Hiding in the East Palace, the prince turned out to be a girl!

Chapter 384: Dare to mess around, kill the demon clan

"Prince Xiao, Prince Xiao!"

"Prince Xiao, congratulations!"

Xiao Fan rode the white dragon horse forward, and countless people shouted along the way.

Behind Xiao Fan was a mighty wedding procession.

On the white dragon horse, Xiao Fan kept waving his hands.

He always had a smile on his face.

In the past, he could only secretly prepare for the prince's wedding, but now he can marry the empress openly.

"Laugh, I'll let you laugh. The happier you laugh now, the more uncomfortable you will be later. When the killing starts, your big day today will directly become the death day of the Tianlong Empire!"

A strong man in the crowd sneered in his heart.

He is a strong man of the human race, but he colluded with the demon race and gained a lot of benefits. Now there are many strong men from the human race, and many strong men from the small world, and the demon race has a hard time.

He was also worried.

Two days ago, he was instructed to organize people to kill.

He had colluded with the demon race a long time ago. The demon race had such an order, and he could only obey it, otherwise he would die if the news was exposed.


Xiao Fan received the message from the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Someone had the intention to kill, but the other party did not have a strong killing intention.

This situation should be that the other party had secretly arranged it, and the other party asked the others to kill, and he was just watching secretly.

"Capture this person."

"Force him to tell his plan."

Xiao Fan sent a message to Zhuang Yan.

Today is a big day, if possible, he does not want to do it himself, it is best not to shed blood during the day, and shed blood at night.

"Yes, young master."

Zhuang Yan immediately took action, and the guy who had just had the intention to kill was quietly captured by him.

Xiao Fan thought about it, and simply let the Zhuxian Sword Formation give a copy of the message to Zhuang Yan and Youming, so that they can deal with it directly.

He has offended many forces, and the Tianlong Empire also has enemies. There may be more than one or two people who take advantage of such an opportunity to make trouble.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation covers a radius of thousands of kilometers. As long as there is a killing intention within this range, the Zhuxian Sword Formation will know it immediately.

Catch if there is a killing intention or not.

If there is both killing intention and killing intention, the Zhuxian Sword Formation will kill directly.

"Young Master, the demons are taking action."

"It was the demons who put pressure on him to organize the killing."

Zhuang Yan quickly got detailed information from the other party.

Xiao Fan frowned secretly. Now that many powerful human beings have come, the human beings in Shengyan Continent are much stronger. Normally, the demons have to be timid.

They have to hide in the deep mountains and old forests to avoid being killed.

The demons suddenly jumped out to make trouble, most likely to cooperate with the actions of the Death Demon Sect, so that they have to run around.

In this way, the number of strong people in Mohu will decrease.

The Death Demon Sect is likely to send many strong people here.

"Father, the demons are preparing to make trouble--"

Xiao Fan told Xiao Jin the situation.

The demons must be stopped from making trouble today!


Xiao Jin flew into the sky.

A strong aura emanated from him.

Many strong people immediately looked in the direction of Langya Immortal Mansion.

"Fellow Daoists, we have received news that the demons are preparing to kill."

"Today is my son's big day. If the demons mess up, please help us to kill all the demons in the entire Holy Word Continent."

"No matter whether they are big or small, whether they are involved or not, they will all be killed! All those who collude with the demons to kill will be killed with all their clans. Thank you for your support!"

Xiao Jin's majestic and domineering voice spread far away.

"Kill the entire demon clan?"

"Are the demons crazy? If you provoke Xiao Fan at this time, you will not get good results."

"If we don't help, I guess we won't get the Supreme Saint Bone."

Many strong men talked about it.

The news spread throughout Shengjing City, and soon spread out of Shengjing City.


In a city not far from Shengjing City, a powerful demon got the news, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

Nuwa, Xiao Jin and others are very powerful. Xiao Fan still has 500,000 death knights in his hands. The human race has also sent many strong men. It is completely possible to kill all the demons in the entire Holy Word Continent.

"Who the hell is making trouble at this time?"

"Are you going to kill our entire demon race?"

This demon race strongman immediately spread the news.

One person spreads ten, ten spreads a hundred, and the news spreads very quickly among the demons. If something goes wrong, they will face the disaster of extinction.

"Quick, pass the order down, give up the killing plan!"

"Pass on my order to stop the action."

There are many demon race strongmen who are ready to act. After receiving the news, they all stopped the action.

Originally, they thought that even if they acted, Xiao Fan might not be able to find them. They just obey the orders from the upper realm.

Now the situation is different.

Xiao Fan will not play with them like this. As long as there is a problem at the wedding, as long as they kill indiscriminately, Xiao Fan and his men will directly slaughter them.

With the strength of the demons and humans in the Holy Word Continent, it won't take long for the demons in the Holy Word Continent to be slaughtered.

Even if there are orders from the upper realm, they can't listen at this time.

No matter how many promises the strong men in the upper realm make, it's not as important as their own lives.

"Brother, are we still going to act?"

Somewhere in the Tianlong Empire, a strong man of the human race asked.

There are many people in the human race who have grudges against Xiao Fan. Some of them originally planned to act, but they hesitated after hearing this news.

As long as they find out, they will kill all nine clans.

The consequences are very serious.

"Forget it."

A strong man next to him was silent for a while and shook his head.

According to their previous research, Xiao Fan would not kill their children. If the action failed, their bloodline could be passed on.

The situation is different now.

Xiao Jin made it very clear that whoever takes action will be killed.

"Damn it!"

A powerful demon in another place in the Tianlong Empire cursed secretly.

He is a powerful demon who descended from the God Realm.

There would have been many powerful demons to cooperate with him, and the Tianlong Empire would have "bloomed" everywhere, but now he can only act personally.


This powerful demon arrived at a city with a population of one million. As long as he took action, he would be able to destroy the entire city in a short time.


When it was time to take action, the strong hesitated.

As a powerful demon, he would not have a strong inner demon if he slaughtered the human city, but what about the revenge of Xiao Fan and the human strong?

He knew the demon channel and the Death Demon Sect.

If he took action, what if the strong men of the Death Demon Sect could not come?

At that time, countless demon compatriots in the Holy Word Continent would die because of him.

The more demons die, the stronger his demon will be.

"Maybe we can just threaten them, not kill them!"

The demon warrior thought of a way.


A terrifying aura burst out from his body, and the blood cloud quickly spread out, and soon the blood cloud covered the entire city.

"Today, all of you must die! Be afraid, I like to devour fearful humans the most, hahaha!"

The arrogant voice sounded in the sky.

Countless people in the city looked up at the sky, and they were terrified.

Half a minute later, the blood cloud in the sky dissipated, and the demon warrior left, but the panic he brought did not disappear.

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