Tver did not leave the camp, but observed the crowd.

The situation of tonight’s operation was somewhat different from what he expected. Lucius was not the kind of person to make arbitrary decisions, especially now that he had been forced to draw a clear line with Voldemort due to his own planning, he did not dare to change it at will. own plan.

But now, the march has grown faster and more destructively than I imagined.

Even in the plot, there will be no burning tents like this, or even wanting to attack other wizards!

Hidden in the chaotic crowd, Tver released one or two iron armor spells from time to time to protect the fleeing wizards and children.

The Auror has not shown up yet…

According to the plan, after the parade was destroyed, Barty Crouch would bring the Aurors he had won over to enter.

Then Malvolio was responsible for guarding the perimeter to prevent those Death Eaters from escaping.

But now, there is nothing…

Tver’s heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

The situation here is under good control, and there have been no real casualties.

But as more and more people join the fight, this place is almost becoming a battlefield!

“Where is Madame Maxime?” a soft and pitiful voice said in panic, still in French.

Tver quickly turned back.

A group of boys and girls in pajamas huddled together and followed the crowd, slowly taking refuge in the forest.

But the worry on their faces did not diminish much. Instead, they became more panicked as the battle began.

The person who just spoke should be the little girl with waist-length pure silver hair standing at the front of the team.

However, Tver was more focused on what she had just said.

Ms. Maxim?

“Student of Beauxbatons?” he asked quickly in French.

He is not proficient in French. After all, he only learns foreign languages ​​based on his interests, but he can still communicate simply.

It seemed that the same language made them feel more favorable in the midst of the chaos, or maybe it was the look on Tver’s face that made them more reassured.

The group of students stopped immediately and looked at him in surprise. The little girl glanced at him timidly, lowered her head and answered in a low voice.

“Yes, Ms. Maxim is our principal and she brought us over to watch the game.”

“The tents were separated by grade, but when Madam asked us to wait for her to come back with the senior students, that group of people destroyed our tents…”

The more she spoke, the more she felt aggrieved. The little girl sobbed from time to time, but she still finished speaking completely and firmly.

Tsk, it is indeed a school funded by Nicolés Flamel. If you have money, you can take students to enjoy such summer activities.

Unlike Hogwarts, Dumbledore refused to even give himself a salary increase!

I don’t know why, but in the chaotic situation, this was the first thing that came to Tver’s mind.

“…Sir? Can you help us find Ms. Maxim?” The little girl didn’t know why, but she vaguely felt that the gentleman in front of her was trustworthy.

“Tver Foley, just call me Terver. I will take you to a safe place first. Maybe Ms. Maxim will be waiting for you there.”

Tver pointed in the direction of the forest, where the refuge crowd would gather as long as they did not leave.

As for helping these students, I couldn’t bear to see them get hurt because of the mistakes in my plan.

What’s more, among the three European schools, Durmstrang is his base, and Hogwarts is gradually under his control. Only Beauxbatons has not had any contact with it.

These three schools have basically trained most of the wizards in Europe. Having a good relationship with them can also make their international reputation more friendly.


The little girl didn’t realize it so deeply. She simply knew that she had found a kind person who was willing to help them.

“Thank you, Mr. Foley, my name is Gabrielle Delacour, you can just call me Gabrielle.”

Gabrielle smiled cutely, her silver hair shining in the firelight.

Other students also blinked innocent eyes and looked at Tver in surprise.

If he were a bad person, he would probably have to help count the money after these children were sold by him.

“Let’s go.” Tver walked to the back of the team and used his wand to protect the group of students.

They immediately felt at ease and walked a little more cheerfully.

They didn’t realize at all that without Tver, they were heading in that direction…

Gabrielle quietly fell behind and stood with Tver on her short legs.

“Mr. Foley, are you also from Beauxbatons?”

“Just call me Tver, I don’t

He is a student of Beauxbatons. he replied nonchalantly, focusing on the center of the battlefield.

The fighting there was intensifying. Although no one was injured yet, the intensity was no longer as simple as a parade. From time to time, magic would fly towards the people taking refuge.

Things tonight are full of weirdness. Before things become clear, there is no essential meaning in solving this group of people.

But when the fleeing crowd saw him nonchalantly transforming into hundreds of birds, and then accurately blocking every incoming spell, they immediately knew who the thigh was here.

He quickly took his family with him and slowly moved closer here.

As a result, what was originally a small group of Beauxbatons students suddenly turned into a huge team covering various countries and races.

Tver didn’t care either, chatting casually with Gabri and looking around.

However, the large team also attracted some people’s attention.

Before Tver could transform into a new batch of birds, a dozen hooded and masked Death Eaters suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Avada eats the big melon!”

A chaotic green light suddenly flashed around Tver, drowning him in the exploding dust amid Gabriel’s screams.

After a while.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time…”

After the dust cleared, the wand in Tver’s hand lowered slightly, and the blue-purple flames wrapped around his body clearly illuminated the ridicule on his face.

Many people may not know that the most powerful magic of Fire Shield is not offensive, but defensive!

But its offensive capabilities are not something that these bastards who only know how to kill can withstand!

As the Death Eaters stared at each other in panic, flames suddenly burst out as they fled.

Tver is like a blooming flower, every spark is a deadly javelin, and then hundreds of javelins with silk threads are like bullets, accurately hitting the shoulders and thighs of every Death Eater who just launched the attack!

Not only that, the flames did not disappear due to the hit, but pinned them in place, making them——

Can’t move!

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