Chapter 2612 Fu Xiao Er, are you lame?

Xu Qian’s face, I don’t believe it, shouted.

"This woman will not solve it again. I am afraid that I will be headlined and discovered by your girlfriend. You will wait for Durian."

Fu Shiqin scratched his hair and gave Gu Yunche a phone call.

"What does Nie Linlin mean, she is not looking at you, what do you mean by looking for me now?"

"No, she is watching you." Gu Yunche said.

Although, this result is caused by him, but he will not admit it.

Fu Shiqin snorted coldly. "Are you moving your hands?"

Whatever Nie Linlin is doing, it should be a little self-aware that she will not run to provoke them to Fu.

However, she is now running to him like the konjac, and inexplicably enthusiasm for him, this is absolutely what the monster moved.

Gu Yunche did not answer him, just said.

"I think it is very simple to solve her with your ability."

"You can't change a personal pit?" Fu Shiqin angered.

He helped him to deal with Nie Sen, and now he has to help solve Nie Linlin.

"I believe that you have the ability to solve it." Gu Yunche said.

Fu Shiqin: "This is not the reason why you hang me. I tell you, you have to do this, I will do nothing."

Gu Yunqi was silent for a few seconds and said directly.

“How much compensation do you need?”

Fu Shiqin thought for a moment, "Will you pay?"

“How much do you want?” Gu Yunche is very simple.

"This is enough to say, OK, I will solve it for you." Fu Shiqin heard that he was willing to pay, and immediately changed his face.

Gu Yunche hangs up with satisfaction and can solve the problem with money. He has never liked to solve it himself.

Fu Shiqin negotiated the price, sweeping the gloomy and turning to Xu Qiandao.

"Isn't that Xia Linlin a fiancé, tell him to take him away and tell him that his girlfriend has a mental illness."

Xu Qian listened and frowned.

"Don't be so embarrassed."

"My first name in the world was almost ruined by her. This is called 狠." Fu Shiqin snarled.

However, it is estimated that she and her boyfriend’s marriage will be ruined in all likelihood.

Although Xu Qian said that, but he still made a phone call.

Fu Shiqin thought about it and said it with less confidence.

"And, tell Nie Sen to manage his own sister. If this person appears in my sight again, there is no need to talk about cooperation."

I don’t know how many pounds I have, and I ran to harass him.

I thought that things were solved as simple as that.

However, after two days, he was at work, and Fu Shizhen called him.

"Fu Xiao Er, do you want to be so scum, and your legs are still making trouble?"

"Human life? What stuff?" Fu Shiqin bent down and asked under the table.

"You don't even read the news. You searched hot, lame the other's fiancee, and also made someone else's stomach." Fu Shizhen said with gloating.

Fu Shiqin listened and asked aloud.

"I am getting bigger than others?!"

The loud conference room echoed his voice.

The head of the development department who is making a speech looks at the direction of Fu Hanyu and stops talking about it.

Fu Shiqin laughed and got up and said.

"A little urgent, I will go out and pick up the phone."

What a ghost, when did he squat, when did he get older?

Although he cohabited with Ling Xiao, but every time he did the measures, it is impossible to make her pregnant without marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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