Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 37--Night Raid


Da da!

"Huh?" Tomorrow noticed a hint of unfriendly atmosphere and immediately looked around, but could not see anything in the darkness.



"This is..." The sound was much louder this time. When Ming Tian followed the sound, he saw a white robe. Yu Ling, who was still under the tree just now, woke up at some point and knocked away the kunai aimed at him for him. "Captain, you're awake. Why did you wake up suddenly?" Tomorrow looked at the incredible phenomenon and couldn't help but ask. Logically speaking, Tian Ling would have been fast asleep for a long time.

"Well, my perception ability has detected strong malice. Go and wake up Mingyue and Yuetu. Now, it's time to fight." Yu Ling did not look back, his eyes were fixed on the enemy in front of him, and he put on the Tian Ling Liuqi posture. Hand gesture, he said calmly to Tomorrow.

"Okay." Tomorrow stopped being amused, and immediately jumped down, stepped on each of them, and woke them up roughly. "Wake up quickly, it's time to fight!"

The long-term perception of ninjas, Mingyue and Moon Rabbit are still good. As soon as Mingri stepped down, he jumped up. Mingyue even took out the ninja sword in his hand.

"Who are you?" Yu Ling asked nervously as he moved back, staring directly at the mask of the person in front of him.

"Come to kill you." The man in black robe replied emotionlessly.

"Who instigated it?" Seeing that he knew how to answer, Yu Ling took advantage of the situation and asked.

"There is no need to understand a dying person." Like a cold corpse, the man's voice had no fluctuation. There is no wariness against the night, no desire for battle, no excitement for blood...

"Okay. Let's give it a try." Seeing that he couldn't get any more information, Yu Ling didn't delay and fell directly to the ground to join his teammates.

"The enemy is a small team with an average strength of Jōnin. It's a very difficult battle. The tactics are mainly to delay the escape." Yu Ling leaned on his team members and shared the information he observed with them.

"Are they all jounin... It's really difficult." Yuetu bit his lip, feeling a little nervous. It's not like I haven't seen life and death scenes before, but the person in front of me makes me a little confused. Their masks were not the Anbu masks of any ninja village in the five major countries, but their costumes were so uniform. "What kind of organization is this?"

"You guys start running. Yue Tu sets up a barrier and tomorrow and Mingyue will protect her." This time, Yu Ling gave a clear instruction directly. And there is naturally a reason for thinking of doing this. Currently, the four members of my team are back to back, forming a square, but the enemy is not. Instead, all four members are gathered in their own direction. Such an obvious purpose made him give the instruction just now.

"Captain Tianling, you..." Mingyue felt something was wrong and did not move.

"Let's go, you can see it, right? Their... target is me." Yu Ling's voice slowly became colder, and the traces of tenderness disappeared one by one. As if he had made a decision, his aura suddenly changed.


The cold wind in the middle of the night in the forest was nothing to talk about, but no one among the eight people present cared about it.

The battle is about to break out.

"Very smart. Then stay here." The leading man wearing a skunk mask spoke first, and after these words, the three team members quickly surrounded Yu Ling.

That's right, just Yu Ling. The three people behind them were kicked in the side of the neck by the man. I fainted directly.

"Do you want to do it yourself, or should we help you get rid of it?" After eliminating the threat from the three people, Skunk Mask walked to a position one meter away from Yu Ling, stretched out his hand, and there was a dagger lying on it. This is the knife used to commit suicide.

Yu Ling still maintained Tian Lingliu's posture. When he saw the enemy was so close, he pushed out with a palm!

Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity!


There was a muffled sound, but the palm hit another palm. The man in front of him noticed Yu Ling's movements and responded quickly, pressing his palm against his palm.

"I thought children were spineless. Then I can only kill you."

"Oops, he seems to be serious. The chakra is moving, is it in his hands... Earth Escape." Sure enough, after a moment, the man pressed his hands hard on the ground.

"Earth Release: Earthquake Core!" With a low roar, a square plate began to fall, falling straight into the depths.

"There's no need to be like this... It's an A-level ninjutsu from the beginning. However, this depth also allows me to use blind techniques." Yu Ling was a little surprised. He thought that the other party would test it first. It seems that I have been underestimated again.

"Wind clone! Water clone! Fire clone!" Yu Ling thought for a moment and decided to use three clones to challenge.

"Okay, let's make a surprise attack first." Battles pay attention to rhythm. If you take away the enemy's rhythm, then you have a chance of winning this battle. However, if he is led by the enemy all the time, he will definitely die.

"Fire Release: Blazing Kicks!" The fire clone took the lead in performing the ninjutsu, flying over the wall with his bare feet, jumping out of the pit in an instant, and directly entangled the nearest female ninja.

"Wind Release: Fierce Sky Palm!" The main body used ninjutsu and sent the wind clone and water clone out.

"Okay, the next step is to do it yourself." With that said, Yu Ling got into the soil.

On the ground, four black-robed ninjas were a little surprised when they looked at Yu Ling who suddenly flew out.

"This kid is interesting. He didn't give up. Let's just kill him." The captain ordered, and the three team members drew their weapons. They are all standard short knives.

"Short sword... This is interesting." Yu Ling noticed this and continued to lurk underground. "Fortunately there are no sentient ninjas, otherwise the sneak attack would be useless.

The wind clone faced a strong man and was using his agility to pester the strong man. The water clone encountered a more flexible ninja, and it did seem to be a bit difficult. At this time, I saw the captain slashing at the water body with his sword again.

Seeing that the time had come, Yu Ling took advantage of the captain's center of gravity to rush towards the surface.

"Earth Release: Heart Beheading Technique!"

Success! Yu Ling jumped out of the earth, buried the captain in the ground, kicked away the ninja who was fighting with the water body, then kicked off one foot and rushed towards the strong man!

Tianlingliu·First Style·Horizontal Whip!

As soon as he came up, he used his strongest physical skills and slapped the strong man on the back of his knees hard, knocking him to his knees. The wind clone seized the opportunity and kicked him hard on the head, knocking him down. He kicked it over.

The fire clone's side suppressed them from the beginning, and now they are naturally pushing back the female ninja step by step without any doubt.

"This kid. Okay, everyone, please get serious!" the captain roared with his head stuck in the dirt, and the four of them reunited.

Now, it's four versus four on the front.

"It's really shameless for four adults to bully a child." Yu Ling looked at the opposite side and stood up one by one. The captain also got up from the ground and started to attack with words.

"To achieve the goal, any means necessary." The female ninja looked at Yu Ling, her voice was also so calm.

Ice cold.

These people seemed like... puppets.

"No need to talk nonsense. It will be resolved before dawn." The captain slowly raised his hands, made a seal, and gave the order.

"Yes." The other three said in unison, then spread out from the captain, jumped, and surrounded Yu Ling and his clones from four sides.

"It's really going to be four against one, okay. Then we can only make the noise louder, and it will be great if someone comes." Yu Ling saw that he was unable to fly this time, and was ready to ask for help by delaying time.

"Water Release: Big Explosive Water Wave!" The captain decided to strike first. After seeing the team members in place, he summoned a torrent of chakra on the field and rushed towards Yu Ling.

"Water escape... Then use earth escape. But it would be bad if there is thunder escape. Earth escape, earth flow wall!" Yu Ling kept in mind the mutual restraint of chakra attributes, although he could not completely block this with his own chakra. An offensive, but relying on Tu Ke Shui's relationship, he can buy himself time.

Time, in this battle, is of the essence.

In order for other team members to perform combined ninjutsu, the three clones had jumped out of the water and found an opponent. However, this time under Yu Ling's instruction, the goals of the three people have changed.

The fire clone was the fastest and faced off against the agile male ninja. The wind clone had the ability to repel, so it was best to keep a distance, so he faced off against the female ninja. The remaining water avatar has a certain degree of control and can be used as a containment against strong men.

"But, after all, it's just a clone. It can't be restrained for a long time. Then I have to be a little faster." Thinking about it, Yu Ling himself jumped up and fell from the rock wall to the water, holding both hands seal.

"Come down? This is my territory!" As he said that, the captain galloped towards Yu Ling, but not on the water, but under the water.

"Huh? Is this also the use of ninjutsu? It's a bit interesting." Yu Ling looked at the enemy disappearing under the water, his interest was piqued, and he was a little anxious to see his current posture.

"Thunder Release·Earth Walk!" Without any hesitation, Yu Ling activated the ninjutsu he had just prepared in advance. The palm of his hand reached into the water, and he released the thunder attribute chakra unscrupulously.

"Well, I'm not up to this level yet, so there's no need to go up. Water Release·Water Boomerang!" Floating underwater, looking at the thunder flow spreading like his own, the captain carefully analyzed the damage of the thunder flow. After defending himself, he calmly formed the seal and performed the next ninjutsu.

Darts composed of water jets shot up from the water, aiming at Yu Ling who was squatting on the water.

"Huh? Something is coming, and it's going very fast." Yu Ling felt the intensive fluctuations of chakra flying towards him at high speed, and left the place with a somersault without hesitation.

As soon as Yu Ling stepped forward, those darts shot out of the water, piercing the water splash caused by his movement.

"It seems that I didn't hurt him just now. Was it not enough damage or not enough distance?" Yu Ling didn't care about the threat he posed to herself, and instead began to think about the flaws of his own moves. "Let's test it with the clone first."

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