“Finally found it.” A short man quietly took away the milk from this family.

The unkempt Peter is not much better now than when Blake escaped from prison. The only thing that is not bad is his mental outlook that can be called a good one.

It was because of the crystal in his head that he was clearly aware of it.

Not only could the crystal prevent Voldemort from peeking into his innermost secrets, it also had the effect of boosting his spirit, preventing him from easily revealing himself to the Dark Lord.

But he also knew that if he failed to complete the professor’s task, this crystal would be his reminder!

Fortunately, yesterday he took advantage of the opportunity to go out and quietly conveyed the information about the Dark Lord to the professor. Now he can be regarded as having a share of the credit!

In addition, the Dark Lord is now very dependent on him. No matter which side wins the final victory, he will be able to have some connections and will not be liquidated.

The delighted Peter finally felt much better. Even though he was walking back to Riddle Manor and was about to face the terrifying Dark Lord, it could not hinder his inner joy.


Holding the milk can, Peter walked into the dark manor while thinking about his future, twisting and turning skillfully.

This place has been abandoned for many years, and many rooms are in decay. Only the kitchen and a living room on the second floor are barely usable.

Even though there was a strong rotten smell inside.

Peter placed the can on the still-warm stove and walked cautiously to the sofa.

There, sleeping is an evil Dark Lord.

At this time, Voldemort looked inhuman, ghost or ghost.

His efforts in recent years have only allowed him to have a skeleton-like body, a bloody skeleton.

“Master, do you want to start lunch?” Peter asked quietly.

No matter how many times he was scared of the Dark Lord in this state.

After hearing this, Voldemort slowly opened his blood-red eyes, squinted slightly, and glanced at the servant in front of him.

“You seem happy today? You weren’t like this yesterday.”

At this time, his voice was as sharp as a voice squeezed out of his throat, but it made Peter feel as cold as winter.

Peter was sure that the crystal was protecting the depths of his brain, but the problem was that the Dark Lord could judge many of his inner thoughts just based on his emotions!

“Yesterday…yesterday was because you always wanted to find others for help. I’m not questioning your decision, I just feel a little aggrieved.” He said in a panic.

Voldemort chuckled.

“There is no need to discuss this issue anymore. Go ahead and bring me my lunch. I always feel that I am not very stable now and I need to gather more strength.”

He unconsciously looked towards the window, where dirt blocked the sunlight and blocked his view.

This made him, who originally liked darkness, want to open the window for the first time to relieve the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

So he did it, or told others to do it.

“Wormtail, open the window.”

The sharp sound clearly reached the ears of Peter, who came back with milk, and he was stunned.

“Master, opening the window will make it easier for others to find us. The old Muggle found us yesterday through the light of the window.”


“Yes, Master.” Peter didn’t dare to refute, put down the jar and walked to the window.

“By the way, where is Nagini?” Voldemort asked again.

“I saw it coming back when I went out, probably in the kitchen -”

Peter’s hand paused when he opened the window, and his face was suddenly filled with panic.

There were two figures in robes standing at the door of the manor. Looking at the clothes, he knew that they were not Muggles who entered by mistake but wizards.

More importantly, he knew the faces of these two people!

The moment he saw this, he turned around in a hurry.

“Master, run!”

It’s just that his voice was so loud that it seemed like he was reminding Tver and Malvolio outside the manor…

Voldemort’s blood-red eyes suddenly widened, and his inner uneasiness suddenly became intense.

“what are you saying?”

It was someone else who just answered him.

“Long time no see, Voldemort.” Tver apparated into the living room and happened to be standing opposite Voldemort, so he said hello.

“I remember we haven’t seen each other for more than two years. How did you become like this?”

He frowned and looked at Voldemort’s current appearance with disgust. To be honest, he might as well have possessed Quirrell back then.

Voldemort’s uneasiness was suddenly detonated. He held on to his weak body and glared at Tver angrily.

“It’s not all thanks to you! Tver Foley, your name is mine.

It is deeply remembered in my mind! Sooner or later…I will torture you until you can neither survive nor die! ”

He no longer expected Wormtail’s magical strength and the power he had accumulated to be able to deal with Tver.

So he might as well break the pot, since he wouldn’t die anyway. At worst, he would give up this body and go find another servant with his remnant soul.

Tver ignored Voldemort who was patting the handle of the chair, but looked around the living room.

As a result, the target was not found this time.

But Malvolio grinned and pointed at the floor, and Tver instantly understood what he meant.

But at this moment, a ray of red light suddenly struck Tver, forcing him to stop moving forward.


Peter held the wand, flew in front of Voldemort, and accurately helped him block the bird transformed by Tver.

It was just that the sharp beak penetrated deeply into Peter’s back, making it look like he had been pricked into a hedgehog.

When Voldemort was in disbelief at his actions, Peter took advantage of the situation and grabbed Voldemort’s hand.

call out.

Tver watched helplessly as the two disappeared from their sight.

Of course, it should be said that he deliberately watched them escape.

“Is this the bitter trick you’re talking about?” Malvolio said with an eye-opening expression.

What they just did was completely in line with Tver’s pre-set script. It would not only help them get Nagini, the Horcrux, but also make Peter Pettigrew more important in front of Voldemort!

Tver shrugged easily.

It’s just a little trick. After all, he always likes to plan for more benefits when doing things.

“Get Nagini out. This place is dirty too. Compared to this place, Black’s old mansion is like paradise!”

Malvolio immediately raised his wand and swung it down. A beam of red light suddenly penetrated the floor about ten feet in front of him, and accurately hit the big snake who realized something was wrong and tried to escape.

“Get it…hey, what is this?”

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