Tver happily stayed in the auditorium all morning, chatting about the Triwizard Tournament and Durmstrang’s affairs with some curious students who had no classes or had finished classes.

They had been curious before, but most of them were limited to prejudices and rumors about Durmstrang.

It’s different now. Durmstrang’s students will come here in October. As Dumbledore said, the students also want to use a more friendly attitude towards the guests.

It would be better if I could meet some handsome/beautiful “guests”…hehe…

Tver was amused by being entangled by this group of ill-intentioned students all morning, and he didn’t break away from them until after lunch.

“good afternoon.”

In the afternoon sunshine, Tver stepped into the arena.

“Good afternoon, Professor!”

The sixth-grade students answered lazily, but their eyes still looked at him with a hint of expectation.

“Hey, this year’s advanced class seems to have more people.”

Tver glanced at it. When he looked at the list, he didn’t feel that now that he saw such a group of people in class, he regretted teaching the students so well.

The quality of his teaching is getting better and better, but the standards for judging students by the Ministry of Magic have not improved.

At this rate, by the time Harry’s class, which he has taught the longest, is likely to be in advanced classes…

However, he did not show his disgust in front of the students, but looked at them with emotion.

“I’m glad to see so many familiar faces here, especially some students who I thought would not be able to attend advanced classes due to poor theoretical scores.”

His eyes flickered back and forth between the Weasley twins who raised their heads in triumph, obviously realizing who he was referring to.

“Now that you are in the advanced class, you must be tired of the previous classes.”

——”No, Professor, we miss every lesson you teach so much.” George flattered him, causing the students to boo.

“Then let’s continue with the previous course?” Tver looked at him funny.


Fred covered George’s mouth and dragged him behind with Davis and Cedric.

“George’s brain has been burned by the sun, Professor, you don’t have to worry about him.”

“In this case, let’s review the content of the previous class first.”

“In my first year at school, which was also your third grade, I used the light ball game to help you improve your spell-casting abilities.”

“In fourth grade, I brought the statues to class, which was the beginning of your formal formation of a team and practice practice.”

“And last year, as a team, you practiced dueling skills among wizards and successfully participated in the first duel competition at Hogwarts!”

In the eyes of the students who were getting more and more proud, Tver chuckled and applauded them.

The growth of their strength has never been achieved overnight, and it can even be improved to the current level just by practicing fighting.

It was achieved through his careful arrangements in each class and the students’ hard work in the past three years.

Realizing this, they recalled the past three years ago, when they would be in a hurry when facing the light ball game.

And now I can freely cooperate with my friends and fight against various opponents.

The students’ faces were filled with smiles, and their watery eyes were full of respect for the professor.

If it weren’t for the professor’s teachings, I would probably be just like the sixth grade students before, only waving the wand stupidly!

“In my opinion, your strength is no less than that of many adult wizards in society.”

Tver looked at them with a smile.

This is not an exaggeration. In fact, most wizards in the magic world are really average in strength. Their only advantage is that they are more proficient in spell casting.

If they really want to fight, these students who have learned how to work as a team can fight with the wizards in the Ministry of Magic, except Aurors and other combat departments!

“So, we will have a different gameplay this year,” he took out his wand, and surging magic flowed out of it, “a more exciting and interesting game!”

At this moment, Tver was like a conductor, and his baton was the magic wand. As his spell-casting movements became more and more exquisite, elegance and passion existed in him at the same time.

The walls of the arena, under his command, quickly became illusory as they rotated.

The students opened their mouths in shock. Before they could react, they suddenly found that the surrounding walls had disappeared!

No, it should be said that it has become distant!

Originally not far apart

The wall is now at least a thousand feet away from them, and it has been stretched by thousands of feet in front, back, left and right!

The arena was originally quite large, but due to the elongation of the arena, it is now as large as the Quidditch field next to it!

“The Traceless Stretching Spell…” George said naa.

He and Fred had long wanted to master this magic so that they could make gadgets and hide them in their pockets without telling their mother.

It’s just that the difficulty of this magic is unexpectedly high. Even if they successfully expand their pockets, it won’t last more than a day.

But now, George could clearly see that the traceless stretching spell cast by the professor was still a huge traceless stretching spell.

What’s even more frightening is that this is not a pocket or a travel tent, but an open arena!

This kind of magic that was beyond his knowledge shocked him so much that he was speechless.

Tver curled his lips somewhat dissatisfied.

Ever since he met Helga Hufflepuff three years ago, he had been absorbing the magic involved.

Unexpectedly, after almost three years of research, it still failed to reach the level that Helga had expanded the Forbidden Forest.

This kind of magical ability that is at the bottom of the box really needs to be accumulated slowly over time.

He continued to wave his wand, adding grass, trees, and of course the necessary bunkers to the arena.

He originally thought about arranging it directly in the Forbidden Forest, but there were too many uncontrollable factors there, so he gave up the idea.

And in the gladiatorial arena, even if he expanded it, the fighting area was still not enough to accommodate a dozen teams.

But this also has an advantage, that is, the intensity of the battle will be higher.

Yes, Tver wanted them to have a melee in a forest!

“See, this is the place where you will fight. You will be randomly assigned to a corner in a small team.”

“Then move towards the center and seize the proof of victory!”

As he spoke, he conjured a high platform in the center of the arena, then fumbled in his pocket for a while and took out a——

small cake.

“Ahem, sorry, this is the most I have in my pocket.”

Amidst the laughter of the students, he shamelessly placed the cake on the high platform – it would be fine to transform into a trophy, but it would still change back after losing the magic power, and it wouldn’t even have the shelf life of a small cake.

After doing all this, Tver’s expression suddenly became serious.

“This time, your opponent will not be the designated team, but every classmate you meet!”

“There will no longer be a fair three-on-three, but it will most likely be more against less.”

“But don’t think this is unfair. There is no such thing as fairness on the battlefield!”

The little wizards couldn’t help but look solemn.

Especially Cedric, who won the fifth-grade championship last year, has seen in the eyes of his classmates a strong desire to challenge them!

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