Games similar to battle royale are constantly being played in the classroom. Except for a few top students in the grade, most students have expressed praise for it!

The chaotic battlefield game allows powerful teams to be fully balanced. In other words, strength is no longer the key to victory or defeat. For the first time, wisdom is valued outside of exams.

The students also felt the pleasure of playing games with their brains for the first time!

This also makes many teams that are not that strong feel that victory can be so close to them for the first time, and they are no longer just bystanders.

Therefore, even though Tver emphasized several times that he would continue to hold such events, they still kept asking when the next time would be.

Even if they just finished such a class.

“It seems that students like playing games very much?”

On Thursday, during lunch, Professor Flitwick looked thoughtfully at the students who were happily discussing the battle royale game.

Tver, who finally escaped from the crowd of students, was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

“What, you also want to prepare some games in class?”

“It looks really good, doesn’t it?” Professor McGonagall also joined in the conversation.

“Alastor’s classes have seemed a bit… quite satisfactory recently. Throughout the morning, I heard the students complaining more than once. They just want to attend your class now, Tver.”

“This is the first time I heard this complaint after a year since Remus left school.”

She said somewhat amusedly.

Last year, students complained about Lupin at first, but were quickly conquered by his exquisite classroom settings.

But this year Moody was not so lucky.

The content in the class was better than that of Quirrell and Lockhart in previous years, but compared to Lupin and Twil, it was nothing special.

Tweel glanced at Moody, who was eating sausages not far away, with some surprise. It seemed that the ultimate move he had accumulated was going to be used in Harry’s class.

It seems like this afternoon?

“Professor Moody, do you mind if I sit in on your class this afternoon? The main purpose is to learn the unique teaching methods of veteran Aurors.”

Moody had obviously never heard of such a situation, and even with his superb acting skills, he couldn’t help but raise his head in surprise.

The magic eye circled Tver, shaking uneasily.

“When did Hogwarts classes have such a setting as auditing?”

“Alastor, don’t be so nervous. When Lockhart was teaching at the school two years ago, Tweel also went to sit in.” Professor McGonagall patted Moody’s arm gently.

She knew very well that the old Moody was always so suspicious.

But she didn’t know that this Moody was not that Moody.

“So, boy, you compare me to that liar Lockhart?!” Moody’s eyes widened in annoyance.

Tver smiled softly, picked up the cup and took a sip of pumpkin juice. Then he said leisurely: “Even Lockhart, that liar, didn’t have as big a reaction as you when he heard that I was going to attend.”

Moody’s face froze, and he couldn’t help feeling anxious as he looked at the suspicious looks in Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick’s eyes.

He just didn’t want Tver to do whatever he wanted to him, so he wanted to refuse to listen.

But this pales in comparison to the suspicions of other professors.

“Hmph, you can sit in, but don’t interfere with my class!” Moody snorted coldly, stood up, and left the auditorium with a cane.

“That’s what Alastor is like. He actually has no hostility toward you.” Professor McGonagall explained Moody’s behavior.

But when Professor Flitwick heard this, he couldn’t help complaining: “Maybe he is hostile to everyone now.”

The students in the auditorium obviously didn’t care about Moody like this. Students like Harry who were about to start class quickly ate some lunch and rushed to Moody’s first class.

After all, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor brings something different every year. As for whether these things are good or bad, they have to take the first class to know.

Moreover, the students also know the identity of Moody’s veteran Auror, and everyone is looking forward to the day when he will suddenly show everyone the style of the legal violence department in the wizarding world.

Except Tver.

This school year, nothing will stop him from enjoying every meal, along with the extra cookies the elf prepares!

So until the bell rang, he walked leisurely to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

“If I heard correctly, you should be late.”

Twil looked at Hermione, who was walking towards the classroom as well.

Hermione suddenly smiled helplessly at him, held him in his hands and kept moving down

The bulky school bag fell.

“I…I was so absorbed in reading in the library that I didn’t notice the time. If Mrs. Pince hadn’t reminded me, I would still be there.”

“Reading a book? About house elves?”

“That’s right!”

When they talked about the topic that concerned them most, the bitterness of being late disappeared instantly from Hermione’s face.

“I have checked a lot of information. In the past, house elves and wizards were mutually beneficial. When the goblins rebelled, they were even the only magical creatures willing to stand with wizards!”

“In the end, the wizard betrayed this trust and drove them like slaves!”

“Yes, that’s why other highly intelligent magical creatures, including centaurs, are not very willing to have a closer relationship with wizards.”

Tver nodded approvingly.

From the perspective of the wizard’s betrayal, it is obviously more effective than the silly attempt to let the elf get his salary.

After all, the empathetic wizard has more say than the salary-hungry elf.

As if feeling encouraged, the smile on Hermione’s face became more dazzling and colorful.

“So, we can call on wizards to fulfill their original promises and give house elves the treatment they deserve!”

“I can help you publish these ideas in the Daily Prophet, but you have to be aware that the interests of wizards will be damaged in the process, and the opposition pressure they bring is definitely greater than you imagine. ”

“Especially, you are just a student who is still studying in school.”

Tver promptly cooled down her agitated brain.

The more information Hermione consulted, the clearer she saw the conflicting interests of wizards.

“Then… what should we do? We also gather a group of people to fight against them?”

“No, no, no, I want you to make your appeal less severe. For example, we can start by being kind to elves and other magical animals.”

“Compared with the original promises of wizards, wizards can obviously easily accept this small suggestion, and then we can slowly improve the treatment of elves step by step.”

“In the end, even if there are still people who oppose you, there will be more people who are willing to agree with you, because they are used to giving equal status to magical animals.”

Twil seduced Hermione into his thoughts on how to deal with magical creatures.

Yes, just a house elf is not worthy of his attention at all.

What he wants is recognition from all magical creatures!

This is also an extension of the werewolf policy. When people are accustomed to equal status with intelligent creatures, will they still mind integrating with Muggles?

This was actually a small plan that Tver suddenly thought of when Hermione asked him a question.

He couldn’t guarantee how effective it would be.

But all he devoted was a little time and energy to answer students’ questions.

What’s more, maintaining a friendly attitude towards magical creatures can also prevent them from falling to that side unscrupulously after Voldemort is resurrected.

As long as it can give your opponent a stumbling block, it can’t be said to be meaningless!

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