Tver relaxed her posture a little and gave an answer that surprised her.

“I don’t know, Bubbaji, so I chose to come to Hogwarts to seek answers from you, Dumbledore, and everyone else.”

“Yes!” Bubbaji’s eyes lit up, “And Principal Dumbledore, he is so powerful, he will definitely have a solution!”

Tver sighed in frustration.

“I can regretfully tell you that we have not yet come up with any viable outcome from our discussions.”

“Muggle technological advancement is multifaceted, and they are destined to explore every drop of land, sea and sky on this planet in the future.”

“No, they are already heading into outer space.”

“As long as we live with them, discovery is inevitable.”

In fact, he had not discussed it with Dumbledore to this extent at all!

“Then…then what are we going to do?”

The pillar in his heart collapsed, and Bubaji became more and more worried about the future of the wizards.

Tver smiled slightly.

“That’s why I’m eager to chat with you, Bubbaji. You are a well-known Muggle studies expert in the wizarding world.”

“You are more authoritative than anyone on Muggle matters.”

“So, I hope you-”

He suddenly lowered his voice.

“Tell the wizards this news!”

Professor Bubaji was startled and his body trembled.

After so many years of studying Muggles, what she encountered most was the arrogance of wizards towards Muggles and everything that was not magic.

She trembled her lips and said, “But, as far as I know, those wizards won’t want to believe it.”

“Then convince them bit by bit, just like the books I gave you, showing Muggle technology step by step.”

“Tell everyone step by step that on the other side of the world, the Muggles are catching up!”

Bubaji’s eyes finally had a firm feeling, and this feeling became stronger and stronger.

Yes, I am aware of this problem, there is no reason why others in the magic world cannot understand it!

“Of course, you can’t exaggerate the threat of Muggles, otherwise wizards will go crazy and hurt Muggles.”

“I believe this is not what you want to see?”

Bubaji nodded firmly.

“That’s right, we need to make the wizards pay attention to it. We can think about it together and brainstorm to come up with the most appropriate answer, right?”

“You are right,” Bubaji’s face turned red slightly, “Of course, I am not a well-known expert, and many people will refute me in newspapers…”

“Of course you are!”

Tver interrupted her insecurities rudely, “Look into my eyes.”

Bubaji looked at those clear and determined eyes, and an inexplicable surge of courage emerged in his heart.

“What I saw was Professor Charity Bubbaji who dared to declare in the Daily Prophet that Muggles and wizards are equal!”

She nodded unconsciously.

“And Rita Skeeter will help you fight back.”

“Rita?” Bubaji blinked in confusion, never expecting that such a person would help him.

In other words, how can I help?

“That’s right,” Tver didn’t dare to delve deeper into this topic. “You just need to concentrate on doing your own thing.”

“Caridi, the future of wizards depends on you.”

At this moment, Bubaji’s face was filled with perseverance.

She stood up suddenly, so frightened that Tver almost spilled the pumpkin juice.

“I will definitely work hard! Without further ado, I have to write a manuscript before Christmas!”

Without waiting for a response, she stormed toward the door.

Surprised by her mobility, Tver’s voice became a little softer.

“Well, if you need anything, you can come to me at any time. I still have…what’s wrong?”

Bubaji suddenly stopped again. She hesitated for a while, then slowly turned back.

“Actually, of course this is just a conjecture of mine, that is, what if we merge with Muggles?”

“I mean, if we really live and work together, then the barriers between everyone will be much less, and will there be more understanding?”

“Can you understand my point of view? Muggles and wizards are equal…”

Tver nodded dumbly. For the first time, he felt that his clever mind was not enough.

But Bubaji misunderstood Tver’s expression, and she thought her idea was too shocking.

After all, this means overturning the secrecy law.

It’s an idea that only the Dark Lord dares to have!

So she quickly explained: “Of course, this is just a conjecture. I know it is very difficult to realize it. No, it is impossible.”

“So you just take it as a joke-”

“No, no, no,” Tver walked up to her in three steps and patted her shoulder meaningfully, “No matter what the possibility is, we have to discuss it in public.”

“Only by trying every possibility can we face the future more calmly, right?”

“Besides, your idea…” He paused, “It’s very novel, yes, novel. I think it’s great. It’s a bold idea.”

“Although it is difficult, if we can succeed, the effect will be better.”

“So, there will definitely be a lot of people criticizing you and even insulting you, but please stick to it. I and many people of insight will always support you!”

After being encouraged, Bubaji thought about how she had been alone and sad for many years, and now she was finally understood. She suddenly felt like she had found a soulmate.

Her eyes turned red and she pursed her lips tightly. She didn’t dare to speak for fear that tears would fall, so she nodded firmly again.

Then like a warrior, he walked out of the office without looking back.

Tver was left in a daze.

He scratched his head and even drank several glasses of pumpkin juice without understanding how Bubbaji could get along with such thoughts just now.

Wait, doesn’t she always have similar thoughts in her heart?

To be honest, it’s not impossible.

After all, Tver chose Bubaji after two years of observation and knew that she was a good professor who cared about Muggles and had radical ideas.

We can even make a bold guess that there may be many people in the magic world who have the same thoughts as her.

Especially since the teacher made such a big move back then, his thoughts may have influenced many people.

Then these people spread this idea through their own interpretation and understanding.

But because it deviated from the mainstream view of the magical world, it was not spread widely.

After all, not everyone has the courage to spread the Dark Lord’s ideas.

So, there are still many stones at the bottom of the river that the teacher flows through for him to touch…

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