Chapter 2693 Explosion of your dog's head

The family looked at her and still couldn't believe her words.

Fu Hanzhen: "He Chi did not see the minutes, only saw you alone."

"Ji Cheng went to the bathroom at that time, so he didn't see it."

Gu Weiwei is really going crazy, He Chi’s big mouth, made such a big oolong.

Now the whole family thinks she is pregnant, and she explains that it is unclear for a long time.

Fu Hanzhen still can't believe it. He talked with Hechi before and after, and he was not so smart.

"What happened to the appointment surgery?"

Gu Weiwei repaid, but nodded the details.

"The uterine fibroids are examined in the chronology, and a minimally invasive surgical resection is needed."

When He Chi, the guy was so owed by IQ, he could think that she was carrying a cold tire to fight abortion.

"Isn't you pregnant?" Fu Hanyi asked again.

"I really don't have a pregnancy, really don't, how many times do you want me to say?" Gu Weiwei can't stand it.

The whole family looked at each other and Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, just fine."

Just a little trouble, they made them nervous, both worried and happy, and they felt like they were riding a roller coaster.

They just explained it clearly, and Fu Shiqin made a phone call back.

"Mom, is the throat pregnant?"

He said that his brother was so nervous and ran away during work hours. What happened?

As a result, He Chi called and said that he would like to be a second uncle.

"Why pregnant, Hechi old eyes are wrong." Mrs. Fu was too lazy to explain, said directly.

"Impossible, if not, my brother can not go back to the class?" Fu Shiqin did not believe.

Gu Weiwei watched Mrs. Fu there and Fu Shiqin desperately explained, and said to Fu Hanqi.

"Mobile phone lends me, my phone is out of power."

I came back late and late, so I didn’t care about charging. I came out again today.

Therefore, the mobile phone to the hospital was out of power, and the result was such a big misunderstanding.

Fu Hanzhen handed him the phone, Gu Weiwei directly dialed the pool in the call record and dialed the phone.

When He Chi answered the phone, he said.

"I will tell you in time, how can I thank you?"

"When are you ready to hit you, how about?" Gu Weiwei said with a grin.

"Hey... scorpion?" He Chiyi heard her voice and was shocked. "That... scorpion, I have no intention to see it. If you are pregnant, you have to discuss it with two people. You sneak a baby." Isn't it mad to die?"

Gu Weiwei was mad at him. "Who is pregnant, you are pregnant, your whole family is pregnant."

"...I can't pregnant," He Chi said.

"I am not pregnant, do you want to try again with a big mouth?" Gu Weiwei warned evilly.

He Chi lingered for a few seconds, but firmly believed that he was seeing it.

"Xunzi, don't deny it, I have seen it. I know that Fu Hanxi doesn't like children, but you can't secretly carry him to have a baby..."

Gu Weiwei gritted his teeth. "Are you jealous? I am not pregnant, I have no abortion, and you will talk nonsense and blow your dog's head."

After that, I hang up the phone directly.

He Chi looked awkward and looked at his mobile phone.

Oh, sure enough, the temper of a pregnant woman is big.

It is estimated that at this time, Fu Hanzhen found out that she had secretly come to the hospital, so she called to let him sell her whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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