Chapter 2048, you are messing up

Mrs. Qin was asked to have nothing to say, it is the default of the Qin law.

Qin Law put down the coffee that was just picked up, and there is still a mood to drink.

"Mom, last year you made a vow in front of the whole family. Now you have lost 80 million. You don't know what is going on at home?"

Because of the withdrawal of the Fu Group, Qin has suffered heavy losses. Now, because of the financing of the American media tycoon Bruce, the strength has passed.

She went to gamble at this time and lost 80 million.

"I didn't lose 80 million, I lost 50 million. Then... I borrowed another sum of money and wanted to turn it over. The result was not good." Mrs. Qin was guilty, and the voice was smaller.

Qin Law has awkwardly caressed the amount. "I also borrowed a loan and borrowed it?"

"80 million, still 50 million, the rest ... there are 10 million." Mrs. Qin did not dare to say that he lost again, but he was forced to make up 10 million in his hand, otherwise it is even worse. explain.

Qin Law listened and said directly.

"I don't have that much in my hand. I can give you up to ten million at most. Let's talk about some more."

Mrs. Qin supported me for a long time and said the truth.

"But I mortgaged the land to the other party, if it didn't come back these two days..."

"The land? Which piece of land?" Qin law is even more ugly.

"That is... that is the land that I took to photograph a few days ago. Now it is the final repayment period. If I can't even return it, the land will not be returned." Mrs. Qin Truthfully.

Qin has to tremble, "Mom, you are crazy, do you take the land with a market value of several hundred million to mortgage?"

"This is just a situation. People are an acquaintance who knows ya. As long as the money is returned on time, there will be no problem." Mrs. Qin vowed.

She has no collateral, and it is impossible for people to lend money to her.

Moreover, the agreement was also said at the time, as long as she returned the money, the title deeds would be returned.

The other side has the courage to dare to invade the Qin family.

Qin Law heard her mother say so easily, and said harshly.

"This kind of listening is a usury. You dare to take that piece of land out. When the company is so difficult, Dad didn't dare to sell the piece of land. Are you going out?"

"I also looked at you hard, so ... I want to be able to win a lot like that year, the result is bad luck." said Mrs. Qin.

When she first went to Las Vegas, she won the Quartet, and that she won more than 10 million.

From then on, although there are occasional wins, but always lose more.

"You are helping, you are adding chaos." Qin Law shouted.

Said, he hurriedly took the coat, ready to see his father to discuss countermeasures.

After all, if you want to take out 80 million land titles, the money in his hands is simply not enough.

Qin’s large sum of money is in the hands of his father and grandfather.

"Go, let's talk to Dad and talk about it."

Mrs. Qin was also a little scared by her son's momentum, followed him downstairs.

"If your dad is angry..."

"Do you do such a thing, but still think that he is not angry?" Qin Law is difficult to understand, what she thinks, and she does not want to go to the person who mortgaged the loan to the usury.

Mrs. Qin was sitting in the car with fear and thinking about how to face her husband's questioning for a while.

"Do not tell your grandfather about this matter?"

If the father knows this, I am afraid that it is impossible to force them to divorce.

(End of this chapter)

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