Hidden Marriage Sweet Pampering: The Conglomerate’s Little Wife

Chapter 2596: The result is now caused by his hand.

Chapter 2596 is now the result of his hand.

Although Luo Qianqian had doubts, her parents did not say that she did not care to ask.

However, Luo’s father went to Gu Yunche to slam the door and said it when he played chess.

"Yesterday, the Nie family went to the house and had something to do."

Gu Yun's brows were tight, and he wondered if it was a thousand, and her mother was told by the Nie family.

"what's up?"

"It's not a big deal, just a few people screaming and sighing her mother." Luo father sighed and said.

The ancient cloud was dark and relaxed, and it seemed that it was not very pleasant, so let him rest assured.

"Aunt... is it serious?"

"It's not serious, it's just a little mad, but in the end we can't go back to people like a city." Luo father said with distress.

It was very mad at the time, but his self-cultivation taught him to exercise restraint, and he should not be as noisy as a shameless rogue.

Gu Yunche gave Luo’s father a cup of tea. “What happened?”

Luo father took a sip of tea and sighed and said.

"When I came over yesterday, the Nie family went to the house. The intention was to apologize and to marry me."

"But it was too unpleasant that day. Her mother didn't want to mention this thing. I didn't open the car that you sent thousands of dollars back. The other party thought that thousands of boys who taught such a big party, the family still To give her another marriage partner, it’s not a matter of falling in love, it’s a big money being taken up.”


Gu Yunche thought for a while and asked curiously.

"What is the big money, is it covered?"

In this case, he seems to be listening for the first time, and he really can’t figure out what it means.

Luo father frowned and stared at him for a few seconds. Anyone knows what it means.

However, he does not look like he does not know.

"This... anyway, insulting people."

This means that he is not too straightforward to say.

Gu Yunche heard a little understanding, simply picked up the phone to search for meaning.

After seeing the search results, the eyelids suddenly rose.

Luo father is holding the chess piece to prepare, and inexplicably feels that the person sitting opposite is murderous.

"You... what happened to you?"

Gu Yunche converges instantly and calmly said.

"It's nothing."

"Yesterday, I have to give them a lesson." Luo father said.

"Well, I will teach them." Gu Yunche immediately said.

Luo father groaned, "Are you going?"

"In short, it will cost them." Gu Yunqing passed a trace of cold light that was not easy to detect.

In these years, few people can provoke him to be angry.

Luo father thought about it, let him do it, and let thousands of mothers see how much he cares for her daughter.

"However, we haven't let thousands know about this, and don't tell her."

This kind of unbearable words tells her that just one more person is angry.

"Good." Gu Yunqi promised.

In fact, the people of Nie and the mothers of thousands of people have reached this point, which is what he expected.

However, he did not expect that things would develop so fast.

Although the result is now caused by him, but they insult the smashing of thousands of accounts, they still have to count with them.

He not only wants the Nie family to no longer be his competitors, but instead wants them to be his help to get the good feelings of the Luo family. Now things seem to have been completed.

(End of this chapter)

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