Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 63 - Solving the first line of defense

"Can I ask you to just kill me."



"You are the ninja I like. It would be a shame to die. You will be useful to me."

"But, I am useful to Lord Orochimaru. I want to become his body."

"What if he thinks you're useless?"

Create something out of nothing. But as a provocation, it couldn't be better. Yu Ling still doesn't know who Orochimaru is. But from a few words, a powerful ninja who was cunning, cunning, ruthless and ruthless slowly emerged in his mind. What I just said may not be right, but it may also be true.

Who knows.

Believe it or not, there is nothing.

Kimimaro's loyalty still prevailed.


"Then why are you two the only ones out to investigate?" This was a question that Yu Ling was a little curious about, and he just asked it with the mentality of giving it a try. In other people's territory, there were two brazen fights. It was strange that no one came to trouble me after staying there for a while.

"Others... are not as useful as the two of us." He looked for a life-saving straw for himself a little childishly.

"Then you are too weak. Is the man named Orochimaru the only ninja like this?"

"Lord Orochimaru is very strong. We have embarrassed him." As if he didn't feel Yu Ling's excitement, Kimimaro was still answering his questions rationally.

"How dare a ninja who can't defend his home say he's strong?" Yu Ling was more targeted, trying hard to make Kimimaro aware of his provoking method. Now it seems that it is of no use at all.

"That's not Orochimaru-sama's problem. If you talk about Orochimaru-sama again, I will definitely kill you." Simply because of Orochimaru's trust in him and his follow Orochimaru's kind of reason, to this day, Ling is still Wei BuRan supported Orochimaru.

"You don't have that sensible person named Jugo. Anyway, you should do what suits you and what can help you, right? Well... what did Orochimaru-sama do for you?" It's still a guess, Jugo's There is no such simple solution to the problem. Yu Ling can think of it. It is impossible for a ninja who is famous in the ninja world to think of it. But since he hasn't been cured after so long, I can only say that the ninja may be too selfish to want to treat him.

"Lord Orochimaru is my role model, my benchmark. I will always aim to follow him." His head lowered, the hope for life and the expectation of serving Lord Orochimaru disappeared in his eyes. The determination to seek death shone brightly in his heart.

"Do you just...want to die that much?" Yu Ling was a little speechless. It's really hard to deal with someone who has such a strong backbone. However, he didn't intend to give up. He couldn't bear to kill such a physical nemesis.

"Yuetu, please excuse me." After giving a wry smile, he turned his head and ordered Yuetu.

"It's better to... be good captain." After understanding the intention, Tsukito set up his seal and looked directly into Kimimaro's eyes. A trace of chakra mixed into Kimimaro's body, once again disrupting the chakra structure. balance.

"Let's wait and see the effect. By the way, if the chakra is not enough, I can transmit it to you."

"Yes, Captain."

"Brother, what do you think of the captain's strategy? To be honest, I'm a little worried."

"Indeed, but this doesn't violate Konoha's mission instructions. As long as it doesn't cross the line Captain, it'll be fine."

"I'm not talking about dealing with prisoners of war, I'm talking about rescuing that Jonggo. Is this a stabilizing factor for our mission?"

"Well... that's true. But it shouldn't matter. It can be understood as a "necessary cover-up to obtain information." Mingyue thought for a while and finally found a reason to excuse Yu Ling.

"That's it. Okay! The captain is fine."

"But you still have to remind him. He has only been in ANBU for a short time, and he should help if he is not familiar with the rules. As a ninja, he has really good qualifications, and I don't want him to be dealt with."

"That's right! I don't want to change the captain."

"Okay, okay, then help the captain. Now just keep an eye on this Jonggo."


"How's the lurking team doing?"

"Back to Danzo-sama, the team is currently safe. There are no enemies in the area. There is no news yet from the Jonin Squadron of the Land of Fire. They just reported that a large-scale battle occurred. After the Tianling team annihilated our anti-killing team last time, they suppressed and Two of Lord Orochimaru's subordinates were captured. Their names are Kimimaro and Jugo."

"Is Yu Ling still fine? That idiot Orochimaru can't do this well. Jugo and Kimimaro... huh? Jugo and Kimimaro! Isn't this the strongest combination that Orochimaru claims to be at the moment? How could that be? ... "

"Destroy them one by one. Judging from the traces on the site, the lurking team reported that they were defeated one by one. The order is Kimimaro first, then Jugo."

"Destroy one by one... the character of being fearless in the face of danger. Why don't you give me the root? I will make him the strongest root supporting Konoha! That pedantic old man Hiruzen!"

"Lord Danzo, please calm down."

"Send the order, continue to monitor! Add a team of people to monitor Orochimaru! Who knows if he is up to something."


"What illusion did you cast?"

"The Art of Kasumi Servant."

Kimimaro's expression seemed unusual, he was a little nervous but seemed nonchalant. Yu Ling became curious and asked the moon rabbit next to him.

"Kasumi Servant's Jutsu? That's not... hmm? Why do you cast such a strange illusion?"

Yu Ling had also heard of this technique, and it was considered a rather nasty illusion. The effect is to disrupt the target's listening through the changes in smell and pressure in the air. In one's imagination, one sees familiar or unfamiliar people one after another, and becomes deeply involved. Generally it can only be removed by being moved or assisted by companions.

"This technique doesn't require me to control it myself. Chakra is injected into the air around him, and I can rest. Otherwise, I have to control the changes of chakra all the time."

"That's it... Then if you have no problem, I'll go there first. Jugo's side is not sure yet. If there is any movement, be sure to notify me."

"Okay, Captain."

"By the way, if you have time, teach me some illusions. I seem to be immune to illusions, but I am quite concerned about illusions. It would be best if you can learn them."

"Okay. Believe in your own talent." Yuetu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Yu Ling, who has strong frontal combat ability, would actually like an illusion with no combat ability. Looking at the entire ninja world, there are only a handful of powerful ninjas who are proficient in genjutsu, and no one is willing to devote more time to genjutsu.

It's not as practical as direct ninjutsu.

"Brother, did he move just now?" Tomorrow caught a glimpse of some movement from the corner of his eye, and asked directly towards Mingyue, who had his back turned to him.

"Huh? I didn't pay attention. Let's take a closer look first."

"Captain Tianling is here."

"Yeah, but don't relax."


"Tomorrow will shine brightly, has there been any change in Chongwu?"

Far away, before the figure arrived, the voice had already floated over.

"Not yet. Movement has just been detected, but now he is still in a coma. His physical condition remains the same, and no changes caused by Yang attribute chakra have been found." Mingyue is better at reporting this kind of thing, in just a few sentences It completely explained the situation during this period.

This ability will not be even half as good tomorrow.

"I see... the progress on both sides is a bit slow. Our main task is to rescue Captain Yamato. Otherwise, I will let the clones do the reconnaissance first. You should still guard Jugo, and I will personally control the clones. You also need to ensure that the surrounding people Be safe. These clones will assist you. The Art of Shadow Clone."

After a few weeks, I used an ordinary clone for the first time, and my hand felt even better. Although there seems to be no difference, the distribution of the seven attributes of chakra contained in the body is more pure. The chakras of a single attribute are gathered together, unlike the entanglement in the human body.

"Yes. But, captain, doesn't he need us to investigate? Our ability to protect ourselves and hide is more direct and safe, right?" After listening to this, Mingyue expressed her thoughts. He didn't want the captain to take over everything, as this would be tiring and prone to mistakes.

"Yeah, but I don't think Orochimaru will be an easy character to deal with. So I can't let you take risks. If you go separately, the loss will be smaller. They should already know our whereabouts. If you are willing, you can also You can release your clone to assist me.”

"Yes, Captain." The two brothers replied in unison, then sat down cross-legged, facing Jūgo, and released their shadow clones.

"lets go."

Three black shadows rushed into the woods, while the members of Tianling's team sat in place and controlled the clones.

"Don't spread out. With the strength of the shadow clone, you can't survive alone. If you want to spy, you need one person to act as a bait, and then I will take the opportunity to sneak in."

"Then let me be the bait! My combat attributes are relatively high, and my brother is more careful than me. I should be able to follow the captain to lurk. Leave it to me outside, you can go without worry!" Tomorrow imitated Kai and gave a thumbs up, The shadow clone suddenly accelerated and surpassed Yu Ling, running forward without looking back.

"Um, tomorrow. Do you know where the Sound Ninja Village is?"

"Ahhhh? What, oh! I don't know. What's wrong?" Tomorrow still didn't react, he just turned around and kept running forward.

"Then why are you running around..." Mingyue didn't wait for Yu Ling to say anything, but she started to yell at Mingri, blocking his footsteps and making him pause. His feet got mixed together and he fell off the tree trunk.

"I, I, I...I don't know..."

"Why don't you know again? Weren't you running vigorously just now..."

"I don't know why I ran..."

"You... follow the captain carefully and act after receiving instructions. Remember, this is no longer the Land of Fire."

Seeing the serious look in his brother's eyes, Tomorrow couldn't help but lower his head. He promised in a sad voice, jumped onto the tree trunk again, and followed the two obediently.

"Have the arrangements been made?"

"Yeah. It was a little dangerous just now, but I still put it in well."


"Why are you lying to me... I've really let it go! I'm so strong, are you afraid of failure?"

"Then I'll trust you for a while."

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