Chapter 2401, Yang yarn collapse

As soon as Yang Ye yarn went out, the reporter who was kept outside was blocked. The question of interview was sharper than one.

"Miss Yang Sai, is your mother's accident to take away the father's accident compensation?"

"Miss Yang Sai, is your mother and daughter close to Ling Xiao deliberate?"

"Miss Yang Sai, is your mother's serious illness a fake?"

"Miss Yang Sai, I heard that you have been canceled by the company. What should I do next?"


Yang Sai yarn now has no assistants and no agents. One person is pushed and pushed by a group of reporters. Several times, cameras have hit her head.

However, these people did not intend to let her go.

She couldn't easily squeeze out the encirclement, but she flew a few stinky eggs on her face, and suddenly the scene was stinking, making people want to vomit.

"Your mother has abandoned Ling Xiao for more than 20 years, and you still have a face to use her, scum."

"If it is not Ling Xiao, I will not powder you."

"Get out of the entertainment circle, don't even think about the heat of the show."


Yang gauze wiped the smelly egg liquid on his face, and screamed at the reporters and black powder around him, and collapsed and roared.

"She was abandoned, she is poor, but the one I would rather be abandoned is me."

"There is a patriarchal mother. Do you think that I have lived well over the past 20 years?"

"I want to work like a cow, keep making money, support their baby son, don't dare to buy something I like, don't dare to fall in love..."

"Just now, my biological mother, my brother-in-law asked me to go to sleep with an old man in his fifties and give them money to pay back debts."

"I have had enough of this day."


As she spoke, she cried as she crashed.

All the reporters were there for a while, and there was a little sympathy for the anger of Yang Yarn from the beginning.

In fact, think about it, even if Yang Yarn is really deliberately close to Ling Xiao, in order to climb up by Ling Xiao, but since the debut has not done anything unhealthy.

In the end, what happened to her mother was that she abandoned Ling Xiao, and she intended to recognize the daughter now and plot the property.

If she said that, perhaps in the past few years, there is no such mother, but it is a blessing.

Yang gauze has lived with her loved ones for many years. She can hear her saying that she is only a cash cow at home, completely disregarding her wishes and her dignity.

Perhaps some of these words are water, but her brother Yang Yaozong owes a huge amount of usury is already reported.

Then, they forced her to pay the debts, it seems that it is not impossible.

"It’s a pity that Ling Xiao’s abandonment by his biological mother, but this Yang seems to be not too good for her mother.”

"When the mother like Sun Xiulan is on the show, who can live well."

"I actually forced my daughter to go to sleep to earn money, to raise a son for her, this is really a mad heart."

"In the end, Ling Xiao and Yang gauze are poor people."


After Yang Ye yarn vented her dissatisfaction in the hysteria, she walked away with a stinking egg liquid. No one knew where she went.

Sun Xiulan and Yang Yaozong wanted to come out to chase her, but because there were too many reporters outside the house, they retreated back to the house and dared not come out again.

(End of this chapter)

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