“Don’t be so excited. The Patronus Charm requires happy memories, not excited memories.” Tver stood in front of the box with a smile.

“So, what is the happiest memory in your heart?”

Draco was stunned for a moment.

“I…I don’t know.”

He suddenly realized that he had no happy memories worth remembering.

Was it riding a toy broomstick as a child?

No, that’s not right.

His father was obviously not satisfied with this kind of joy. He just glanced at the laughing man and left indifferently.

Successfully cast the first magic?

Not right either.

It took an entire afternoon to cast a fluorescent spell, which was not in line with his father’s expectations of him.

Become the Quidditch player of your dreams?

Even more impossible, he has never won a championship.

From an early age, he was taught to be a worthy heir.

Dress neatly, and don’t speak or act rudely, etc.

He searched through the memories in his mind, but couldn’t find anything that he could call happy.

Maybe, it was when he saw Harry Potter being so angry that he couldn’t speak?

But he couldn’t say it…

“Maybe it’s because of getting good grades in school?” he said unconfidently.

Tver nodded reluctantly.

“It doesn’t matter what the memory is, but the joyful emotion in your mind needs to be strong enough. In other words, this good result is enough to make you smile from ear to ear.”

“If you’re ready, raise your wand.”

Draco heard the words and quickly raised his wand in obedience. The confusion on his face was replaced by determination, and his eyes were fixed on the seam of the box.


The white line on the box seemed to be cut, and it immediately broke into two sections.

Without the restraints, the door of the box was instantly pushed out by the impatient Dementor.

This was Draco’s first time having such close contact with a dementor.

He suddenly understood what kind of fear Potter had experienced when facing the dementors, and he also realized how rude it was that he used the dementors to scare Potter.

The little joy in his mind was like the small flame of a candle, blown out by the knife-like cold wind brought by the dementors.

“Calling God——”

Soon, before he finished reciting the spell, a suffocating despair surged into his heart, filling every hair on his body!

The Dementor was a little confused when he first came out, but with his ant-sized wisdom, he immediately realized that compared to the determined Tver, Draco was obviously easier to bully.

But before it could move a step, a ray of white light grabbed its waist, threw it to the ground, and then dragged it back into the box.


As soon as the box door closed, Draco felt that the dementor’s presence had been completely removed.

“Have a piece of chocolate, or cake, of course.”

Tver came over and helped him up. At the same time, the refreshments prepared in advance flew in front of him.

Draco glanced at the cauldron cake, chose a small piece of chocolate, and took a big bite.

“Professor, am I useless?”

“Why do you think so?” Tver took a small cake.

“But there are indeed some problems. You feel too little happiness. Not to mention releasing the Patronus Charm, you can’t even temporarily resist the dementors’ erosion.”

“You need a stronger memory, at least several times stronger than before.”

“But I really can’t think of any other memories.”

Twil looked helplessly at Draco who was struggling there.

This child was obviously suppressed by the pure-blood family’s early childhood education.

As a member of a pure-blood family, he knows how depressing this kind of education is for a child’s nature.

It was as if there was a ruler all over his body, measuring every action he took, even the width of his smile.

To put it mildly, only when they arrived at Hogwarts could they have a chance to take a breath and relax.

No wonder people from pure-blood families are always prone to brain problems.

“You can try to recall the scene where everyone cheered during the duel competition…”

“But I lost!” Draco said angrily.

“But in my opinion, you have already won.” Tver leaned down, pointed at his heart with his finger, and looked at him firmly.

“It’s never Harry you want to win, Draco. What you want to win is yourself, the arrogance and arrogance in your heart.”

“As long as you realize this and keep working hard for change, it is more important than winning a hundred championships!”

Draco opened his mouth and looked at the professor in a daze.

“So in your heart, I am this kind of person…” He had

He muttered a little aggrievedly.

“…” Tver stood up speechlessly,

“No matter what, if you still remember it, you should remember that there were a lot of spectators in the stands applauding and cheering for you.”

Seeing that he still wanted to refute, Tver told him firmly: “Not only Slytherin, but also other houses and professors are impressed by your performance.”

This is not something Tweel made up. In fact, everyone can see how Goyle and Crabbe are holding back, and how much personal ability Draco Malfoy has shown.

You know, even many senior students cannot do it when they have sufficient physical strength to release two Iron Armor Curses in a row.

What’s more, Draco, who has exhausted his magic power, can still release a third magic.

Tver himself was surprised by his performance.

“Really?” Draco raised his head happily so that he could see the professor’s eyes.

“I didn’t have to lie to you, did I?”

When Draco regained his fighting spirit, Twil stepped aside again.

“I don’t think you will be able to release the Patronus Charm after one or two attempts, but I want to tell you that this is a normal phenomenon, and practicing hard is what you need to think about now.”

“Yes!” Draco raised his wand firmly.

This magic was indeed too difficult for Draco. Even if Tweel added a joy agent to his chocolate and secretly used a happy spell, he could not successfully release the patron saint.

Of course, compared to the average person’s increasingly fragile will, Draco became abnormally more and more excited when he faced dementors many times, and he persisted longer and longer.

If Tver hadn’t noticed that his magic power and physical strength were nearly exhausted and quickly stopped practicing tonight, he would have fainted to the ground.

In a sense, this is also a kind of talent.

If he was accidentally imprisoned in Azkaban, at least Draco wouldn’t have to worry about losing his will…

“Have you noticed? You are progressing very quickly, so in the next period of time, you only need to focus on some details of spell casting.” Tver comforted him.

Just looking at his excited little face, he probably didn’t need comfort.

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