Mushroom House.

The cold air swept in, and her younger sister Zhang Zifeng was sitting under the pergola, wearing a coat, and was working on a problem.

She is about to take the college entrance examination, and there is less than a month left, so she is reviewing while recording the program.

Although the recording time is slightly conflicting with the college entrance examination.

But such a blockbuster variety show, Zhang Zifeng really reluctantly withdrew.

Besides, judging by her current development in the entertainment industry.

Don’t have too high a score, the last Chinese drama, Beiying or something, it’s not a problem at all.

But she has always been very concentrated, and she doesn’t know why, and she is always a little restless at this time.

A handsome face that exploded would always inadvertently break into her mind.

“Brother Qin Mo… What is he doing? Playing with Sakurako and Peach? Or with my sisters…”

Under the cranky thoughts, Zhang Zifeng’s little face couldn’t help but blush, shy and envious.

In the room, the staff has installed the live broadcast equipment and is ready to broadcast live on Douyin on time at ten o’clock sharp.

A large table is filled with a variety of fruits.

Watermelon, banana, passion fruit, sugar cane, pineapple… The whole nine yards.

In addition, there are various knives and plates, which are used in live broadcasts.

“Is the statistics out? How much money is there for? Huang Lei asked a staff member.

“Roughly estimated, there are more than 6 million! The approximate amount of each fruit, all the statistics are almost the same, no problem. ”

He Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and as soon as he walked out the door, he saw Qin Mo’s family of seven coming over.

“What a big lineup!” He Yu was amazed.

Qin Mo smiled: “Fortunately, I’m afraid that the lineup will continue to expand, so that I can play football.” ”

At the very least, Qin Mo and the two little mengwa, plus the seven goddesses, that is ten people.

Get together a goalkeeper and really team up to play football with others.

“Lineup expansion? So, who wants to have a baby? Hands! He smiled and looked at the four women.

Li Xiaoqin’s eyes dodged: “It’s definitely not me, don’t look at me.” ”

Da Mimi covered her mouth and coughed: “Actually, I have this plan, after all, I am a little older, and I will put it on the agenda as soon as possible.” ”

This is definitely not a simple fantasy.

Last night with Qin Mo… After that, Yang Mi guessed that her probability of winning the lottery was still very high.

“If nothing else, how many mothers-in-law and old men will Xiao Qin see in the future? As a reminder, meet the woman’s parents for the first time and prepare a large bottle of Coke. ”

Huang Lei, who came out later, teased.

How shrewd are these two old foxes?

Of course, they knew that Qin Mo would not choose from among them.

Children only do multiple choice questions!

“Coke is easy to kidney stones if you drink too much, is it good to send Trensu instead?”

Huang Lei had a black line on his face: “The live broadcast hasn’t started yet, who are you advertising to?” ”

At 9:55, everyone was sitting in front of the camera.

Qin Mo is the absolute C position, Li Xiaoqin and Little Sakurako and Little Peach are the left protectors, and Da Mimi, Chen Yuqi, and Di Li Hotfence are the right protectors.

The three people of the mushroom house sat in the back row, and Zhang Zifeng was still doing his homework and did not participate in the live broadcast.

At ten o’clock sharp, the Douyin live broadcast room turned on time.

In an instant, millions of netizens poured in, which once caused the lag in the live broadcast room.

“It’s coming, don’t buy the goods brought by Qin Mo’s old thief!”

“Yes, yes, can there be good things in Qin Mo’s goods? Just don’t buy it! ”

“Want to scam me out of money? This is no possibility! ”

“Or Li Jiaqi has a feeling with the goods, Qin Moshuai is handsome, there is no taste!”

“I won’t buy it anyway, everyone will see to it!”

“Resist Qin Mo unless you return the goddesses to us!”

“Hand over the goddess and spare you from death.”

“Don’t beep everyone, just a few hours after the broadcast, maybe Qin Mo is finished talking to the goddesses, looking at his smug look, it must be like this.”


Qin Mo glanced down at the message in the live broadcast room, and was suddenly speechless.

Before I started to introduce it, I was met with overwhelming resistance, which is also too miserable, right?

“It’s cold.” Huang Lei muttered secretly.

“Calm, Qin Mo’s fans have always been like this.” He Yu was still calm.

Qin Mo took a deep breath: “Brother Meng, is the money ready?” Buy it when you’re ready, and I’ll start bringing it right away. ”

Before, what experience did Qin Mo have in live streaming goods?

Purely relying on their own popularity and influence, and two little cute babies to support the scene.

For 600W goods, whether they can be sold out within an hour is really uncertain.

“Look at this pineapple, it…”

Before Qin Mo could finish speaking, a staff member whispered a reminder next to him.

“It’s sold out.”

Qin Mo’s eyes widened: “What? ”

“Sold out! All the fruits on the shelves, regardless of the quantity, were sold out when the live broadcast room was open for half a minute. ”

Hearing this, all the guests couldn’t help but gasp.

Is it so atrocious?

The purchasing power of Qin Mo’s fans is also too scary!

According to what was said in advance, in order to attract netizens to buy goods, Qin Mo will open Weibo and Douyin accounts, and release an album as a benefit.

This is a means of boosting sales.

Now, Qin Mo’s family of four has personally brought the goods, and the popularity and attention are even higher.

I was going to roll up my sleeves and do it, but what happened?

Less than half a minute, sold out?

This made Qin Mo very embarrassed.

So what do you have to do with 59 minutes left?

“This pineapple is very fresh, tastes good, and its advantages are…”

Qin Mo stiffened his head, cut the pineapple in front of him with a knife, and explained while eating.

After eating two slices, I really couldn’t talk about it.

The goods are sold out, what is the use of talking about this nonsense?

All the guests looked at each other, a little overwhelmed.

Originally, it took half a day to prepare, and it was a stirring of the public, but it was sold out in seconds.

It was an hour of foreplay, and it turned out to be three seconds…

No solution!

“That… I’ll just show you a, right? How about dancing with the hot fence? Qin Mo proposed.

Di Li is a Uighur, although he does not dance very well.

But since childhood, I still have some skills.

Hearing that Qin Mo was going to blow the, Da Mimi quickly stood up and laughed while running to the bamboo building.

This look, at a glance, you can tell that it is an old driver.

A few minutes later, Yang Mi handed the wooden flute to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo held the flute in both hands, put one end of the flute to his mouth, and began to play.

The sound is very deep and long, sometimes exciting, sometimes affectionate, and very beautiful.

In addition, there is such a big beauty as Fat Di dancing behind him, which is quite like the taste of the ancient court.

After a song, Fat Di was a little tired, and his arms fell on Qin Mo’s back.

Her little red mouth was breathing rapidly in Qin Mo’s ear, making Qin Mo feel a little crooked and evil thoughts surging for a while.

“There are still 45 minutes, oh my God, it’s so hard to bring goods live, and I won’t do this thing again.”

Qin Mo’s expression was very painful and somewhat distorted.

If every time the live broadcast brings goods, it is sold out in seconds, then the rest of the time is just sitting still?

Too boring, right?

“We want to buy Qin Mo, dare to hang the link?”

“Yes, it’s really not okay, Qin Mo’s hundreds of houses, the link is up, bully us without money?”

“I want to buy Xuanji Niangniang!”

“I’m going to buy Qin Mo for one night…”

The fans in the live broadcast room also felt bored and began to leave all kinds of commotion messages.

There was really no way, Qin Mo basically spent the next forty minutes chatting and bragging with fans.

As soon as eleven o’clock arrived, Qin Mo immediately closed the live broadcast room.

It’s so painful!

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