Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 127

"Yes, and me!" Emilia flashed from behind Colonel Robinson.

"How do you ......


Emilia said disdainfully, "Cut...... The group of firefighters were reluctant to launch a full-scale attack, and we disobeyed the order and led our troops to attack. The gang of madmen outside has been dealt with, I really have never seen such a crazy enemy, and there is no way to fight. But they rushed fiercely, and they died quickly. "

"Won't you be punished?"

Emilia pouted and said, "Anyway, we didn't suffer many casualties, and the soldiers were caught off guard by us." What can they do with us? It's a big deal, let's not say we've annihilated more than 2,000 people, and they won't dare to do anything to us as long as they're not blind. By the way, how is Casto?".

He ...... The situation is very bad. Sonia took Emilia and Colonel Robinson to Casto, and Emilia saw Casto's condition and scolded, "These brutes! "

Emilia fiddled with the communication device as she spoke: "I'm going to call someone, now that the battle is basically over, there should be a lot of equipment empty in the field hospital." He is the biggest contributor to our campaign, and the military will definitely send someone over soon. "

"Okay, thank you!" Sonia hugged Emilia and cried again.

"Oh, I've never thought you're so crying......" Emilia said, stroking Sonya's head.

Sonia watched as Casto was plugged into the new maintenance machine. Reluctantly watched him being sent away. She then left the dungeon with Emilia and Colonel Robinson. As the elevator went up one by one, Sonia's heart suddenly lifted, and she asked Emilia, "Is the person who transports Casto to the hospital reliable?"

Emilia replied, "Of course, it's the one who Uncle Cuthbert and Admiral Li Xiaowu personally arranged. "

"Sorry, I might be too nervous. "

"There is no need to apologize, your worries are normal. We also suspect that someone is trying to kill Castor. Emilia said with a gloomy face.

"Do you think so, too? Is there anyone on the firefighters' side who is stopping you from coming to save Casto?"

"Well, yes, they don't know, but when we offer to come and save you, they make all sorts of excuses. What automatic weapons have not been dismantled, the enemy army is still very strong, and what 'dead soldiers' battalion can't be defeated. What, the 'Black Knights' are here, what are they afraid of. "

Sonia asked, confused, "Why are they doing this?"

Colonel Robinson said: "It is said that some nobles and chaebols felt that Castor's rapid promotion would threaten their future interests in the army. Hehe, just like they did with me, even if I have noble blood? Casto is also a member of the Martian thousand-year-old noble family, so what? Nobility is never a talisman, power and money are the power that comes, it's really frustrating. "

Emilia said with a slight sarcasm, "Oh no, the old black brother is still depressed!".

Colonel Robinson pouted and said, "Tsk, I'm a human being, too! I'm not a war machine, what's wrong with complaining?".

Sonia asked, "You are also a nobleman?"

Colonel Robinson replied, "Well, there is aristocratic blood, my father was an aristocratic officer who underwent reformation surgery, and my mother was his black sexual partner, who was said to be very tall. I don't remember much about her, she died very early......


"What is your father's family?".

"The Robinson family of Mercury, the first colonists to pioneer Mercury. "

Emilia interjected: "Haha, you are not so much a family as a community, the first people to explore Mars came from different Earth countries and peoples, and they are not related by blood. "

Colonel Robinson said regretfully: "But this does not prevent them from distinguishing between the noble and the low by blood ties in the future, hmph, it is a miracle that such a traditional system has not died out until now." I feel that my family only has interests, no emotions and warmth. But their communication is effective enough to benefit both business and politics. I sometimes wonder if human beings exist for the continuous development of the material world, then emotions are not an asset but an obstacle for human beings. "

Sonia sighed and said, "Castor is just like you, suffering from the same confusion. The family didn't have any etiquette problems with them, but they didn't have any superfluous emotions either. He didn't feel much affection and attention, and this changed after he entered the military academy. Recently, his family has taken him more seriously because of his constant promotions. But when he really gained the 'love' of his family, he found that in addition to his parents. The love of the other family members is fake, just pretending. They are hollow inside, with only a Colosseum of desire and reason. "

Colonel Robinson went on to ask, "So what's the use of love?".

Sonia replied, "Let's live more like people." "

Colonel Robinson then asked, "Does the existence of man have meaning, or is it true that we have to be human to be our ultimate answer? Is it really necessary for us to remain human? Is human nature really an obstacle, a sickness of inadaptation to the world and an innate illusion


Sonia replied, "It depends on whether man can conform to his own human nature and do something greater than a machine, if he loses that ability." Without waiting for machines to destroy humanity, humanity itself will destroy itself. "

"Can that person really be better than AI? AI is now restricted, and if we let it go completely, where should we be placed?".

Sonia stared at Colonel Robinson and asked, "Are you afraid of death?"

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of losing meaning. Colonel Robinson said.

"Hahahahahaha, I really didn't expect you to be such a person. Sonia laughed.

Emilia complained: "This big guy has been like this lately, and he is a little stunned. "

Colonel Robinson ignored Emilia and continued: "After watching 'The Three Musketeers,' I thought about it a lot. Richelieu was not a heinous man, but he was not a good man either. Many of the things he did were for the good of the country, but he was a complete villain to many people. Thousands of years later, it doesn't seem meaningful to evaluate his life. Does that country still exist on Earth today?".

Before Sonia could speak, Emilia replied, "There are still them, most of the countries on Earth still exist, but many countries have merged. "

"Even if it exists, then does it really have meaning in itself in this continuation? What is the effect of meaning in the process of continuation? Or is it useful for the continuation of human beings? Or perhaps, the continuation of human beings itself is meaningless?".

"Tsk...... Do you have a meaningful life?".

"I don't know, I'm missing some meaning right now. After learning something, I felt that the world was a little empty. "

"It's a nuisance, but you're still fighting fiercely. "

"I didn't meet anything really powerful, and I feel like I might be distracted at times. "

"Ah, Sonya, you should be able to beat him by now! Hit him!" Emilia said to Sonia with sudden excitement.

Sonia was amused: "Hahaha, I don't want to fight right now. "

Emilia put her arm around Sonia and asked Colonel Robinson, "Look, she's laughed!

"Well, a little easier. "

"You see, does thinking about meaning have results? Or is it the energy that the people around you bring to you that are more important. Don't spend too much time on abstract issues and love concrete people. "

Sonia nodded and said, "That's right, but only if there is love." If we completely abandon the sincere emotions and impulses of human beings, human beings will lose the ability to love. And love is based on simple human emotions, so how can it be said that emotions are not necessary?".

"Hahaha, it's a logical loop! Got it, old black brother?" said Emilia with a playful smile to Colonel Robinson.

Colonel Robinson said, "Well, I didn't get you out in vain. "

"Cut, that's utilitarian!" Emilia grumbled.

"I mean, it's worth it for me to save such a clean life. You're more sober than most, but you're not using your sobriety to play with other people. After saying that, Colonel Robinson saw that the elevator had reached the surface, and he stepped out of the elevator, and the sun shone on his dark face, and the golden light made his face shine like pottery, with the earthy atmosphere.

Emilia laughed, "Hahahahaha, my old boss is becoming more and more like a real person. "

Sonia asked, "Wasn't he like before?"

"I can't say that I don't like people, but I don't live so soberly. All the thoughts were used to fight, and only later did they change. "

"When did that change?".

"When my ex-boyfriend died in battle. Five years ago, I was a company commander in the 41st Regiment under the command of Colonel Hitchkaya Kadia, and my immediate supervisor was Robinson, who was a major battalion commander at the time. My ex-boyfriend, Roger O'Briens, was his most effective company commander. At the time of the Battle of Venus, we were assigned to defend a fortified area on the Laxmi Plateau. Cadia has a crush on me, and he deliberately removed a platoon, thinking that he would come and kill the hero when we couldn't hold it anymore. Outcome...... The Golden Army is coming...... He didn't expect so many people to die, and when he arrived, he saw me holding Roger on the ground crying. Robinson rushed over and punched Cadia. Cartier continued to apologize to Robinson and me, and kept saying nice things about Robinson at the nobles. Robinson saw that he was not too bad in nature, so he forgave him. But I haven't been able to forgive him. "

"You shouldn't forgive him, he jokes about war, this man lacks reverence for life. "

"Perhaps, but he was later known as a good man in the army, and many noble officers did not understand why he was so kind to the lower ranks of soldiers and officers. They felt that Kadia was a fool, and that a major general treated junior officers as treasures, which was simply unreasonable. Only Robinson and I know that he has been trying to atone for his sins and fill the hole in his heart. "

"Haha, it's quite conscientious. But you still shouldn't forgive him, and if you do, you may not be motivated to be a good person. "

"Hehe, are you so sure of human nature?".

"Yes, I don't know him, I can't jump to such conclusions. "

"I don't know if he'll stick to being a good man, I just know I can't forgive him right now. If it were you, would you be able to forgive him?".

"I might have killed him when he arrived. "

"Hahaha, you're so ruthless. "

"But I can't say that I'm right to do this, if I kill him, then he can't continue to atone for his sins. I can only say that if I were in my own right, I might do it. "

"It's so pleasant, but this world has never been so pleasant. Emilia sighed.

"Well, actually, I don't live happily, and I don't live exactly according to my own heart. "

"Do you have something to hide from me?"

"Yes. "

"Tell me about it. "

"If you can say it, why do you have to hide it? Hide it from you, of course, because you can't say it. "

"Hahaha, okay, then I won't ask. Emilia laughed. They then headed to the shuttle and headed for Cassini Space City.

Two days later, Castor had a limb transplant and brain repair surgery. When Castor was stabilized, Sonia went to visit him.

Looking at Casto, who was covered with maintenance equipment, Sonia almost cried again. The weak Casto said softly, "Haha, I never felt that you were so crying. "

"Shouldn't I cry?".

"There's nothing that shouldn't be done, especially for lovers, right?".

Hearing Castor say this, Sonia stroked his face and said, "I'll be here to accompany you quietly, don't talk too much, you need to recuperate for a while." "

"Yes, but I'd like to hear the tune you've been humming for the rest of the day. It's Beethoven, right? I want to hear what the battle against fate looks like. "

"No, that voice is too intense for you right now. "

"Haha, that's right, I need to listen to something alive, let it out. "

Sonia then connected to the portable stereo, turned down the voice, and played Beethoven's Sonata No. 23. A gloomy voice sounded, as if doubts had rippled on the surface of the lake of life. The hammer of fate that followed made people think about a way out. At the end of the thought, the refreshing ideal theme appeared, which was the melody that Sonia often hummed.

"It's a nice paragraph, but ......" As soon as Casto finished speaking, the ideal theme came to an abrupt end, and the collision of reality caught the ideal off guard. After experiencing the constant collision between ideals and fate, light and darkness, the whole song has come to a climax like a torrent. Sonia hurriedly lowered her voice, but Castor said, "Turn it up, the anger and power of this song are so touching." "

After a desperate struggle between ideals and fate, the first movement ends with an undercurrent epilogue. "Has the ideal failed?" Castor muttered.

"Yes, but the song isn't over yet. With Sonia finished, the piece entered the second movement, and after anger and despair, life seemed to be enveloped in solemnity and solemnity. Gradually, the vitality in the melody slowly emerges. It gradually came alive, like a gorgeous fantasy of the future, jumping like a deer in the creek and the forest. Not long after, the fantasy ended, and the theme returned to solemnity and solemnity again. Sonia turned off the music and said, "That's it for today, we will have the opportunity to listen to it in the future, just as the struggle between fate and ideals in this song will never end." "

"It's amazing that ancient humans created music like this without AI and sound calibrators. I am afraid that we will not be able to reproduce this impulse and despair. "

"Don't be so desperate, Beethoven created such works to make people constantly fight against fate, not to make people succumb to external arrangements. "

"Can you really be that great?" asked Castor. Decades later, the phrase still reverberates in Casto's mind. Looking at the sky full of stars and thousands of warships outside, he felt desolate and lonely like never before.

And Casto, who is now in the ward, is frail, but his heart is full of warmth and brightness. He was immersed in the beauty of Sonya's face and the emotion of the passionate sonata he had just heard.

One hour later, Lieutenant General Richter ordered Sonia to report to his office, and she had to reluctantly leave the room. Sonya, who got into the car, was preoccupied. When she arrived at Lieutenant General Richter's office, she was scolded by Richter: "It's not for your vanity to let you fall in love with Casto Cavendish!, but to control the future aristocratic core military power!".

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