Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 106

However, the human beings living in the new homeland have not given up their original habits, they still use money to drive human desires, and under the expansion of desires, they have established a prosperous business circle on Mars, and the nobles of Mars use this as a base to extract the wealth of the entire solar system and even the whole universe. Thinking of this, Casto felt a little regretful, and he said: "Mankind has entered a capitalist society since the eve of the cosmic age. People have long been accustomed to capital, and if there is no capital, there is no money-driven life, people will not be used to it, right?"

Sonia asked rhetorically, "When the new era comes, will the slaves feel uncomfortable without the whip of the slave owner? The emancipation of human beings requires the abandonment of some of the inertia of life, and the inertia of capital driving human beings seems reasonable for the time being, but from the perspective of jumping out, the way capital drives people is absurd and irrational. It alienates man's mere purpose into the indulgence of desires and the predation based on animal instincts. "

Griffith nodded and said, "That's right, in this sense, capital that seems to be refined and perfect, and follows the logical development is barbaric and disorderly. The infinite expansion of capital will lead human beings to the abyss of desire, and eventually become completely disillusioned with reality and go to the 'dream cabin'. "

Sonia took a sip of water and said: "Yes, but human beings need order, but capital does not want to create any order, what capitalists want most is a free market without any constraints, and lead mankind to the abyss completely according to their own interests and desires." This disorder represents the absurdity and chaos of the world. Human beings are born to fight against this absurdity, and human beings need to use their own reason to fight against this absurd world, and use the order in their hearts to fight against the disorder of the world. "

"Then how to break the control of capital on human society?" Castor is interested in concrete solutions to transform the world.

Sonia said: "Establish a new order, build a new world with reason free from the limitations of one's own desires and nature." In essence, human disputes are all about fighting for living space and core interests, which are caused by the distrust between people and the indulgence of people's greedy desires. And capital has exacerbated this indulgence in these millennia, and it is time for the millennia of human desire carnival to come to an end. "

Griffith laughed: "Hehe, it's too difficult to get people to give up the competition for core interests, how can people trust each other completely?".

Sonia asked, "There are so many technologies and ways for humans to express themselves, why don't humans dare to open themselves up completely? "

Griffith shook his head and laughed, "Hahaha, do humans have the courage to open themselves up completely? Even humans dare not face their own meanness and darkness, right?

Sonia replied firmly, "Yes, the antidote is in everyone's heart." "

"Hahahahahaha, this is too mysterious. Griffith still couldn't believe it

Sonia said: "No, the external material world has long laid the foundation for our future, what reason do we have to linger outside the door of the future? It can only be said that human beings have not been psychologically prepared, and the ignorance and escape of desire, selfishness, and the dark side of themselves make people obsessed with the external world and not think about their own fate and the fate of the group. In the final analysis, this is not a problem caused by material abundance, but a malaise in the human spirit and weakness of the heart. For human beings, the material basis has long been in place, and the road to freedom has been paved, but human beings have been trapped by their own narrowness for thousands of years. "

Sonia thought about it again, and then said: "It's not just my own narrow-mindedness, I always feel that AI has become a material basis of human society, controlling and transforming our spirit. However, I believe that mankind will eventually achieve free and comprehensive development, from the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom. This is the ultimate direction of human life. "

On the other side, in Weiyang City, the high-level meeting of the arbitration committee is ready to continue. On the way to the conference hall, Robert Downs, deputy general manager of Jupiter Industries, said to Vice Chairman Lehman: "At present, our ground equipment production capacity is close to saturation, and it may be difficult for us to meet the new order you have just proposed." "

"In that case, let's wait for the representatives of Antonios and Norma to come over, and we'll ask them if we can sign some new contracts. "

"Wait, Vice Chairman Lehman, please forgive me, we really don't have enough capacity. Moreover, if the production capacity is rashly expanded, with the current situation, the war will soon end, and the time will ......


Vice Chairman Lehman looked left and right and whispered to him, "How do you know that there will be no new war to be fought then?"

"Oh!?" General Manager Downs was immediately interested, his eyes widened involuntarily, and the eyes under the lenses sparkled.

Seeing that the representative of Jupiter Industry was temporarily appeased, Deputy Speaker Lehman said: "You just need to continue to provide us with equipment, don't worry about anything else, in addition, the 'Heart Sound Faction' Army has provided a lot of equipment drawings and technical blueprints, and we have only recently completed the inventory." I'll send them to you in a moment to see if these weapons are valuable. He then walked to the conference room.

The representative of Jupiter Industries followed suit, and he asked emotionally, "Can you tell us a little more about the new war plan?"

Deputy Speaker Lehman looked left and right, and then said sternly: "This is not something you should know, you just need to know that you must always supply us with weapons, and it is your duty to respond to our needs, understand!?"

The representative of Jupiter Industries was embarrassed and said, "Oh, that's not fair to us. "

Entering the conference hall, Vice Speaker Lehman, who was about to sit down, stood in front of the conference table and asked sharply, "Fair? Is it fair that you took over the Martian nobles' property and reconstruction fund project? Do you know how much pressure we had to get this project from the Martian Consortium?"

"Vice President Lehman, is there such a big anger?" said Antonios, who had just entered the conference hall, in a strange manner.

Deputy Speaker Lehman glanced at him and said, "Heh, the Pluto rovers have not been wiped out, and they have more advanced warships and warplanes in their hands, can I not be angry?"

Bandero smiled and said, "Well, you don't have to worry, we have just made interstellar contact with the headquarters, and the headquarters thinks that we can negotiate the blueprint authorization of the new Constantine the Great-class battlecruisers and hunter-class cruisers. "

After hearing this, Deputy Speaker Lehman said with some impatience: "Oh, very well, we really need the ship-to-ship firepower of the new Constantine the Great-class battlecruisers. Are we going to start negotiations now on the agreement on these blueprints?".

Bandero suddenly changed his words: "Of course not now, there are more important things now." We heard that this time the Pluto rover conducted some kind of experiment on Mars. You have found experiments that fuse silicon-based organisms with carbon-based organisms, do you have dissected these experiments, and can you disclose the results of the analysis to us? "

Vice Speaker Lehman smiled and said, "Hahaha, there's something wrong with your intelligence again, isn't it? How can a silicon-based creature be combined with a carbon-based creature? But it's easy to say, wouldn't a chip in your head become a silicon-based or carbon-based fusion creature?"

The corners of Banderlo's mouth rose slightly, and he said, "Deputy Speaker Lehman is really joking. You seem to have refused to cooperate with us biologically, and you have never disclosed to us information about life on Mercury and Venus. Since the fall of the Divine Star Empire, there has been a pitiful amount of non-carbon-based biological data and experiments in existence. You should understand our thirst for information and technology. "

Deputy Speaker Lehman asked, "What do you want to do with these things? Create new life? Do you want to be God?"

Bandero replied disdainfully, "Hmph, I've heard that there are people in the earth who want to be gods. "

Deputy Speaker Lehman shook his head and said, "I don't know if there is anyone in the Earth Circle who wants to be God. But now you're asking us for something that doesn't exist. You need to get away with these unrealistic ideas and talk about our next collaboration in the 'Carpet Project', which is the most meaningful thing right now. "

"We need to know the full extent of the carpet plan, including the deployment after the elimination of the Pluto rover. When one of the Antonios delegation had finished speaking, Bandero stared at him with a slight wrench, motioning for him to say no more. The delegation of Norma and the Hayredding family looked a little surprised, and they kept talking to each other. Deputy Speaker Lehman was pale and remained silent.

Speaker Borodin was stunned for a moment, and then said unhurriedly: "The 'carpet plan' itself is aimed at the Pluto rover, and after the elimination of the Pluto rover, the entire solar system will have permanent peace, and we don't need to deploy anything, does this representative have any misunderstanding about us?"

"Haha, probably, but I also hope that the next action of the arbitration committee will not cause us any misunderstanding. Especially with regard to the resumption and development agreement plan of Stargate, we do not want the current arbitration committee to interfere too much. After Bandero finished speaking, the representative of the Norma Group also nodded and said: "We believe that the signing of the development agreement will threaten our outer star field, which is not conducive to the peaceful development of the post-imperial era. "

Speaker Borodin asked, "Oh? Isn't there a threat to the security of the galaxy from your Norma company's blueprint trade?" We want to standardize the blueprint agreement in the entire galaxy now, and we can't let the blueprints of warships be bought and sold at will, because if this continues, the chaotic era will never find a way to develop." "

Andrei Shmilev, the representative of the Norma Group, nodded and said: "Well, of course what you said makes a lot of sense, but do you have any specific opinions?".

Speaker Borodin said: "I propose that the Blueprint Archive Encryption Technology Agreement be included in our negotiations on the Weiyang Convention. We will keep all blueprints encrypted and trade blueprints within the galaxy in the form of archival technology boxes. All other blueprint transactions will be banned, and any private trading of blueprints will be severely punished by us. The revenue of the archival technology box is shared equally between us and each company. What do you think, delegates?".

Bandero said, "Well, that sounds good, but is this also a constraint on the existing forces? We have already granted them the right to use the blueprint, and if this agreement is hastily enforced, I am afraid that they will be detrimental to the arbitration committee." "

Speaker Borodin told the delegates: "We will consider this, and we will recognize the legitimacy of the blueprint in the hands of the forces that cooperate with the companies, provided that these forces join the Weiyang Pact." "

"Well, let's talk about the division of the encryption profile. The representative of Jupiter Industries said impatiently.

"How much does the cryptographic archive cost?" asked Norma's representative, Shmilev, impatiently.

Deputy Speaker Lehman said, "We think 150 Proxima Centauri is appropriate. "

"Oh, that's not enough money to buy one of your 'luxury jewelry' on Mars. Bandero smiled a little contemptuously.

Deputy Speaker Lehman said, "But the higher price is also too unfair for the other forces in the universe. Proxima Centauri and Hallowed Stars don't have many coins in circulation in the universe, so could there be a better token than these two hard currencies?".

Shmilev said: "You can set up a point system to exchange for chests, which will also promote the desire of the pioneers to conquer. "

Bandero immediately retorted: "We are not building this system for any pioneers, but to get more economic benefits, don't we? We need to determine the price first!" In this way, the members of the arbitration committee discussed with the major companies for two days, but still no result was discussed.

Deputy Speaker Lehman, who walked out of the conference hall, said to Speaker Borodin: "We need to find out the traitors, and the Antonios company estimates that it has infiltrated many people into the earth's sphere." However, they didn't go far before they were stopped.

"You two, there's something we need to talk about privately. "

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