For the first time, Ian felt that his brain was not enough.

If they don’t want profits, then why are they violating the laws of the Ministry of Magic in such a roundabout way?

Wouldn’t it be enough to just stay in that magical world? !

“I don’t understand.”

“In the business world, profit sharing is all about attracting forces that are beneficial to oneself, and then expanding the business.”

“But the problem is, we have sufficient strength. We don’t need to do this at all, we can easily sell facial masks all over the world!”

If it is other more important products, then he really needs to carve out some interests so that he can attract some forces for win-win cooperation.

But facial mask, to be honest, even if it is very profitable, it will not make those forces with powerful backgrounds attack him.


“You formed an alliance before, not to sell facial masks better, but simply to win over more people?” he guessed in shock.

Talking to smart people means saving money, Tver confirmed.

“That’s right, but it’s not about simply branching out, but letting more people who are beneficial to the business join in.”

“While the benefits are increasing, as many people as possible can enjoy these benefits.”

“And you will be the leader of this alliance.”

He raised the glass, but if it was not pumpkin juice but wine, the effect might be better…

Malvolio rolled his eyes in disgust.

This is not bad, Ian thought about it in his mind.

Although it still feels weird, if he takes the lead, his profits can be guaranteed.

As long as it’s not your own profits, it doesn’t matter what they think!

So he also raised the cup, bent down and gently clinked the cup with Tver.

“A pleasure to work with.”

By the time Tver and the others returned to the manor, it was already evening.

But before they could stand still, Cynthia couldn’t wait to ask: “I can handle the mask issue by myself, why should I leave it to Ian Russell?”

Before Tweel had time to answer, Malvolio answered angrily while transforming himself.

“Please, if I were Tver, I wouldn’t want to let a capable person like you deal with those little things all day long!”

Twil patted Cynthia’s head comfortingly.

“The Ministry of Magic is your stage.”

“And Ian himself is a shrewd businessman and is better suited to handle business matters than any of us.”

Cynthia nodded in understanding.

Malvolio also transformed back into the form of Delis at this time.

“But aren’t you afraid that he will attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic? Even if you protect his memory.”

Tver looked at the door that slowly opened.

“He was able to hide for a year and a half just because he was afraid of having his memory wiped.”

“After being threatened by me, he will definitely become more cautious.”

In fact, Tver was very satisfied with what he had gained from this trip.

In particular, Ian Russell’s boldness and carefulness perfectly fit his expectations of an agent.

So even if Ian still has some small thoughts in his heart, he doesn’t mind at all.

But Cynthia didn’t mind.

“I sensed that he was trying to use science to analyze those potions, and he even wanted to find other wizards who could easily control them, and then replace us.”

“Just knock off the hand he shouldn’t have stretched out, but his behavior is understandable, isn’t it?” Tver said easily.

“I would be surprised if someone like him didn’t have this idea in his heart as long as it was possible to completely control a business.”

“But the question is, is there any wizard in the magic world who can replace us?”

He sneered and led the two of them into the manor.

They spent the rest of the Christmas break at the manor perfecting some plans.

In fact, it is mainly Malvolio’s resurrection plan.

He agreed to leave the resurrection until a year and a half later, but the problem was that before that, he had to collect the remaining Horcruxes!

“Why did you destroy those two Horcruxes in the first place? Otherwise we could relax and not have to worry so much!”

Malvolio complained softly.

According to Tweel’s “prophecy” and his understanding, one of the remaining Horcruxes is in the vault of Gringotts and the other is in the ancestral home of the Black family.

There’s another one bouncing around at Hogwarts!

The first two are easy to handle. The first one can go in and investigate in the name of the Ministry of Magic, or simply capture a goblin to help.

The second one didn’t even have to wait. Although the Black family’s old residence was protected, he could easily break in as long as it wasn’t for the Red Heart Loyalty Curse.

But the last one, how can he

Can he pull out his own soul from Harry under Dumbledore’s close attention? !

Facing the morning sunshine, Tver lay comfortably on the chair.

“Don’t worry, at worst, when Voldemort makes the seventh Horcrux, I will help you fuse it first. It will definitely surpass Voldemort’s.”

Malvolio curled his lips. He knew this, but he just wanted to urge Tver with his thoughts.

But before he could speak again, Cynthia walked in with a newspaper.

“The consequences of Professor Boubaji’s exaggerating Muggle technology have appeared, and the newspapers are now in a quarrel.”

She sat next to Tver and handed the newspaper to him.

But Tver did not take it, but stretched lazily.

“What were they arguing about?”

Cynthia didn’t care, took the newspaper back, spread it on her lap and read it quickly.

“Now it’s divided into three factions.”

“One group is Bubaji’s side. They believe in the speed of Muggle technology advancement and begin to think about how wizards can share technology with Muggles.”

“But on the other side, which is the majority, they don’t believe that Muggle technology can have any magical effects.”

“The reason is that the effectiveness of Muggle technology is still far behind that of magic.”

“The two parties are now very quarrelsome.”

“But to be honest, most of them are optimistic. No one thinks that Muggle technology will pose a threat to wizards.”

“Of course, it is also possible that he did not express his opinions in the newspaper. After all, there are always only a few wizards who are willing to study Muggles.”

“But there is another faction? Didn’t you mean the three parties? Is it the neutral faction?” Malvolio stretched his neck in confusion and looked at the newspaper.

“It was actually Rita, who summed up the ideas on both sides in a vivid article.”

“Then following Tver’s instructions, he supported Bubaji’s ideas with seemingly neutral but actually biased writing methods.”

“And it seems to be working well. Many neutral people have been won over.”

Malvolio sat down bored.

“It seems that your intention failed.” He looked at Tver with gloating.

“Don’t worry.” Tver still maintained a lazy look.

“The content of the newspaper is not for these people to quarrel, but to make the silent majority of the magical community aware of this issue.”

“Let the buried thoughts of those who agree with us come alive, and let those who don’t agree with us slowly accept our ideas.”

“When the time comes, we, holding these people together, will be the general trend in the magic world!”

“So, I even hope that the people in the newspaper will quarrel more fiercely, preferably until everyone in the magic world knows about it!”

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