Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

Back in the room, Gu Weiwei carefully hid the used pregnancy test stick in her schoolbag, preparing to take it out to school tomorrow to destroy the corpse.

Because she didn't win the lottery, she got up early to eat breakfast, and she greeted the two in a good mood.

Fu Hanzheng raised his eyebrows in amazement. After a sleep, nothing happened?

"Ji Cheng has an art test next week. I'm going to practice the piano with her in the past few days. I'll come back tonight." Gu Weiwei said.

"Well." Fu Hanzheng responded.

Gu Weiwei took a few mouthfuls of porridge to check the time, "I'm going to be late, I'll go first."

Fu Shiqin looked at his brother's expression as he watched people go out, and sighed and reminded.

"Brother, why do I feel like you're not talking about a girlfriend, it's really like an old father adopted a daughter."

Fu Hanzheng glanced at him and said to Aunt Wang who was cleaning up the kitchen.

"Tell Lucas he can go home."

"No, without Lucas, I won't be able to live." Fu Shiqin wailed.

Lucas is a chef hired by the Fu family from abroad, and his desserts are his favorite.

For a hardcore sweet tooth like him, losing such a chef is simply killing him.

Fu Hanzheng wiped his lips with a napkin gracefully, and got up to go to work.

"Don't forget to go on a business trip tomorrow."

Fu Shiqin sighed reluctantly, he probably had a fake older brother, and he could not feel the warmth of family affection at all.

In the evening, it was very late when Fu Hanzheng returned to the apartment after socializing.

Fu Shiqin looked at the direction he was staring at Gu Weiwei's room, and said cheaply.

"Would you like me to open the door for you and go there to sleep?"

Fu Hanzheng looked away and said casually.

"How about changing the time of the business trip from one week to one month?"

Fu Shiqin was wronged to death, "I see that the relationship between the two of you has been tepid and no progress has been made. Would you be kind enough to give you advice?"

"Oh?" Fu Hanzheng raised his eyebrows coldly.

"Fu Laosan said that more negative distance communication between men and women is the fastest way to enhance feelings." Fu Shiqin said.

Fu Hanzheng frowned, "Negative distance?"

Fu Shiqin glanced at his brother's waist and smiled.

"Negative 18cm AC."

Fu Hanzheng gave him a contemptuous look, and got up to wash up and rest.

Fu Shiqin snorted, he didn't allow people to have boyfriends or move out of here.

The final purpose is not just to communicate with others at minus 18 centimeters, and now pretend to be a gentleman.

The next day, Fu Hanzheng and Gu Weiwei hurriedly took a photo for breakfast, and went to school and the company respectively.

Fu Shiqin slept late because he was going on a business trip in the afternoon, and then got up to pack his luggage.

While cleaning up, he hated his inhuman brother.

Aunt Wang, who was busy washing their clothes, suddenly came over with a nervous expression.

"Second Young Master, Miss Mu... Is Miss Mu pregnant?"

"Pregnant, what is she pregnant with?" Fu Shiqin was busy packing his things and didn't listen to the other party's words at all.

Aunt Wang handed over the receipt taken out of Gu Weiwei's clothes pocket, "If it weren't for pregnancy, which girl would buy this?"

Fu Shiqin took a look and was so frightened that his eyeballs almost fell out.


He excitedly called his own brother, ready to report the military situation.

However, after calling twice, Fu Hanzheng didn't answer his call at all.

He gritted his teeth and sent a text message: [If you don't answer my call again, you will regret it! ! ! 】

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