Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 132

"Yes, I was assigned to the fleet near Uranus' headquarters. Sonia was a little sorry at first when she heard this, and then she noticed Castor's subtle expression, felt that something was not quite right, and asked, "Is the top of the 'Shenyin Sect' going to do something against Uranus again?"

"Most likely, it's said that they're assembling an alien fleet and are about to launch a major attack next month. "

"yes, so what are your plans?".

"Carry on the war and destroy the enemy. "

Sonia was a little angry when she heard this, and her face sank and she said to Casto: "This doesn't sound like what you say now, you now look like when I first met you." "

"Maybe, I'm reviewing my life now, from the time I joined the army, met you, fought all the way, and was promoted. What exactly have you done wrong these days? "

"I don't think you've done anything wrong. "

"Are you still telling white lies? Tell me the incomplete truth. "


"Beethoven's Sonata No. 23, you didn't finish it for me. The last movement is a tragedy, right? You didn't choose to let me finish it. Just as you've been hiding a lot from me, it's impossible for me to tell whether what I've been doing is right or wrong. "

"I'm not hiding anything from you. "

"Whatever you've hidden from me, I'm being honest with you at this time. I also wanted to naturally distance myself from you, so that we would not be so painful for each other on the surface. But I find that I can't, Sonya, and I'm completely honest with you. But you're not, are you? You're hiding something from me on Mars. "

"I know, I wanted to ......."

"Well, I don't need to explain, I confess to you that this is based on believing that you are good. I also believe that your purpose in lying is also kind, but forgive me for not being able to believe that the person behind you is just as kind as you. "

"...... on Titan".

Seeing that Sonia wanted to speak and stopped, Casto said bluntly: "You don't need to tell me all the truth you are hiding, I know you are in trouble." But this difficulty will affect our relationship next, so we need to be apart for a while. I'm scared that we'll be on the opposite side of each other next. "

"No, we're in the same camp now. "

"Even within the same camp, there are many factions. I've only recently learned that even if you didn't come, the infighting never stopped. And here you come, the internal struggle has become more complicated. This complex relationship is like a big net that envelops each of us, we are entangled, we are coerced, and we are constantly doing things that go against our own wishes. "

"So we should face this together. "

"Being together makes a lot of relationships more complicated, isn't it? There are some people who want to control me, and I'm not wrong?".

"Do you know what?".

"Guessed it. "

"You're lying, too. Tears were rolling in Sonya's eyes.

Casto pretended to be cold and said, "You can think as you want, but I don't want to poke anything." If something is clear, it will not be good for you and me, or for the people behind us. If we were still together, it would make a lot of big people jealous, wouldn't we


"You know I'm ...... for you on Titan."

"I know, so I can't let you take such a risk! You're disobeying your superiors, aren't you?If there are more of these things with me, you should know what it means to keep disobeying?".

"I know, but I don't care!".

"I don't want you to be caught by those people again, I don't want you to be in danger again. "

"Then you should be with me!".

"You have to know that it is not the enemy who puts us in danger, but the people around us. I don't want to be forced to be that person, that's all I can say. "

"You...... Do you know how hurtful this is?".

"I know, but if I don't say it, we're likely ...... in the future," Casto gestured.

When Sonia saw it, she immediately said, "Isn't it possible for us to meet again in the future?"

Seeing Casto's hesitation, Sonia said decisively: "Okay, I understand, I won't pester you anymore." With tears in her eyes, Sonia took two steps back, frowned, and turned away with reluctant and painful eyes.

Looking at Sonya's back, Casto's mind fluctuated. He was afraid that he would immediately catch up with her and hug her, so he relented and turned away.

But before he could take two steps, Sonya's voice came from behind him: "However, I hope that we will always be kind, honest, and never forget each other." "

Casto listened to this and walked without looking back. Sonya's voice brought up a wave of memories that slowly rippled through Casto's heart. Gradually, the memories and painful emotions poured out of his heart like a spring, slowly drifting up, with Casto's steps, filling his mind, turning into tears and overflowing uncontrollably.

Casto, who finally couldn't help the torment of the memories, turned around sharply, and he looked around but didn't find Sonya.

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