Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 59--The Art of Finality

"Successful... it was really dangerous." Yu Ling breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling a little proud of his sudden wisdom just now.

The second Tian Lingliu move that appeared out of nowhere just now was an evasive move. Within one second of receiving damage, it can increase body speed and reaction speed to counterattack or dodge. In terms of effect, it's a pretty good ability.

Kimimaro in the air felt uncomfortable.

The previous mouthful of thick blood had already damaged his vitality. Now he was hit in the Dantian. His body was unable to hold on, and his right arm returned to its original shape.

"It's such a strange ninjutsu... It's very difficult to deal with. It's even more important to keep him here. Yu Ling..."

"Why are you working so hard?" Looking at Kimimaro who barely got up again, Yu Ling felt the flaws in Kimimaro's body and didn't rush to take action. He just asked casually.

"It's none of your business... I can do anything for that man." Speaking of that man, Kimimaro's eyes glowed brightly, and he stood up, raising his head and saying proudly.

"Who... is that man? Why do you look so admired?" Yu Ling had no experience of following someone or admiring someone. He felt a little confused about Kimimaro's performance in front of him and could not understand his behavior.

"Huh? That's the greatest man in the world! He saved me. He is the number one ninja in the world who will achieve immortality!" He became even more excited, with bone spurs exposed all over his body, and he was trembling up and down with his heavy breathing. With.

"So... who is he?"

Such good information must not be missed.

"He! Lord Orochimaru! The real savior!" Speaking of Orochimaru, all other thoughts were thrown away, leaving only a heart full of reverence and praise.

"Orochimaru... I've never heard of it." Just as the captain of the ANBU team, Yu Ling was not qualified to know the previous secret missions. For such a veteran ninja, it is natural that he does not know or understand him.

"Orochimaru...that student of the Third Generation? I heard he defected many years ago..." As a member of the younger team, Tsukito has heard of this name. When she was young, this name caused quite a stir. ah.

"You... don't know Lord Orochimaru! What a shame and humiliation! How disrespectful to Lord Orochimaru! As the number one person in the ninja world, you actually... don't know him!?" Kimimaro gritted his teeth, somewhat intermittently. Guan, rubbing his upper and lower jaw vigorously, clenching his fists tightly, and the bone spurs continued to grow.

"So who is this Orochimaru... I really didn't listen... huh?" Yu Ling, who was still scratching his head and thinking hard, felt an abnormal burst of chakra. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and he focused on Jun in front of him. On Maru.

A brown tail grew out.

Right behind Kimimaro.

"Is this the complete form? It's almost the same as Zhonggo over there..." Chakra became even more violent, and the speed of chakra flowing in the body was close to that of Yu Ling's clone.

This means that Ninjutsu can achieve smooth hair without seals.

In a battle, this little time can give you a huge advantage.

"Fire clone! Wind clone! Earth clone!" In Yu Ling's view, the only way to survive in such a situation is to go all out and struggle with all your abilities.

His chakra stores were running low now. Facing an opponent who has a lot of chakra and can seem to replenish it at any time, the most dangerous thing is to count the amount of chakra and drag it on.

"Clone... a boring trick. With contempt for Lord Orochimaru, you have no reason to ask me to let you live. For Lord Orochimaru..." Kimimaro's body disappeared into the ground.

"Where did he go...my perception actually failed, and I can't feel his presence at all..."

With five clones surrounding him, Yu Ling forced himself to stop the panic in his heart and searched the ground bit by bit.

Apart from the normal chakra floating around in the world, there is nothing else.

"You can die... Corpse Veins·Early Fern Dance."

Chakra instantly entered the ground, and the Dantian seemed to be a bottomless pit, endlessly requesting and releasing chakra, and its own bone spurs gradually seeped into the ground.

Kimimaro, who was underground, arranged the scene meticulously, without any idea of ​​the people watching from above.

"Such a powerful chakra...is it some kind of powerful ninjutsu? Spread out!" As soon as Yu Ling felt something wrong with the chakra fluctuations, he commanded his clones to leave the place, jumped over a few times, and surrounded returned to the original standing position.

A thick skeleton broke out of the ground.

It's like it grew directly from the ground, reaching straight into the sky and towering into the clouds.

"Huh... luckily I escaped. This..."

Poof, boom!

A hurricane rose from the ground without warning. This familiar chakra is clearly Yu Ling's wind clone! This Wind Release Ninjutsu is also the momentum of Wind Release: Eye of the Storm!

"The wind clone...huh? The memory has been sent back. There are bone spurs in the ground one after another."

Poof, squeak!

"Huh? This time it's...Thunder Escape·Tian Lei Feng."


Fire Release·Black Smoke Explosion.

Water Escape·Mist Hidden Technique.

"Oops... the enemy is hidden and we are clear, the situation has become unpredictable again... He is very strong. Moon Rabbit... is still fine. Well, to be honest, there are no ninjutsu anymore. Maybe the earth escape's boarding ninjutsu It will be useful." He closed his eyes, feeling the bone spurs constantly pouring out of the ground, controlling himself and the earth clone, constantly shuttling through the bone forest, trying to perfectly avoid sudden attacks.

This is obviously impossible.

Not long after, Yu Ling's legs were already covered with scars. Tiny blood beads connected into red lines, slowly flowing on the surface of the skin, staining the outermost white robe.

"Go to hell! This is my last dance, cough! You will die here." Underground, Kimimaro was salivating, holding on to his cracked vocal cords, suppressing the scream of this sentence, outputting wildly Chakra.

For that adult, Orochimaru, Kimimaro would give everything he had.

What is life?

"Lord Orochimaru... Ahem! I'm sorry I can't be your test subject..." Pathological admiration and following created such a strong man.

"Provide my final dance!" The body merged into the nearest and thickest bone spur. Kimimaro's chakra disappeared into the ground again, completely integrated into other substances, and moved irregularly underground at high speeds. He was tracking the clones of Yu Ling and Tu who were also fleeing without any plan on the ground.

"It seems like he's moving... Is it really him." Yu Ling really didn't dare to confirm. After fighting for so long, if Kimimaro could move underground at high speed, he should have used it long ago. Why wait until now?

"The strongest spear..."

The bone spurs rotated, and each bone spur that passed by was reabsorbed into Kimimaro's body, and condensed on the surface of the body, covering his right arm, assisting Kimimaro in breaking through the ground or diving without any hindrance.

"Let's clear out a safer place first...Earth Release: Gravel Dance!" While commanding the earth clone, Yu Ling turned around, with his back to the earth clone, and punched down hard, causing bone spurs in the area to respond. It shattered, and along with the flying gravel, white bone fragments also flew all over the sky.

"Earth Dragon Thrust!" Kimimaro came out.

Not from underground.

Instead, he stretched out his upper body from the most primitive bone spur on the side, held up the self-proclaimed strongest spear, and stabbed at the unsuspecting Yu Ling.

The spinning spear pierced through.

The speed of penetrating the flesh is worthy of this title.

Blood spattered everywhere, and a hole suddenly appeared on Yu Ling's shoulder. "Out comes... dirt."

His voice was a little weak, and the momentary pain coupled with the continuous bleeding, and the lack of Yang Qi also made him uncomfortable, but he still followed his original plan and successfully gave the earth clone a chance to fight back.

Ninjutsu with a single attribute can bring about certain effects, which are really stronger than the main body.

"Earth Release: Rock Fist Technique. Earth Release: Aggravated Rock Fist Technique." The two ninjutsu Muyin were activated. Kimimaro, who had not yet been able to stop the momentum, took the strongest spear and directly hit the prepared weapon. huge fist of dirt.

If you just want to deal with Kimimaro in this way, you are a bit underestimating his strength. Of course, he also underestimated Yu Ling's IQ.


Not surprisingly, the strongest spear, with its unstoppable rotation, still successfully penetrated the fist with two Earth Release Ninjutsu bonuses, and forcefully pierced the arm.


"Earth Escape·Great Rift Valley!"

The wait is now! Two bottomless ravines appeared in vain, exactly where Kimimaro's feet were!

In this state, the strength of the entire lower body is equivalent to being emptied out. The feet cannot touch anything or each other. Without the ability to use force, there is naturally no way to break free. The bones covering the arms impede movement, and thus there is no way to use the arms to get out of danger.

"Am I going to lose here... Orochimaru-sama, I've let you down..." Kimimaro struggled, twisted his body, and manipulated the bone spurs to change his posture. What he couldn't change was the fact that he was trapped. .

"You lost...do you want your companions to stop too?"

"Ahem... Orochimaru-sama... I'm sorry." Kimimaro's previous enthusiasm slowly returned to normal, and his body returned to a humanoid shape covered only by long black strips, with the tail behind him retracted.

Somewhat exhausted, I looked at Chonggo who was still fighting as if he had lost himself, feeling a little helpless and powerless.

"Kill me." Kimimaro looked calm and had faced death. When he faced it again, he no longer felt so nervous and hesitant, but felt a sense of relief. It was his honor to do his best for Lord Orochimaru. It was his privilege to die in battle for Lord Orochimaru. It's just a pity that I couldn't complete the task.

"Well, your companion...can you ask him to stop?" Yu Ling was obviously more concerned about his companions who were facing crisis. The situation has been stabilized here, but it is still heating up over there.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. But just kill me." This was Kimimaro's request. Wanting to die at the hands of one's acknowledged enemy is the outcome that every ninja hopes for. Of course, it would be better not to die.

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