As the mascot exits, the game is about to begin with Ludo Bagman shouting.

“Let’s welcome the Bulgarian Quidditch National Team!”

Under his introduction, one by one Bulgarian Quidditch players with strong stature and wearing red uniforms appeared one after another.

The last person to appear was, of course, the most important Seeker in the Quidditch team and the most dazzling star of the Bulgarian team, Viktor Krum!

Tver looked at him riding the latest Firebolt. Compared with when they were separated a few years ago, Viktor was a little thinner now.

In other words, the muscles on the body are stronger.

However, his trademark thick eyebrows and hooked nose still make him look like an eagle waiting for an opportunity to hunt.

It’s hard to believe that someone so aggressive is only eighteen years old.

“I feel like it wouldn’t be inconsistent if your ages were reversed.” Cynthia teased in a funny way.

In order to maintain a peaceful posture, Tver always chooses to dress in a much calmer manner. When he usually walks in Hogwarts, some unfamiliar people may think of him as a student.

“Maybe I’ll add another ten years to Viktor’s life,” Tver teased wickedly.

Fortunately, the game officially started after the Irish team entered the stadium, and Victor did not have time to notice this.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the game has officially begun!”

With a whistle, four game balls flew out of the box and were scrambled by players from both sides with a whooshing sound.

It has to be said that there are many differences between high-level Quidditch and what Tweel saw in Hogwarts.

The speed of flight alone was faster than the fastest thing the students had ever seen.

Harry also has a Firebolt, but as a seeker, he rarely participates in the team’s offense, so he does not use the extreme speed of the broom.

The players present did not even think about slowing down, and maintained the fastest speed that their brooms could provide from beginning to end.

As we approach Tver, we can only see some red and green shadows.

“If I had known better, I would have bought two telescopes.” He complained softly.

But Cynthia turned around excitedly.

“If you use the telescope’s playback function, you will also miss the exciting details happening in real time!”

Unlike Twil, Cynthia’s talent in Quidditch is quite good, at least now she can watch it with gusto.

With his excellent dynamic vision, Tver was able to see a little bit of the clues.

The Irish team’s skills and tactics are better and more proficient, and their teamwork is stronger. It can be said that, except for the seeker, the Irish team’s strength crushed the Bulgarian team.

Bulgaria was able to reach the finals precisely because their Seeker, Viktor, could always catch the Golden Snitch at critical moments.

The tactics of both sides are actually not complicated.

The Irish team tried their best to gain an advantage of more than 150 points before Victor caught the Golden Snitch.

Bulgaria, on the other hand, tried its best to reduce the point difference so as to provide Viktor with more time to search for the Golden Snitch.

Therefore, when the Irish team scored consecutive points and quickly opened up the point difference, their seeker Lin Qi followed Victor from the beginning to the end, trying to interfere with him.

Just one of Viktor’s skillful Wronsky fake moves injured him.

——Use a rapid dive to lead the opponent’s Seeker, and then pull up the broom when approaching the ground, tricking the opponent into smashing it into the ground.

Although this won him a period of time, it also made the smell of gunpowder in the arena stronger.

The two sides began to frequently engage in physical conflicts, with the batsman hitting his opponent with his bat without any scruples, scaring the spectators.

This situation gave Tver a sense of déjà vu as if he were watching an ice hockey game…

In the Muggle world, except for ice hockey games in the Olympics, ice hockey players at other times are actually allowed to fight, and there are even players specially selected for fighting.

Why don’t we do this in Quidditch in the future? Since it’s so empty down there, we can put players with grievances down there and use magic duels to resolve disputes.

Tver rubbed his chin, really thinking about this possibility.

Harry was so frightened that he shuddered unconsciously, and did not even notice that Viktor, whom he had just respected, was hit by the Bludger.

It seemed that the blood from the injured nose aroused his fighting spirit, or he may have realized that the difference between the two teams was getting wider and wider.

As the audience watched with bated breath, Viktor once again made an even more violent dive than before!

Opponent Lin Qi also discovered this, and the two had another diving duel.

But the winner was still Viktor. He firmly raised the Golden Snitch in his hand and landed it safely on the ground.


He was also the one who failed, as the Bulgarian team lost to the Irish team with a score of 160:170.

“It’s a pity. If Viktor’s teammates could be stronger, the result would be different.” Cynthia said with some distress when looking at Viktor’s face covered in blood.

Ever since the teacher’s incident occurred, Durmstrang’s reputation outside has not been very good.

However, in recent years, due to the appearance of Viktor Krum, many people have greatly changed their views on the school.

It is precisely because of this reputation that Victor has maintained a prudent attitude in words and deeds since he became famous, silently working hard to improve the image of the school and the country.

Just because he had paid so much for today, he still failed to win the final championship.

Tver also felt sorry for the little brother who had followed him.

After the game is over, there is the final award of the trophy.

Even the Bulgarian team, which finished second, came to the top box at the invitation of Ludo Bagman.

After all, their Minister of Magic is here.

However, the minister was not unhappy. The Quidditch team’s success was beyond his expectations, or the entire country of Bulgaria’s.

In order for everyone to hear, he happily praised Klum in English for a long time. This was also the first time he spoke English tonight.

“You speak English?!” Fudge looked at him in surprise, “Then you let me sign there for a long time!”

The joy of the Irish team’s victory instantly disappeared from his face, and the dissatisfaction of being teased filled his heart.

“I think that’s fun.”

“Ah, that’s right. Losing to the Irish team has already surprised you enough…”

Fudge glanced at Malvolio’s position, and suddenly became confident and quarrelsome with the Bulgarian minister.

But not only the Bulgarian players, but also the spectators like Tver ignored their side.


“Panda God of War?!” Viktor looked at Tver in surprise, as well as Cynthia, whose face was red with suppressed laughter.


“So your brain was also damaged by the Bludger?” Tver looked at him expressionlessly.

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