Chapter 2673 let my brother let me go.

Fu Shizhen made up his mind. In the afternoon, his brother had not returned yet, so hold the thigh of the donkey.

In this way, his brother will let him go.

After all, this family, his family, is only willing to listen to his wife.

Gu Weiwei got up at eleven o'clock and got up. As soon as she arrived at the living room, Fu Shiyi came together attentively.

It was to pour tea for her, and to cut the fruit.

Gu Weiwei was somewhat flattered. "Fu Laosan, who are you possessed?"

She has been married to Fu for several years, but it is rare when he is so diligent.

"Xunzi, last night's business, you adults do not count the villain too good." Fu Shiyi smiled and asked.

"What happened last night?" Gu Weiwei frowned and put a piece of fruit into her mouth. "What happened last night?"

Fu Shizhen scratched his head, and it seems that she also forgot the piece.

However, his nephew forgot, his brother did not forget.

"That is, I had a broken piece last night and said something that you disrespected to the blind."

Gu Weiwei remembered the words of Fu Hanxi in the morning and asked an eyebrow.

"What did you say?"

Fu Shizhen said with a hard scalp, "I won't let you go to my brother's car, saying that my brother doesn't like you, let you stay away from him..."

"Well, Fu Laosan, you can." Gu Weiwei put down the fork, the fruit did not eat, and the tea did not drink.

"Xunzi, Xunzi, I am not drinking a piece of nonsense." Fu Shizhen was crying and mourning.

Gu Weiwei hugged him with his arms. "There is a saying that after drinking the words, maybe you are drunk, just tell the truth."

Fu Shizhen slaps his slap on his own mouth, how can he owe it, not to drink himself like that.

"Xunzi, I really don't have it. I want to let go."

"Look at the call of your nephew, I see that is your real thought." Gu Weiwei shouted.

Fu Shiqin wanted to cry, and almost did not plop a sigh of sins.

"Xunzi, that's really not what I want to say. You see how much I respect you. I was the first to support you with my brother."

Gu Weiwei glanced at him and seemed to be thinking about letting him go.

"Xunzi, I want to let go, let my brother let me go." Fu Shiqiu asked.

"Okay, forgive you." Gu Weiwei said generously.

After that, he picked up his cut fruit and ate it.

Fu Shizhen sighed, but did not dare to relax completely.

However, the focus is not on his nephew, but on his brother.

"Xunzi, then my brother is there..."

"That's not what I can do." Gu Weiwei shrugged, but said helplessly.

Fu Shizhen wants to cry. "You can't be around, but who can control him?"

It is clear that East, his brother will never go to the West, still telling him here, not that he can control.

"Oh, such a small thing, your brother will not blame you." Gu Weiwei comforted, drinking a lot of nonsense, she just just teased him to play.

"He will." Fu Shizhen said affirmatively.

He is a stingy man, and he will not understand the brothers for decades.

In particular, he is more careful about the horror of his wife.

"I really don't know, he is your brother, what are you afraid of?" Gu Weiwei said with a funny smile.

"It’s just that my brother is terrible." Fu Shizhen cried.

From his brother's eyes in the morning, he knew he would clean up him.

He hasn't beaten for years, he doesn't want to be beaten.

"Then what can I do." Gu Weiwei asked.

Fu Shizhen immediately proposed with a smile, "You yell at him, let him not be angry with me, don't bother me."

(End of this chapter)

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