There was too much information in Tweel’s words, and Percy was confused. He didn’t come back to his senses until all the dummy’s test papers were reviewed.

“But what if we are aware of this problem? We can’t plunder the wealth of the rich, right?”

Percy looked at Tver seriously, not realizing that his subconscious had put him and Tver together.

“Of course not,” Tver laughed happily, “Even if you want to do this, I won’t allow it. After all, I am a rich man.”

“The problem in the magic world is not the original wealth, but the channels for creating wealth are too few, or in other words, too closed!”


Having lived in the magical world since he was a child, Percy didn’t understand why wizards were so closed.

“Yes, closed,” Tver thought for a moment, “Do you know when was the last time a brand-new magic appeared in the magical world?”

“I…I don’t know.”

Tver chuckled.

“Yes, I don’t know. It could have been the last second, or it could have been ten years ago.”

“Then let me ask you again, do you think there is any difference between your life ten years ago and your life now?”

Percy frowned at the memory.

He was only six years old ten years ago, so his memory is not forgotten, but it is not that clear either.

After a while, he said unconfidently: “Is there a new broomstick?”

Tver nodded noncommittally, “Is there any more?”

Percy was lost in thought again, but this time he couldn’t think of anything.

“I don’t know. It seems to have always been like this in my impression. Maybe it’s because the books my mother likes to read have changed?”

“Or maybe the things your father collected have changed?” Tver gave a hint.

“That’s right!” Percy said excitedly, “Dad’s radio collection has changed, becoming smaller and more delicate!”

Seeing that he was completely drawn into his thoughts, Tver’s expression began to become solemn.

“See, Percy? We wizards are actually the same, and all changes are dependent on Muggles.”

“It took them a few years to make the radio compact and mini, and what have we been doing in the past few years? Developing a new broomstick?”

“But how many people can afford this broom? But the radio is different. Even your father can be its customer.”

“This is why the wizarding world is so backward. The stage is too small to accommodate great actors!”

Turville strode over to Percy, pulled him to his feet, and held his arms tightly.

“You are a very talented wizard. Every wizard like you should be exposed to more people, instead of being buried in the corner of the magic world.”

“You deserve better, Percy, don’t waste your talents!”

As if being stabbed in the heart, all of Percy’s dissatisfaction was clearly seen.

He complains and resents, nothing more than hating that his talents are not given the stage they should be displayed on, or in other words, everyone in their family does not have the stage they should have!

If, he meant if, he could give orders to tens of thousands of people, wouldn’t that power be higher than that of the Minister of Magic? !

But in a Muggle city, tens of thousands is just an inconspicuous small city!

But after the excitement, Percy suddenly thought of a fatal question——

“But, Professor, we can’t show magic in front of Muggles, right? Muggles shouldn’t see magic, shouldn’t…”

“No, to be precise, we can’t do this in these three hundred years.” The corner of Tver’s mouth raised.

“You have such good grades in the history of magic. You should remember what happened in the magic world three hundred years ago, exactly three hundred years ago?”

Percy’s eyes widened in surprise.

“You are referring to the implementation of the International Statute of Secrecy of the Confederation of Wizards?!”

“Yes, as long as this law no longer exists, we can live in this world easily without having to hide like rats.”

The clever Percy realized Twil’s intention instantly, and he angrily threw Twil’s hand away.

“I don’t allow you to have such thoughts.” He did not dare to look at Tver again and could only look aside. “We cannot use magic to enslave anyone, even if they are Muggles!”

Living in the magical world, especially when his parents were members of the Order of the Phoenix, he was familiar with and disgusted with Voldemort’s theory of enslaving Muggles and half-blood wizards.

At the same time, there is also some incredible disappointment in Tver.

However, Tver was very satisfied with Percy’s anger, and he would only doubt Percy’s thoughts if he simply agreed.

“What do you think? I have never considered Muggles as slaves.”

“Instead, I see them as friends, friends to play with.”

“Show your friends the magic of magic, and your friends can show us the power of technology. What’s wrong with that?”

He spread his hands in a friendly manner, and his tone was as relaxed as if he was on an outing with friends, rather than talking about the reform of the wizarding world.

Percy turned his head and was so shocked that he opened and closed his mouth several times, but no words came out.

“You mean, cooperation? But Muggle electronic devices can be interfered with by magic?”

It seems that his inner defenses have been almost destroyed, Tver thought proudly.

“Then do you know why?”

Percy shook his head numbly.

“I don’t know either, but if we don’t study it, we won’t be able to reveal the secret between magic and technology in this lifetime.”

“But, I’m just an ordinary student with maybe a pretty good academic record. How could I study such a big proposition?”

All that’s left now is the finishing touch, Tver thought.

“We will not be short of researchers,” Tver whispered in his ear, “What we are short of are reformers.”

“As long as we break down the barriers between wizards and Muggles and become close partners, countless people will help us study the secrets of magic and technology.”

“And this hammer is in your hands and mine.”

Twil straightened up and held out his hand to Percy seductively.

“Will you stand with me and be the one swinging the hammer?”

Percy’s heart was beating violently. He realized how wonderful the future Tver described was. He couldn’t wait to see such a future!

The excited hands trembled slightly, but they still held it firmly.

By the time Percy left the office, his head was still a little dizzy.

After shaking hands with the professor, he was so excited that he almost lacked oxygen. After that, he talked about many problems and plans in the magical world, which made his brain work at high load to keep up with the professor’s ideas.

The cold wind blew in the corridor for a while before he woke up.

He also recalled the last words Professor Welfare left for him——

“This is a long-term goal, and the Ministry of Magic will be our biggest goal at the moment, so I hope you can work there after graduation. Before that, please be sure to keep it a secret.”

After standing there and thinking for a while, he walked back to the lounge without hesitation.

Little did he know, Tver was standing behind the seemingly transparent door, staring at him intently!

“What a naive child,” Ring said with emotion, “Aren’t you afraid that he will tell Dumbledore a secret?”

“I can see his heart clearly,” Tver said calmly, his face buried in the darkness. “It’s very pure inside, so pure that I can hold it with just a gentle grip.”

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