After hearing Tver’s words, Fleur finally showed a relaxed expression.

What she just said was actually testing Tver’s views on mixed-blood wizards.

Judging from the current situation, this professor is indeed as she has known him during this period. He is gentle, knowledgeable, and has an objective and rational view of things. In particular, he does not have the prejudices that most wizards have.

“Thank you for your understanding. There are few wizards as young as you who can have such a point of view worthy of my consideration.”

Under the light of the fire, Fleur’s face looked a little relieved, but also a little admired for Tver.

This made Tver a little confused.

Fooling, no, he did learn a lot from his teacher about the skill of persuading others, but he didn’t say too much just now!

Seemingly sensing his confusion, Fleur carefully took out a crumpled newspaper from her robe pocket.

From the action, it was obvious that the newspaper had been read many times, but she still regarded it as a treasure.

“Well, I read this article in a newspaper a few days ago. The article talked about the equal relationship between wizards and magical creatures.”

After hearing this, Tver finally realized the reason why he was stopped.

“This is the first time I have seen such a concise and well-founded article of this kind in so many years. I…I really like the views expressed above.”

Furong excitedly held the newspaper in her arms, which made the already wrinkled and rough paper even worse…

“So I wrote several letters to the newspaper and finally learned that the author was a student at Hogwarts.”

“However, when I found Miss Hermione Granger and asked her a question that I had been thinking about for many years, her answer was too childish and did not match the mature thoughts of the article at all!”

As if thinking of the original scene, a trace of disappointment appeared on her face.

At first, she thought Hermione was a sensational liar, using eye-catching topics to attract attention for herself.

This is quite common in the magic world. After all, there are still liars who write other people’s stories as their own and package themselves as powerful wizards!

But soon this disappointment dissipated, her eyes were filled with light, and her face was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

“Then she told me a name, and that was you, Mr. Turville Foley!”

“She said that you guided her to write this article, and the ideas in it were also taught to her by you.”

Fleur asked with a hopeful tone: “Am I right?”

This series of actions by Fleur allowed Tver to see clearly the intelligent magical creatures and the desire of hybrid wizards to seek recognition in the magical world.

But it is normal. As long as it is an intelligent creature, it is natural to seek recognition.

Not to mention other wizards, even Tver, before encountering Hermione’s idea about elves, had not thought much about the demands of these groups.

One is that the volume of their voice is too small, and the other is that no attention is paid to them.

Therefore, when he saw Furong’s admiring look on her face, he couldn’t help but feel guilty for two seconds.

But it was only two seconds.

“I did guide Hermione to write this article, but to be honest, before this, like other wizards, I always inadvertently ignored you.”

Tver chose to confess.

Pretending that you care about them at this time will only make you look hypocritical, especially in the eyes of the discriminated magical creatures. This hypocrisy is almost the same as betrayal.

Fleur showed a big smile indifferently, and her silver hair shone in the light of the candle.

“Doesn’t this further illustrate how powerful you are? You can come up with such a wonderful point of view in such a short time and encourage students to publish it in newspapers. You are already much better than most wizards!”

Listening to her compliment, Tver sensed something was wrong.

I always feel like something is waiting for me.

“That’s right, given your thoughts, I would like to ask you a question…”


The corners of Tver’s mouth turned up slightly.

Furong may not have any bad intentions, she just used such a little trick out of caution.

“Ask, it is my responsibility as a professor to answer students’ questions.”

As if realizing that her little thoughts had been seen through, she smiled shyly, but still asked her question crisply.

“You mentioned that intelligent magical creatures and wizards should be on equal footing, but how can these magical creatures fight for equal rights for themselves?”

“Especially in the reality that the wizarding world is generally prejudiced against magical creatures, how can magical creatures, including us mixed-race wizards, break the discrimination?

? ”

“Obviously, this cannot be achieved by one or two articles,” Tver said without thinking, “but it cannot be achieved by one or two wizards.”

Fleur was a little dissatisfied with his brief statement.

Hermione had also answered such a question, but in the end she only came up with the naive idea of ​​asking everyone to appeal together and fight for rights from the Ministry of Magic.

If the Ministry of Magic was really willing to improve the status of magical creatures, they would have been living openly and openly in the magical world!

“In other words, rights and obligations are always equal. If you always think about your rights but don’t realize the responsibilities you should bear, it will only cause conflicts.”


“I know that everyone likes some beautiful ideas such as equality and friendship, but the reality is that naked interests are the most basic principles of magical society.”

“If magical creatures cannot bring benefits to human wizards, then they will only think of you as a burden and trouble.”

Such words were too direct, and Fleur didn’t even have time to change her mind.

“But…but we are also working hard!”

“That’s right,” Tver admired her good comprehension ability, “So, let the wizards see the benefits you can bring to them.”

Seeing that Fleur wanted to continue speaking, Tver emphasized first: “Attention, it is seeing.”

“There is no point in working silently. Human wizards will only take it for granted. After all, they think they have already paid.”

“So, you need to let humans see and realize that you are an indispensable part of the magical society, and even the entire human society!”

“But, what are we going to do? Write an article in the newspaper?” Fleur asked with a frown.

“Don’t underestimate the power of public opinion. Mastering absolute public opinion can control the thoughts of many people in the magic world.”

Realizing that the chat was coming to an end, Tver walked over and opened the classroom door.

By this time, the sky had completely darkened, and the chatter of students filling the castle filled in.

“Of course, this is just one of the ways. As for the others, you need to think about it yourself.”

Furong agreed with this point of view, but she still had little experience and didn’t know what she wanted to do.

Tver watched Fleur walk out of the classroom in confusion, and reminded her thoughtfully in her ear.

“For example, you can actively participate in the wizarding world and not just be part of the entertainment.”

Another example is actively participating in the reform of the magical world…

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