Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 102

"So I'm from the same Earth nation as your ancestors?" Casto confirmed to his cousin.

Lin Mingtong nodded and said, "Yes, you are the same as me, your ancestors came from this big country in the eastern hemisphere of the earth. "

Casto was torn in his heart, he wanted to find out the reasonable reason for the change in family culture, so he said: "Our ancestors gave up their Oriental identity because they hated Oriental culture, right? After all, Oriental culture is repressive, introverted, and the suppression and negation of human nature will be difficult for most people to accept." The emancipation of human nature and desires is the driving force for the development of modern society. Oriental culture is not in line with the development trend of modern society in nature. I suppose my ancestors had their reasons for abandoning Eastern culture, right?".

But his cousin denied him: "No, according to my research, they gave up oriental culture just because they were chasing the trend of the times at that time. They like Western culture, but they don't understand the ideological nature and philosophical connotation of Western culture at all. They just love the loud music, the fancy costumes and the paintings. For a long time, they had bad tastes, and in the early days of the Martian Frontiers, the Cavendish family's exaggerated and flamboyant clothing aesthetic and special penchant for large, intricate works of art made many aristocratic families ridicule them. It wasn't until a few years or so that your family was largely integrated into the context of Western culture after a long period of cultural immersion. But in the past few years, it seems that you are going to abandon Western culture again. "

Casto said helplessly: "Alas, so...... My ancestors were actually just chasing the surface of Western culture, and those gorgeous works of art were only the external manifestations of culture, and abandoning the core to pursue the outside could only make the spirit go to barren in a gorgeous bubble. "


my cousin heard Casto's regretful speech, she said as if she had let go of a hanging heart: "That's right, huh~ I'm relieved, you can still face these calmly." "

Casto shook his head and smiled: "Actually, it's not calm, I'm very entangled in my heart right now." I'm thinking about my identity. I am a reformer, a person who pursues ideals, but the hypocrisy and superficiality of my family culture may also affect my pursuits. These complex identities and factors have shaped my consciousness, and I may not be aware of this influence. "

Sonia took Castor's hand and said to him, "Don't be so self-critical, dear. Be clear about your thoughts and allow yourself to live consistently, you don't need to be completely clear about what the past has affected you. You just need to condense your pursuit of beauty into an idea that convinces you and brings value to the world. "

Casto smiled wryly, "Hahaha, it's too hard. First of all, it must be logically self-consistent in theory, and it must be consistent with the laws of the world. People's dreams should not only arise from the heart, but also conform to the objective world. Most people are either lost in their own desires and prejudices, or they are immersed in the external material world. Sometimes I wonder if the spirit and dreams of the same inside and outside really exist?"

Sonia nodded firmly and said, "Existence, man itself is a product of nature. There must be a part of the human spirit that conforms to the laws of nature, let yourself think in accordance with this part, and fully understand the principles of your own inner self and the world. By combining the laws and states of the human mind with the external world, we can generate a self-consistent inner world in the human heart. But I think that modern culture is precisely anti-natural. Modern culture uses utilitarian values to construct the underlying behavioral logic of human beings, and this seemingly rational value will eventually bring irrational results. Perhaps this era calls for a reinterpretation of reason. "

Griffith admired Sonya's point of view, saying, "What a great thought. I never thought of this layer. I've always been puzzled by the intense pursuit of desire and materialism in modern times, because it's obviously boundless. You have just woken me up, although desire and material pursuits have no boundaries. But they can all be explained utilitarianly and can be truly perceived. This sense of reality makes people who are weak in their hearts feel dependent, and human beings gradually lose their mysterious inspiration and creativity. Under the guidance of utilitarian reason, all human behavior can also be explained by utilitarian logic. Human beings have lost their existence as unique individuals and have been alienated by this rationality. "

Sonia continued: "Thank you for your appreciation, the rationality of modern society is actually short-sighted rationality based on short-term interests, and it does not make people think about long-term and nobler pursuits. People need to keep their search and knowledge of the laws of the world, and at the same time reserve a part of the spiritual world for themselves. "

"Hahaha, what a contradictory thought. Castor laughed.

Sonia said: "No contradiction, take this war as an example, can you say that both sides of the war are not rational? They both made rational choices, but the direction of the war is unpredictable by either side. Under the domination of reason, the two sides have gone down a path that no one wants to see or expect, and isn't this where the absurdity of reason lies?"

"But isn't rationality based on logic and practical interests a part of nature?" Lin Mingtong asked.

Sonia did not deny Lin Mingtong, but she led the topic to the virtual world in the society of the earth circle: "Of course it is, but isn't it too one-sided to only accept reason? After all, practical interests cannot satisfy everyone's desires, so most people often choose to escape after learning the truth. I know that 70% of the people in your society will eventually end up in the 'dream pod', right?".

Griffith replied, "Yes, many civilians end up in the 'dream pod'. To provide spiritual food for the society, people who cannot realize their dreams in reality often choose to enter the 'dream cabin'. "

Sonia smiled and said, "Hehe, I've also seen the so-called metaverse world created by the people in the 'Dream Pod'. There are all kinds of whimsical ideas in it, but they are pitifully thin, there are no emotions and impulses at all, and they lack a solid ideological core. Beauty needs to be based on nature and philosophy, and these people who enter the 'dream cabin' construct a dream world in the constant hysteria, and indulge in superficial illusions with the people in society. There is no real spiritual home here at all, just duckweed-like rafts. "

Cousin Lin Mingtong agreed with Sonya's words, she said: "There are still many people who think that the people in the 'Dream Cabin' are very happy. As everyone knows, they are just escaping reality. At the end of utilitarianism is endless hedonism, and almost everything in the 'dream cabin' can satisfy human pleasure needs except for the absence of actual material things. But I didn't feel any strong and rich souls in the 'Dream Pod', they were all empty. "

At this time, the waiter served four portions of mashed potatoes, Sonia picked up a spoon and rolled a piece, tasted it in her mouth, showing a somewhat disappointed expression, and then said: "This is also a social selection mechanism, in this way, people who escape social competition can contribute to society in a way that creates spiritual wealth." It is a pity that their spiritual wealth does not have much to praise, and these weak and pitiful spiritual products will only make people indulge and will not gain any spiritual motivation and inspiration. "

Castor said: "Therefore, our aristocratic families generally prevent their children from coming into contact with the metaverse world in the 'dream pod'. "

Griffith said with some disgust: "It is ironic that the invention of spiritual wealth has in the end become not only a tool for maintaining stability, but also a tool for distinguishing classes." "

Sonia wanted to find an outlet for some depressing topics at this time, so she said: "Human beings must stand firmly on the basis of reality in order to create works with noble spiritual power. Both divinity and humanity are part of nature, and human beings need to do this in practice if they want to unite divinity and humanity. "

Griffith frowned and said, "But human nature is very complicated, and divinity is pure and noble. I think the two are contradictory. "

Sonia smiled: "Hahaha, I don't think that there is a shadow of divinity in human nature, and people should learn to purify the divinity in their spirit." "

Casto suddenly realized: "In other words, keep exploring inward. "

That's right, this is the way of thinking about Eastern culture. "

When Casto heard this, he seemed to uncover the knot in his heart, so he said: "Hahaha, I don't seem to be so disgusted with oriental culture when you say that." "

Lin Mingtong's cousin further elaborated on the essence of Oriental culture: "Maybe you have misunderstood Oriental culture, which was not oppressive at the beginning. The benevolence, moderation and etiquette advocated by the philosophers thousands of years ago have been distorted by later generations. His ideal is for people to feel the spirit of etiquette and benevolence from within, and then put them into practice. Later generations, however, turned etiquette and charity into external rules to bind people. "

Sonia nodded and said: "From the inside, this is indeed very clever, this is equivalent to making people feel their conscience and emotions, and from it there is a huge spiritual motivation. "

Cousin Lin Mingtong sighed: "That's right, but few people in later generations understand, they only praise the greatness of the saint, but never understand the heart of the saint. "

Casto said: "I see, it seems that I have a deep misunderstanding of Eastern culture. "

Lin Mingtong further explained the reason for the repression of oriental culture: "That's right, but it's not your fault. Eastern philosophy has a large number of concrete ideological guidance, but the lack of precise and metaphysical theoretical system, coupled with the filter of time, has caused the ideological characteristics of concrete but abstract, vague and difficult. It is precisely this kind of vagueness and abstraction of ideas that gives people with ulterior motives a lot of room to distort their ideas for their own use. So the people of that time had to defeat many of the saints of the East, because they were no longer what they were. It's fabricated by people with ulterior motives behind. They are no longer mere people, but a tool, a heavy statue pressed against a person. "

Sonia said: "And after all, people must realize their true state of life, which is the real way out and liberation of life." "

Lin Mingtong continued to sigh: "Thousands of years ago, human beings completed the axial breakthrough almost at the same time, and the awakening of self-consciousness shaped the starting point of the path of Eastern and Western cultures. But now, both the West and the East seem to be lost. "

This sigh that spanned the millennium of human history seemed to ignite a certain passion in Sonya, and she said: "Yes, so we must go back to the origin of the axial breakthrough and complete a new axial breakthrough in the new era." On the basis of this breakthrough, everyone will find their own way. Man will realize the awakening of his soul and the new freedom of spirit and material. "

At this time, a high-level meeting was underway in the Arbiter Conference Hall in the city of Weiyang. The top management of the arbitration commission is holding talks with the top management of Antonios, Norma and the Hayreddin family, who came to Earth two days ago.

Banderlo, the representative of Antonios, spoke first, who was anxious to dissociate himself from the Pluto rover: "We must make it clear once again that the blueprint for the Pluto rover's warships and warplanes is in no way authorized by us. Their blueprints are all locked down and can't be updated and upgraded through technical reserves, which would never be the case with our fully licensed products. This time, we have brought these cultists who stole the blueprints from the company and asked the arbitration committee to deal with them. "

Deputy Speaker Lehman obviously didn't believe his rhetoric, and said-for-tat: "It's been at least two years since the blueprint leaked, and you haven't found out until now?"

The representative of the Norma Group nodded and said, "That's right, this group of cultists has a huge network of organizations in many companies. Norma Transport Group is experiencing the same problem. They even wanted to steal the blueprints of the Sunwhale carrier. But our security services cracked their criminal syndicate, which ......


The secretary general of the arbitration committee, Morris, said impatiently: "Well, you did not come to earth to complain to us. Say, how is the compensation going to be arranged this time? Your Lancer destroyers and Bullfight-class destroyers are indeed performing well, but aren't you a little stingy when you only give us the authorization of these light combat ships? When the arbitration committee was first established, you claimed that you would give us the most advanced blueprint technology, but there has been no follow-up until now. Up to now, except for the Thunderfire Company and Jupiter Industries, no company has ever funded us with the blueprint of a super capital ship of the cruiser level or above. If you continue to do so, your voting rights on the side of the Arbitration Council will be invalid!".

Seeing that the Secretary-General was angry, Bandero immediately showed weakness and said: "Ah, don't get excited, Secretary-General Morris." We are also trapped by some high-level voices who think that we still have too little trade with the Earth's sphere. They felt that it was a bit of a haste to deliver the blueprint technology to the arbitration council without a more valuable trade agreement had been signed. "

Speaker Borodin said, "Oh, more valuable, now that Mars has been beaten like this, what more valuable trade deal do you want? What of the eight planets we don't have open to you besides Earth's original repository and artwork?".

"Yes, some of the higher-ups have been clamoring for trade with Weiyang City, so it will be difficult for us to do ......," Banderro continued.

Secretary-General Morris immediately responded strongly: "No, the trade of Weiyang City must remain independent, and agreements must not be signed with monopoly companies." "

Bandero sighed: "Alas, this makes it difficult for us, these high-ranking people of ours are very obsessed with exclusive trade with Weiyang City. "

"Is the St. Andrew's Group interested in doing business other than killing kings?" said Deputy Speaker Lehman abruptly.

Bandero responded sarcastically to Deputy Speaker Lehman's tentative reply: "Haha, don't pay too much attention to their past. What's more, our Executive Directors are also very much looking forward to the further expansion of trade in the Earthsphere. "

"Hmph, I see that Antonios' forces are entangled, and your directors can't control it now, right?" asked Secretary General Morris with some disdain.

"You can rest assured that our Executive Directors have absolute leadership. He just didn't want to hurt the internal harmony. Also, I've heard that the Arbitration Committee is planning a Pluto rover removal operation called Project Carpet. Now that the power of the rover has grown so strong, can this plan be carried out smoothly, and if not, is it expected that our security forces of Antonios will be able to intervene in the dispute over the solar system?" Banderlo's words made the atmosphere in the venue instantly tense.

The corners of Speaker Borodin's mouth rose slightly, and he said unhurriedly: "You don't have to worry, our 'carpet project' actually started a year ago!"

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