed." The leader of the navy said helplessly.

"What a pity." Su Hebai gently shook the goblet in his hand and looked at the light red liquid inside. If he could take this opportunity to damage Guan Yunyu's image, it would also be a big blow to Tianyu!

"Mr. Su, someone has released unfavorable news about Qin Yuan." Chief Jun Shui suddenly said.

Su Hebai just raised his eyebrows, "What did you say?"

"It is said that Qin Yuan is ungrateful. Tianyu trained her carefully, but after she became famous, she abandoned her old employer and climbed to another high position."

A smile flashed across Su Hebai's eyes. She was still her, and she had never been one to suffer losses.

The navy leader was a little confused, "Do we need to take action?"

Su Hebai shook his head, "This time the matter ends here, I will give you no less."

He originally thought of taking advantage of this opportunity to seriously injure Tianyu, but he didn't expect Jiang Mo to take Guan Yunyu so seriously.

As for treating others in their own way and exposing Qin Yuan as ungrateful, it can only be said that Qin Yuan was unlucky because Jiang Mo put Guan Yunyu's blame on her.

Su Hebai had no intention of helping Qin Yuan change public opinion.

Qin Yuan was a little anxious. She had just arrived at the new company and was not very familiar with her agent. She was hacked as soon as she started, which made her feel very bad.

Seeing everyone on Weibo calling her ungrateful, it felt like a big stone was pressing on her chest, making her breathless.

"What on earth is the public relations department doing? It's been almost an afternoon, why hasn't public opinion changed yet?" Qin Yuan exhausted all her patience and said angrily.

"Stop complaining. You didn't make any contribution to the company when you came here. The public relations department has been busy all day just for your affairs." Song Chen also felt a headache. He thought a little flower with potential came here, but who knew he was a big one? trouble.

"This matter is obviously someone behind the scenes to blackmail you. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the public relations department to deal with it for so long and still have no effect. The other party must also be a master of public opinion guidance."

Qin Yuan still wanted to argue a few words, but seeing Song Chen's displeased expression, she didn't say anything after all. After all, she was new here and she couldn't offend her manager by offending anyone.

Jiang Mo smiled lightly outside the recording studio, hiding his merit and fame.

If you dare to hack my artists, you will really treat me like a sick cat. I will also let you taste the feeling of being hacked by the entire Internet.

Jiang Mo conveniently took a photo of Guan Yunyu recording. After beautifying the photo, he logged into Guan Yunyu's Weibo account.

Guan Yunyu V: The last song of the album will be recorded soon [picture].

In an instant, there were new replies on Weibo.

[I calculated with my fingers, it was definitely not the young lady who posted on Weibo, but Sister Jiang. 】

[I agree with you upstairs. 】

[I don’t mind if Sister Jiang sends it on behalf of me, I caught a live little sister. Come on, little sister~]

Jiang Mo looked at the latest replies on Weibo and frowned in deep thought.

"What are you thinking about?" Mo Jingtian came over and asked.

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