Chapter 2116 loves her wholeheartedly


Fu Shiqin looked awkward, what is this operation?

"I just want you to be like this, how can such a girl chase."

"If you don't, your nephew will be upset." Fu Han said indifferently.

Fu Shiqin licked his lips silently. "The scorpion is not so stingy, just ask you a hypothetical question, and you are not really sorry for you?"

"For others, if you can't get up." Fu Hanxi said indifferently.

Except for her, for other women, he has no desire to pursue.

Therefore, the assumption cannot be assumed.

Fu Shiqin asked for the amount and asked.

"Forget it, I didn't ask the question just now. The nephew was very insecure at first. How do you let her fall in love with you wholeheartedly?"

"Love her wholeheartedly." Fu Hanyu said calmly.

Fu Shiqin really wants to lose to him. "I am asking you a question of skill."

"No skills." Fu Hanxi said.

When you wholeheartedly like a person, you just want to give the best of the world and give the best of yourself to her. There are no technical problems.

"Less come, you set a set when you are blind." Fu Shiqin angered.

Fu Hanzhen raised his eyebrows, "Is there?"

Isn't that like a person, naturally what the subconscious will do?

"Forget it, forget it, don't say it, eat." Fu Shiqin felt deeply that his relationship with his family could not be communicated.

Fu Hanzhen also really did not mention a word, did not care about the brother's feelings.

Fu Shiqin ate a lunch and returned to his office, and took a look at the refrigerator that was specially brought to the office.

Ling Xiao’s biggest wish is to see her grandfather again.

However, letting a person who has passed away meet her, this is simply a night of talk.

Until Xu Qian came over and knocked on the door, "Two less, the meeting will start in five minutes."

Fu Shiqin returned to God and sorted out the information and rushed to the conference room.

The conference was about a 3D holographic imaging project. He listened and listened to his surprise and stood up.

The supervisor who was doing the project introduction was shocked to see him. "Vice-off, what's the problem... What's the problem?"

“Speaking of the current 3D investment technology, it is possible to show people and scenes that do not exist in 3D projection technology. Now, after the technology upgrade, people can have an immersive experience...”

"Would that if someone who has already died can reproduce with 3D holographic projection technology?" Fu Shiqin asked excitedly.

"Yes, the twenty-year-old Tian Jia Jia Lan, who made a special concert of 3D holographic projection on the 20th anniversary of his death, can now be more realistic than the technology at that time."

Fu Shiqin listened, said a table.

"I will let the person in charge of this project come to see me later, and I will come soon."

At the meeting, a group of people looked at the inexplicably excited vice-president Fu Shiqin, and looked at the big boss who had never heard.

Fu Hanyu glanced at him faintly. "This project is handed over to the vice president and there is a problem to find him."

At noon, he was still asking him questions about Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao’s only relatives had passed away, so it’s not hard to figure out what he wants to see the person in charge of this project.

Although it is strictly forbidden to use private work to do private things, but he has never hesitated to let his loved ones dream, so he understands his mood.

Moreover, looking at his hard work overtime for so many years, he was allowed to leave the public.

(End of this chapter)

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