Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Yingcheng Middle School was dismissed.

Gu Weiwei first met Luo Qianqian downstairs in the classroom, because they went to the bathroom, and the two were waiting together.

She turned on the phone that had been turned off for an afternoon, and as soon as she turned it on, many text messages came in.

One was sent by Fu Hanzheng: [After school, go to the parking lot at Ziwu intersection. 】

The next few messages were sent by Fu Shiqin: [Mu Weiwei, come to the parking lot after school. 】

[It's been ten minutes since school, why haven't you come out yet? 】

[Turn on, call me back! 】


Gu Wei frowned at staring at the phone, what are these brothers doing?

She didn't say it all, she was going to teach Ji Cheng to practice the piano recently, and she only went back in the evening.

She was about to reply to Fu Hanzheng's message when Fu Shiqin's call came in.

"Mu Weiwei, why did you turn it on? Come to the parking lot on Meridian Road."

"I made an appointment with Qianqian and the others to practice the piano together, and I won't go back now." Gu Weiwei said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Shiqin's call was replaced by Fu Hanzheng, his deep voice had a deterrent force that could not be rejected.

"We've arrived, come here now."

"If you don't come, I'll drive the car to the school to pick you up." Fu Shiqin shouted.

Gu Weiwei gritted her teeth, "I'll go over right away."

Ji Cheng just came back and said happily, "Let's go, I'll invite you to drink milk tea, and then go back to practice the piano."

"Cheng Cheng, I...may not be able to go. I need to go back first." Gu Weiwei said apologetically.

The two of them didn't know what the hell was going on, and ran to her school inexplicably.

If she didn't go, she didn't doubt that Fu Shiqin, that second-hand, would drive the car to the school.

"Ah, I have the exam in a few days." Ji Cheng's face suddenly collapsed.

"According to yesterday's practice, you should be able to pass the test with that song." Before Gu Weiwei finished speaking, Fu Shiqin called again in a spirited way.

She had to say goodbye to Ji Cheng and Luo Qianqian in a hurry. She trotted out of the school and went to the nearest Ziwu Road. She really saw Fu Hanzheng's car parked there.

She looked around and saw that there were no classmates in the same school before she opened the car door and got in the car.

"What's the matter, you have to come to my school?"

Fu Hanzheng reached out and brushed her hair that had been ruffled by the wind, and said warmly.

"There is an important place to go."


Fu Hanzheng reached out and held her hand, holding it tightly before she could take it away.

"It's coming soon."

Gu Weiwei was looked at by the man's strangely gentle eyes, and she had an ominous premonition that she was going to a bad place.

While driving, Fu Shiqin played a piece of music, a very romantic "loveparadise".

"Aren't you on a business trip today?" Gu Weiwei stared strangely at the excited person in front of her.

"My brother is kind, I don't have to go." After Fu Shiqin finished speaking, he whistled happily.

Gu Weiwei looked sideways at Fu Hanzheng, but found that the man sitting beside her was looking at her the whole time.

Eyes, deep and gentle.

"Where are we... where are we going?"

If their company's entertainment, it would not be her turn as a student to participate.

Just after asking, Fu Shiqin stopped the car and said.

"The Civil Affairs Bureau has arrived."

"Civil Affairs Bureau?" Gu Weiwei looked out the car window, the mud horse was really the Civil Affairs Bureau, "What are you doing here?"

"Marriage." Fu Hanzheng said.

Gu Weiwei looked at him and then at Fu Shiqin, "Who is getting married?"


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