Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 125

The deputy battalion commander asked, "They ambushed the mechs over there?"

"I guess so, but they don't have much heavy equipment, but we should be cautious, I don't want any of you to die in vain. Lieutenant Colonel Sanga said.

"Go ahead!" Lieutenant General Rao must be in a hurry, he handed out injections to the soldiers, and I really don't want them to use this thing. The deputy battalion commander said to Lieutenant Colonel Sanga.

"Do you really want to push through and let Lieutenant General Rao sit in and die?"

"This ......


"I don't want him to die like this, I want to take him back to Pluto. Lieutenant Colonel Sanga said.

"Do you have any plans?".

"Would you like to go back to Pluto with me?"

"Of course!" replied all the soldiers excitedly.

Lieutenant Colonel Sanga smiled bitterly: "Heh, it seems that it is more tempting to return to his hometown than to arrive in the Divine Domain. "

At this time, Lieutenant General Rao sent a message: "Why are you advancing so slowly!? Hurry up and fight forward, they may have less than 700 men left." There's not much heavy equipment either, so what are you waiting for!?".

"There's enemy armor ahead, and we've just met the 'White Witch', and she's hurt a few of us very badly. I think we need to stay put. "

"You wait where you are, I'll bring my troops here!" said Lieutenant General Rao angrily.

After 20 minutes, Lieutenant General Rao arrived at the front with almost all his troops. Surrounded by more than 30,000 infantrymen, he sat in a Thunderbird mech. The mech walked up to Lieutenant Colonel Sanga, Rao opened the hatch and jumped down, walked up to Lieutenant Colonel Sanga and shouted, "What are you afraid of!? There are not many enemies left!".

Lieutenant Colonel Sanga shouted, "I don't want these soldiers to die in vain!" and the surrounding soldiers all looked back at them. Lieutenant General Rao looked around, and he noticed that the soldiers' expressions seemed to waver, and a hint of confusion appeared on their faces.

"What the hell are you afraid of!? You have led these 1,000 people to make meritorious deeds before, even if there is a division on the other side, you have never been afraid, what is wrong with you now?" asked Lieutenant General Rao.

Lieutenant Colonel Sanga asked, "What are we going to die for!?".

"For God's sake!' 'For the eternal order of this world!'" replied Lieutenant General Rao without hesitation.

Lieutenant Colonel Sanga confronted Rao and said, "Order?

Lieutenant General Rao accused: "Arrogant! You fanatic, like those of the Xinyin faction, think that you have the order of this world in your heart? It is too arrogant, the order of God is unknowable, it is mysterious and distant, and it is our final destination!"

"If this order wants us to die, then it is better to let this order perish!

"You !!" Lieutenant General Rao was about to put on his pistol when he heard a loud bang, and he looked up at the 18th floor of the automatic defense ion cannon charging.

"Advance everybody!Seize the core control area, whether I live or die, take it down! Senior officers must enter the core control area and find a way to gain control!" Lieutenant General Rao did not choose to retreat, but almost lost his mind and let his soldiers run towards the dark core control area.

Rao looked at Lieutenant Colonel Sanga, who was standing there, and said, "Hurry up, what are you waiting for?"

"If you go in, you will be able to control it, will we be able to control it for you, will we be able to control it for you, and if you go in, it will be a dead end, what's the difference?" Sanga's eyes were fixed on Rao.

"Go in and you will be glorified and saved!"

"You can satisfy your self-esteem if you go in!, right, you don't care if other people want it or not!".

"Shut up!".

"You are a man of honor, and even more of a man of shame! Don't you understand that the higher-ups are persecuting you for that!?" shouted Sanga.

Enraged, Rao pulled out his gun and pointed it at Sanga. But Sanga snatched Rao's pistol with one hand and knocked him to the ground. He grabbed him by the neck and said to him, "Sir Rao, please take back the order and let the soldiers surrender or take the elevator to break out!"

"Don't think about !!".

"Then don't blame me!" Sanga struck Rao hard, knocking him unconscious.

The deputy battalion commander asked him, "What next?"

"We took Rao out. There was a landing ship to pick us up. "

"What about the rest?".

"Leave them alone, we can't take them away, we can only protect ourselves. Take advantage of the chaos inside, let's escape first. "

In the core control area, Sonia looked at the overwhelmed Casto and asked, "Don't force yourself, honey, we can persuade them to surrender." "

"According to the original plan, we should have eliminated them, you thought these people were ...... I won't surrender easily, but I'll have to control these weapons, just in case. "

"Give me control of the broadcast, and I'll go talk to their officers. Sonia said.

Sonia walked out of the core control area and said to the officers and soldiers of the 3rd Corps who entered the core control area on the radio: "Lieutenant General Rao, the officers and men of the 3rd Corps. Archbishop Banerjee has betrayed you, and he has left you on this icy planet. The troops armed with the firefighters will arrive soon. There is no need for us to fight like this any longer, please lay down your arms. "

"You must be scared to say that! we still have a chance to kill you!" one of the officers shouted.

"What's the point of killing me? Is that what Lieutenant General Rao meant? But your Lieutenant General Rao doesn't seem to be there, is he? He didn't come in with you. "

All the soldiers looked to the left and right when they heard Sonya's words, and they seemed to notice this. The officers were also a little flustered, and the lead officer said, "He must have been taken captive by you!"

"Yes? Do you have any proof? I've been here to heal since I was slashed by the commander of your 'Dead Soldiers' Camp an hour ago, and you could have asked your Commander of the Dead Soldiers' Battalion! Oh? Is he not here either? After Sonia finished speaking, the group of soldiers suddenly stirred, and they talked about it, some of them thinking that their commander had betrayed them.

"I'm not going to guess your chief with malice, but the truth is that he didn't come in with you. For various reasons, you have been abandoned here. But I swear that if you lay down your arms now, I will never abandon you, nor will the Pluto Revival Army abandon you, and the entire circle of the earth will accept you. You will find your true home!".

After Sonia finished speaking, many of the soldiers seemed to waver, and the officer at the head said, "We killed the firefighters and killed so many of your comrades, are you sure that we will treat our captives well?"

"As far as I know, you have been protected in the rear fort by Lieutenant General Rao since the start of the war. You didn't fight the firefighters directly, and it was the Wanderer forces that just fought you, just surrendered to us. You didn't kill any of the firefighters in this battle, and we certainly won't do anything to you. "

The officer who had just spoken whispered to his colleagues: "In this case, I think it is better to surrender, Lieutenant General Rao is not here, even if the core control area is not captured, there is no point." "

"No! we must not become infidels!" said some of the devout believers among the officers.

"Is it necessary to be martyred? The archbishops have betrayed us!" one officer objected.

"Don't you understand what Lieutenant General Rao said? We must fight to the exhaustion! So that we can transcend! Only then can we be sublimated and become an eternal existence!"

"We cannot betray Lieutenant General Rao. Almost all the soldiers said in unison.


arguing of the officers, Sonia and Castor, was heard through the listening devices in the core area, and Casto lamented, "What they are looking for is not pleasure, but eternity." Even died at the expense of this goal. "

"Oh, but this will not be eternal, it can only be reduced to nothingness, and I need to talk to them again. But Sonia was about to turn on the radio when she heard a message from among the officers, "Lieutenant Colonel Sanga, where are you?" and an officer turned on the video communication, and Sanga's image appeared on the projection screen.

Sanga said to the soldiers: "Lieutenant General Rao is here, we are attacked. He no longer has access to the core module. I will break through with him, and you will hold on here! Buy us time! Do you remember what Lieutenant General Rao said to you? Fight to the end of your strength, and let no one question your faith! Kill all the infidels!".

"Yes, that's right! We're going to kill them all. As we agreed, inject your injections and shed the last drop of our blood!For Lieutenant General Rao!For the sake of the Divine Domain!Kill !!" Then all the soldiers took out the injections, stabbed them into their arms, and rushed towards the center of the core with red eyes.

"No, they must be killed!" Casto said, glancing at Sontag. Together, they focused on the automatic weapons that slashed at the soldiers, mechs, and tanks. But after more than a minute, all the weapons were extinguished.

Sonia cried, "Casto, Livre!" and Kasto and Livrew fainted from mental exhaustion, their eyes and ears dripping with blood.

Brigadier General Aziz opened the core pod at this point, and he asked, "Can't they urge automatic weapons anymore?"

"Yes, they've all passed out, woo-woo......" Sonia cried.

"There are probably more than 4,000 people left, and it's up to us. The monsters you've placed over there are all out of control, and you're messing with the soldiers, so I think it will give us some time. Alas, the firefighters have not yet arrived. "

Sonia nodded and wiped away her tears and said, "There's no way, I can only delay as long as possible to hold here." After arranging for the medic to take care of Casto and Livlough, she left with Brigadier General Aziz.

On the periphery of the core module, the monsters were almost completely cleaned up, littered with human bodies and monster stumps. More than 1,000 soldiers seemed to be red-eyed, rushing towards the core module in fear and frenzy. Suddenly, a flash of blue light cut off the soldiers in front of them. Sonia appeared and slashed at the opponent's light infantry with the "Blue Amber". The hoplites beside her joined the fray, entangled the few remaining hoplites on the enemy's side. After killing more than a dozen infantry in a row, Sonia gestured to her hoplites, who threw smoke grenades and retreated with stealth.

Just as the enemy soldiers were wondering, tanks and mechs suddenly appeared from both sides and fired at them, which were the only remaining armored troops of Brigadier General Aziz. But instead of fearing them, the soldiers rushed forward to fight the steel machines hand-to-hand. "Crazy!" Brigadier General Aziz scolded, "We can't let our brothers be killed by these madmen, let's go!" and he commanded more than 200 infantry to rush forward, trying to divide the enemy fire between the mechs and the tanks.

Sonia also rushed forward with the hoplites, and for a moment there was a shout of killing near the core cabin, and thousands of people were biting each other like beasts. Sonia felt exhausted after killing more than sixty soldiers. In the midst of the chaos, Brigadier General Aziz was suddenly shot in the chest. He looked at the man who shot in the distance in confusion, and it was Major General Anantara, who was aiming at Sonia with a large-caliber rifle.

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