After Christmas, Malvolio and Cynthia stayed at Welfare Manor for several days of Christmas vacation.

This is a rare opportunity for them to get together and discuss future plans, and it is also a seminar to discuss magical ideas with each other.

Tver mainly wanted to use them, especially Malvolio’s understanding of the soul, to help him improve his ability to transform the soul.

Now he can simply restore the magic power after transformation, but it is not stable enough and needs their suggestions for improvement.


“Please, we don’t even know how to transform souls, how can we give you advice?” Malvolio said helplessly.

Well, it was actually just a casual question from Tver, and I didn’t have high hopes.

But in Malvolio’s words, he had to rely on Tver to help him fuse the soul in the Horcrux.

But this creates a new problem.

“If those Horcruxes are fused together, how do we distinguish the priorities?” Cynthia asked curiously.

“Emm, I guess there’s going to be a fight?” Malvolio answered uncertainly.

To be honest, he was good at cutting souls, but he had never tried soul fusion, or even thought about it.

“According to the teacher, it’s probably not going to be easy, so just ask for your blessings. It’s best to train your soul abilities more, otherwise we will have to train another Malvolio by then.”

Tver sat comfortably on the chair and joked in a relaxed tone.

In fact, according to his understanding, it is estimated that a multi-personality soul will form in a short period of time, and then gradually merge the memories of all the Horcruxes, turning into a new Voldemort who seems to have experienced these things personally.

But since almost all Horcruxes are in a dormant state, Malvolio, who has rich experience, can easily become the final leader.

Malvolio quickly figured out the joint, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn’t want to go back to his original crazy, bloodthirsty self.

“By the way, how about the thing I asked you to pay attention to?” Tver tilted his head and looked at Cynthia.

“The International Federation of Wizards Conference will be held on time in the summer. As a deputy director of the International Magical Cooperation Department, I have successfully obtained an opportunity to speak.”

Cynthia raised her head slightly, and her snow-white neck made her look like a beautiful white swan.

“Barty Crouch’s current focus is on the Quidditch World Cup, but considering that Dumbledore may propose the idea of ​​the Triwizard Tournament at the conference, he asked me to come over as the representative of the United Kingdom.”

“It’s just that they didn’t notice that I changed the speaker to you.”

She winked her bright eyes playfully, obviously using a little trick that didn’t follow the rules.

“Have you finally decided to expose your existence?” Malvolio said jokingly.

He lay lazily on the chair, the last sunlight of winter shining on him.

Of course, Tver and Cynthia were sitting so relaxedly and leisurely, as if they were discussing where to go on vacation in the summer.

“I have to let the magical world start thinking, but it won’t reveal too much.”

“Only by allowing them to think of a path for themselves will they be able to identify with our ideas, at least to win over those who have vision.”

Tver squinted and looked out the window. As January gradually arrived, the snow here had begun to melt.

Just like the history of the magical world, it is about to turn another chapter!

“What about the lack of foresight?” Malvolio sat up curiously.

“Then they are destined to disappear in the long river of history.”

“Even if it blocks our way?”

Unlike Malvolio, Tver still maintained a calm expression.

“As long as we win over the majority, in the end, besides Dumbledore, who else do you think can stand in our way?”

“And we won’t hurt them. We will just ask them to shut up in a friendly way, and then watch the changes in the magical world come.”

He even crossed his legs leisurely.

Looking at the failures of Voldemort and the teacher, they just failed to win over the majority.

So this time, he arranged for Professor Boubaji to speak at the conference in the future, in order to make the international magic community gradually realize that the secrecy law is inappropriate.

After that, they naturally had all kinds of discussions.

At that time, no matter how shocking the idea he puts forward, it will only be part of a friendly discussion, not a breaker of the confidentiality law.

After all, what could be so bad about the idea of ​​protecting wizards?

“What about the Muggle side?” Cynthia asked suddenly.

“Why do you ask?” Tver was a little surprised.

Although the facial mask business was handed over to her, I didn’t expect that she would learn to think from a Muggle perspective so quickly.

“It’s like this. When I was dealing with the Mask Alliance, Mr. Ian Russell said that he wanted to meet the boss of the company.”

“The real boss.” Cynthia emphasized.

This actually attracted the attention of Teville and Malvolio.

“What do you mean? He’s aware of Jeff’s presence?”

The company’s affairs are all handled by Cynthia remotely controlling Jeff, and Jeff pretends to be an unknown investor behind the scenes.

If this was what he noticed, it was completely within Tver’s expectation.

In fact, as long as you pay attention to the company and have some official methods, it is not difficult to find out the existence of investors.

Cynthia frowned hesitantly.

“No, I think what he said is not just referring to Jeff. I even suspect that he may be aware of the existence of magic…”

Malvolio pouted.

“I guess the elf accidentally exposed something. After all, it’s not impossible -”

“Impossible,” Cynthia retorted simply, “Jeff will only appear in the company’s office, and Russell has never been to the company. Even that sentence was brought to Jeff through the manager.”

“And it is said that he went out of his way at the league meeting and emphasized many times that the mask is as effective as magic.”

“It even seems a bit too much…”

Malvolio’s interest suddenly rose, and he kicked Tver’s raised legs.

“This is an interesting character. Would you, the real boss, come forward in person to see if he hit him by mistake?”

“What are you checking?” Tver asked casually, stroking his chin and thinking.

“Of course how you can see through magic.” Malvolio said matter-of-factly.

“With Cynthia’s ability, it is probably that the Ministry of Magic’s memory canceller slipped through the cracks to allow her to make such a judgment.”

Tver nodded in agreement.

This situation is not unheard of, it can even be said to be very common.

Especially on the night when Voldemort was wreaking havoc and being defeated, many Muggles saw the existence of magic.

But most of them will subconsciously ignore it as an illusion. Only a few who firmly believe it and discuss it will have their memories erased by the staff of the Ministry of Magic.

However, it cannot be ruled out that there are still missing cases.

After Tver thought for a while, he made a decision: “No matter what, I will go see Mr. Russell.”

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