Chapter 2662 Who loves who bends and bends

Gu Weiwei silently glared at this uncle who did not listen to the sound, and took a deep breath to remind him.

"I mean, you remind the people of the Qin family that it is not good for anyone who is in a big trouble."

His style, I really want to tear it up with people.

This matter is a big problem, the company's reputation is affected, the small model business will also be affected, and the Qin family is not good.

The fact that Qin Lang was looking for a woman outside was also an impact on Qin’s reputation.

However, now Meng Ruya is afraid that he will not think so much, just want to say it out.

Fu Shizhen touched his head. "I still think you can be thoughtful."

"Look at you later, signing people and then only look at the face, such entertainment companies do not last long." Gu Weiwei counts down.

The time-honored culture is all traffic flow, and when it is red, it is red and purple. After a few years, it has plummeted.

Then, the fans will smash the company's inaction and delay their idols.

Please, it is good to eat thirty-year-olds by eating.

Fu Shizhen nodded, and he himself fully realized the crisis of this company.

"Right, Meng Ruya will come to trouble, will not hurt you?"

Now his brother is not in the country. If his company’s people have caused his nephew to be injured and wronged, his brother will not be able to remove him.

"I will suffer in her hands?" Gu Weiwei asked.

"Yes, I think more." Fu Shizhen smiled.

His nephew usually looks pure and harmless, which really touches her bottom line, and the starting hand is also embarrassing.

In the same year, the Qin family and Gu Sizhen had a kidnapping of You You. She was a little bit soft and tortured by Qin Luna. The child now has a psychological shadow.

"And, next week is not a variety show, you and Ling Xiao together, to promote the film." Gu Weiwei reminded.

Fu Shizhen remembered his brain and laughed.

"I went to the show with Ling Xiao, and Fu Xiao Er was mad."

"Do you think your girlfriend and your future father-in-law will not be mad?" Gu Weiwei reminded him.

It’s all this time, I still want to hang my brother.

"Hey, look at my brain." Fu Shizhen lamented.

Originally, Ding Jia Er Lao was dissatisfied with him, and he asked him to make a noise. He and Dong Dong were afraid that they could not get married.

"So, just do a good job of propaganda, don't do things, harm others." Gu Weiwei seriously warned.

This little uncle, who is not in tune, is afraid of when the brain shines and thinks about the tricks of people.

"Know it, blind." Fu Shiyi nodded and accepted her advice.

Gu Weiwei took a few steps and thought of something, and turned back and said.

"And, the premiere meeting has already been confirmed, and you will send a ticket to Hechi."

"Give him a ticket?" Fu Shizhen looked reluctant.

"He has been asked a few times, I promised." Gu Weiwei said.

However, she did not have much time to send him.

"At the premiere, he is neither a media person nor a film critic, and he is busy."

In view of the gift from Hechi yesterday, he did not want him to be satisfied.

"He said that he had no chance to see Lu Hao recently, and he will go to see it at the premiere." Gu Weiwei said truthfully.

Fu Shizhen frowned and asked seriously.

"It’s all like this. He also said that he didn’t bend. Do you believe?”

"You who are not bent about my business, just casual." Gu Weiwei said calmly.

As long as it is not her husband, who loves to bend who bends.

(End of this chapter)

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