Soon the slate for the class was in, and Tver began crisply planning the field.

After all, there were so many students competing group by group. Even if he took up the whole Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he couldn’t finish the competition before the exam month came.

Therefore, he used gold film to divide the arena into seven parts, which could accommodate everyone for the competition.

As for whether the venue is too small, it will limit the performance of the students.

That’s really thinking too much. Even with his guidance, how far can a third grade student achieve?

After Tver arranged them into their respective competition areas, he separated them from their opponents with black cloth.

When everything was ready, he loudly told them his final instructions before the game.

“The victory of the game will be determined when all opponents are disarmed, stunned, petrified, etc. and unable to move or fight.”

“In other words, if their teammates still have the energy to use Uncurse or continue fighting, the game will continue!”

“But I would like to remind you that after the first round of competition, there will be seven teams left. That is to say, in the second round of competition, one team will have a bye and get sufficient rest in the next class. .”

“The team that defeats its opponent first will get this opportunity.”

“In other words, please don’t show mercy to your classmates~”

After Tver confirmed that the protective measures in the golden film were adequate, he also confirmed that all the students were staring at him with bright eyes, looking forward to the start of the game.

“Then stop talking nonsense. After three beeps, the black cloth will fall, which means the game begins.”

Harry quickly wiped the sweat from his hands, tightened his grip on his holly wand, and took a deep breath.

As for Hermione and Ron, the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two was the biggest reason for his nervousness…


“Let me remind you, don’t hold us back!” Hermione raised her wand.


“What a joke, Harry and I work so well together. If it weren’t for the two of us, you would…” Ron choked up.


“So, you still have to rely on me!” Hermione quickly flashed a red light proudly.

According to her understanding, the moment the black cloth falls, the red light will pass through the center line, thus achieving the purpose of attacking!


Sure enough, as soon as the black cloth fell, Simo was startled.

The professor has mentioned this technique, but it is too difficult to practice. Their spellcasting is not that stable, and the magic released is often faster or slower, and it is not accurate at all!

Therefore, after panicking for a while, they instantly fell into passivity.

But Ron on the opposite side didn’t look very happy. He angrily hid behind Harry and asked Harry to help block his opponent’s magic.

Then there was a tricky stun spell on his backhand, which almost hit the most powerful Seamus on the opposite side.

“Look, if it weren’t for Harry, would you be able to attack with such peace of mind?!” He said without hesitation.

Harry was busy maintaining the Iron Armor Curse, wishing he could turn around and punch the two men.

I am the attacker!

As if they heard Harry’s thoughts, Seamus and others on the opposite side noticed something strange about their opponents.

“With two people attacking and one defending, Harry Potter will not be able to withstand Seamus’ magic alone!” Padma Patil quickly analyzed.

“So, we can leave the offense to Seamus and target Potter with all our strength. They will be the first to fall!”

Michael Corner didn’t bother to agree, because he immediately started to interfere with Harry’s actions, and even deliberately missed the magic to attract Harry’s attention!

Of course, it is not ruled out that he is really biased…

But Harry’s attention was certainly drawn.

Given Hermione and Ron’s condition, he was responsible for the defense alone, and he was really worried that the two of them would be hit by the missed magic.

However, in the field of vision that he couldn’t see, the two of them hid behind him in tacit agreement…

After counterattacking a magic spell, Ron frowned and looked at Hermione, “Don’t you think you are very powerful? Why are you hiding here?!”

“Then why are you hiding?” Hermione shot back at Magic angrily, and also at Ron.

“Because I’m not as strong as you!” Ron said confidently with his hands on his hips.


Hermione looked at him speechlessly.

Just as the pressure decreased, Simo’s luck also came into play, and the magic that missed the ground exploded instantly!

If we just talk about the power of the explosion, it did not leave many traces on the specially reinforced ground in Tver.

But the sudden vibration startled Harry and the three of them.

good chance!

No need to remind, the three people of Simo who had a tacit understanding unanimously chose

Choose to attack!

Three red lights came to Harry in an instant.

While he was stunned, Hermione and Ron jumped away quickly, watching helplessly as he was hit by three disarming spells…

However, it was at this moment that Hermione and Ron’s magic also took effect on the opposite side!

Simo suddenly felt the ground surging, causing them to stumble as they were originally happy.

At this second, Hermione’s stun spell accurately hit Seamus, not only knocking him down, he also accidentally brought down two teammates behind him!

Raising his head, all Seamus saw before he fell unconscious was the dazzling sunlight and Harry’s wand flying towards him.

But he didn’t have a chance to catch it.

Soon, Michael and Padma, who were lying on the ground, were hit by the subsequent stun spell, and the three of them fell asleep together.

“Very good cooperation.” Tver suddenly appeared next to Hermione and Ron and said with emotion.

“Although the transformation technique is not strong, it cleverly takes advantage of the weaknesses of human feet to achieve the best effect.”

——”Actually, when we were little, George and Fred liked to scratch the sole of my foot the most.” Ron scratched his head in embarrassment.

“And you, Hermione, made precise use of their dense positions. You did not choose the fastest disarming spell, but the larger stun spell, achieving the effect of knocking down three people at the same time.”

Hermione immediately raised her little head, but the dark circles on her face were already comparable to Tweel’s, which made her look a little funny.

Harry fell to the ground and looked at them helplessly.

You should help me up first!

Simo and the others were the first team to be defeated, and Tver thoughtfully lifted the curse for them personally.

It’s just that they don’t feel any better.

“It doesn’t matter. I think even a professor will experience failure when his strength is insufficient, right?” Padma comforted her teammates thoughtfully.

Tver, who had not gone far, quickly turned back.

“I’m sorry, I’ve never failed in the first round. In other words, I’ve never failed in a battle with the same grade.”


Subsequent games are also ending one after another.

As Twell expected, the small team format can sometimes balance the strength between teams, but it also means that it will eliminate some of the effects of outstanding students, and instead cause some of the better students to be eliminated.

However, choosing the team itself is one of their tests. After all, Tver now emphasizes teamwork rather than individual bravery.

“Okay, the team that gets a bye in the next round will be Team Harry.”

“Don’t get carried away, winning team, you still have a long way to go in the future.”

“There is no need for losing teams to be depressed. It is also important to identify their own problems.”

“For example, Seamus, I hope to see you fight with your true strength next time, instead of betting on luck, unless you can control your, um, unique talents.”

“But I would like to remind you that if you fail, I will allow you to cry for a while, but I will never allow you to skip my next class!” Tver looked at them with a smile.

The students hugged each other and laughed, and the shadow of failure suddenly dissipated a lot.

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