Chapter 1934 Fu Shiqin's Love Enemy 2

Fu Shiqin got up, sorted out his suit and tie, and pulled Ling Xiao to welcome him.

"You are a good guide, I am Ling Yu's boyfriend Fu Shiqin."

Ji Dian enthusiasm Fu Shiqin shook his hand and chilled a few words.

"We are smeared with the light of the day, and we have a free meal at noon. I have come to eat and drink this evening."

"Where is it, it is my pleasure to tell you that you are willing to enjoy the light." Fu Shiqin said as he led the director.

After he and the director met, several of the crew’s deputy directors followed and introduced themselves.

Then people introduced it to the generation. "Fu Erxiao, this is our male starring Lin Mo, who is also a brother of Ling Xiao."

"Long time and longitude." Fu Shiqin stretched his hand and shook it, and quietly looked at each other from head to toe.

Linmer was polite with him and was seated with several assistant directors.

However, after the seat, he always observed Ling Xiao and Fu Shiqin.

After Fu Shiqin discovered it, he deliberately licked Ling Xiao’s shoulder and bowed his head and said to her.

"Right, are you interested in the new movie of my nephew?"

"Of course, but... can I have such an opportunity?" Ling Xiao asked in surprise.

Qiu Ling has already settled in the front line because she participated in the film of Mu Weiwei.

If she has the honor to participate in her new movie, whether it is in the promotion of acting, or in the coffee position will certainly benefit a lot.

"I mentioned you before my nephew. If you are interested, I will take you to see her again." Fu Shiqin said with a smile.

Lin Mo and several directors looked at the past and only saw the two men talking and laughing, like a sweet little couple.

However, I can't hear what they are really talking about.

The dinner was very rich, and the people in the crew were very satisfied. People came to pay to Fu Shiqin for his lunch and dinner.

Ling Xiao had no drink because of the play the next day, and went to the bathroom in the middle.

When I came back, I happened to meet Lin Mo who was smoking outside.

"Brother, how come you?"

"Come out of the smoke." Lin Mo smiled and said, "Fu Er less, seems to like you very much."

"No, he is just..." Ling Xiao said that he could not explain to him the true relationship between him and Fu Shiqin.

Lin Mo smashed the ashes and persuaded him with a heavy heart.

"Little sisters, they are such rich second generation, they are just playing for female stars, you don't want to sink yourself too deeply."

Ling Xiaozheng, some did not expect the brothers and sisters they admire, will say such rude words.

Lin Mo saw that her face was not very good, and said with a smile.

"Don't be angry, I just worry about you, so I will wake you up."

"I know, I am with him, not what you think." Ling Xiao said.

"Not what I thought, what is it?" Lin Mo asked inexplicably.

Ling licked his lips, I don't know what to say.

Fu Shiqin discovered that she had not returned for a long time, and Lin Mo, who was in the same room, did not see anyone, and immediately went out to find someone.

As soon as I came out, I saw two people standing and talking in the corridor, and my heart was sour and gone.

"Hey, how come you have been out for so long?"

Ling Xiao returned to God. "Go and wash your hands. I will talk a little more when I meet Lin."

Although Lin Mo’s words are harsh, they are not unreasonable.

She has always been very clear that she and Fu Shiqin are not a person of the world.

Therefore, they only end in cooperation.

(End of this chapter)

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