Hiding in the East Palace, the prince turned out to be a girl!

Chapter 387: Getting married and receiving a treasure

"Here comes the bride!"

"Three brides, hee hee!"

Here at Langya Immortal Mansion, many children were shouting excitedly.

The adults didn't care about them either.

Today Qin Xuan is not the emperor, she is just the bride who married into Xiao Mansion.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The salute exploded in the sky, which was beautiful.

The salute stopped, and each saint-level musician played beautiful music. These saint-level musicians came from all over the world.

In the past, when the emperor of the Tianlong Empire married a queen, he might not be able to invite them over, but now they all come over.

With Xiao Fan's current strength and influence in the Holy Word Continent, if he doesn't agree to inviting them over, should he continue to hang out in the Holy Word Continent?

Xiao Fan first picked up Murong Die and Murong Wu.


Then Xiao Fan, Murong Die and the others took Qin Xuan off the sedan together.

The eyes of many strong men around him lit up.

"Qin Xuan's cultivation level is not high, but her appearance is top-notch in the God Realm. Xiao Fan is an ordinary person, so he has an advantage."

"Even if we go to the God Realm, we won't be able to get someone as good as Qin Xuan. Emperor Ziwei wants to accept her as his apprentice."

"Tsk tsk, speaking of Emperor Ziwei, she and her two apprentices are both top-notch. It's a pity that they are both god-emperor level experts."

Some powerful men who came from the God Realm were talking secretly.

They didn't dare to say these words openly, otherwise they would definitely die without Ziwei Emperor and the others taking action.

——There are many powerful people who are interested in Lingyun and Lingyun.

As for Emperor Ziwei... She is also very good-looking, but no one dares to challenge her. Her cultivation level is at the level of God Emperor.

"Prince Xiao, congratulations."

"Prince Xiao, give birth to a precious son soon."

Amidst the blessings of the guests, Xiao Fan took Qin Xuan's hand and entered the Langya Immortal Mansion, with Murong Die and Murong Wu following behind.

Xiao Fan didn't look at the family head's token at this moment. If he had looked at it, he would have discovered that Murong Die and the others' favorability reached 118 points.

Not long after, Xiao Fan and the others arrived at the main hall.

There are many powerful people gathered here in the main hall.

There are thousands of countries in the entire Holy Word Continent, and emperors of all sizes are basically here, even if they are not invited, they have to come.

Xiao Fan couldn't come to congratulate him on his marriage. Does the emperor still want to do it?

Even if Xiao Fan doesn't say anything, the emperor who can't come over, the ministers below shouldn't think too much? It will be much safer to vote for someone else as soon as possible.

"When the auspicious time comes, let's worship heaven and earth."

The official's loud voice sounded.

Xiao Fan and Qin Xuan bowed to the outside of the main hall.

There is no kneeling during this prayer.

As practitioners, they respect heaven but do not kneel to it.

"Two bows to Gaotang."

Xiao Fan and the others knelt before Xiao Jin, Shi Wanqing, and Qin Zhentian. No matter how high their cultivation level is, their parents are still their parents.

"Get up quickly."

Shi Wanqing and the Queen Mother smiled.

"Husband and wife bow to each other."

Xiao Fan and the others bowed and worshiped.

Xiao Fan was the only one here, with Qin Xuan and the three of them, Qin Xuan in front, Murong Die and Murong Wu behind Qin Xuan on either side.

"System, sign in."

Xiao Fan said in his mind.

This moment is considered one of the most important moments in his life. There are many powerful people and emperors gathered around him. If you sign in at this time, you will definitely be able to sign something very good.

——Jianlan Xin and the Death Legion have returned. They are in the system space, and thirty demigods are also inside.

"The sign-in was successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ten Thousand Worlds Communication Order."

"The Ten Thousand Worlds Communication Order allows the host to visit places where your phantom has been. Whatever the phantom sees and hears, the host can know."

"The Ten Thousand Worlds Communication Token is a treasure above the Saint level."

The system's voice sounded in Xiao Fan's mind.

Xiao Fan was so excited that he actually got a treasure above the Saint level. Even the Zhuxian Sword Formation was only a top Saint level treasure.

A lot of information poured into Xiao Fan's mind.

But there was no influx of powerful energy.

The Ten Thousand Realms Communication Order is not a treasure like the Zhuxian Sword Formation. It is very powerful, but it cannot improve Xiao Fan's cultivation.

"Send it to the bridal chamber!"

When the prayer was over, the ceremony official said loudly.

Xiao Fan and the others were escorted into the bridal chamber surrounded by many people. Murong Die and Murong Wu's room was next to Qin Xuan's room.

"Should we have a wedding party?"

Jiang Wu sent a message to ask Jiang Feng and others.

"I'm afraid you don't want to hang out anymore."

Tomorrow Xiao Fan will marry Jiang Yuli and the others, and they will dare to cause trouble in the wedding ceremony. Today, they are marrying Qin Xuan, and they are not so courageous.

"Ahem, forget it then."

Jiang Wu smiled.

Today, Qin Xuan is having trouble with her bridal chamber. Will she be sent to guard the border tomorrow?

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

Soon Jiang Wu and the others withdrew.

Xiao Fan and Qin Xuan were the only ones left in Qin Xuan's room.

Qin Xuan wore a red hijab on her head, but it was not a treasure. Xiao Fan could see Qin Xuan's face full of shyness and joy.

"Xuan'er, I was just a young prince's attendant, but I actually married you. It's really like a dream."

Xiao Fan smiled.

"Husband, this is not a dream."

Qin Xuan said softly.

Xiao Fan chuckled, Qin Xuan could finally call him husband all the time.


Xiao Fan lifted Qin Xuan's hijab, and Qin Xuan looked at him lovingly. Xiao Fan couldn't help but hugged Qin Xuan and kissed her.

After a while, Qin Xuan's breathing became faster due to his kiss.

"Madam, let's have a drink."

Xiao Fan poured a glass of wine for the two of them. They each held a glass of wine, stared at each other, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Husband, you go to Xiaodie Xiaowu's place and then go accompany the guests. I'll wait for you."

Qin Xuan was full of affection.

It's noon now, Xiao Fan can't just go to the bridal chamber, Qin Xuan is still wearing a complicated headdress, etc., and she also needs to lighten her makeup again.


Xiao Fan kissed Qin Xuan on the forehead.

Soon Xiao Fan arrived at Murong Die's room next door.

He went through the same process again with Murong Die, and then Murong Wu. The two women's favorability reached 120!

The family leader's token is very strong, and their favorability level reaches 120. Xiao Fan estimates that he can sense their emotions in the Red Refined Demon Realm.

After coming out of Murong Wu's room, Xiao Fan arrived in the system space.

"System, using the Ten Thousand Realms Communication Order, can I really contact my parents in my previous life?"

Xiao Fan said in his mind.

He has digested the message brought to him by the All Worlds Communication Order. He has been to the earth in his previous life, and the All Worlds Communication Order can make his shadow come down.

The Ten Thousand Worlds Communication Token is a super holy treasure, and the rules of the Holy Word Continent have no effect on it.

It's a pity that this treasure doesn't have any other abilities.

It can only be used for communication.


"As long as they're alive."

The system said.

Xiao Fan: "..."

He was a little hesitant. Of course he missed his parents in his previous life very much, but now he was afraid to contact them.

It has been twenty-three years since he traveled through time.

When he traveled through time, his parents were less than fifty years old. If time flows at the same speed, his parents should be under seventy.

If there is no illness or anything, with the lifespan of Chinese people, his parents will most likely still be alive, but who can say well about this kind of thing?

Xiao Fan is more worried about the different flow rate of time.

Perhaps the flow of time on earth is several times or even dozens of times faster than here, and he won't even be able to find his parents' graves when he returns to earth.

"God bless, my parents are still alive."

Xiao Fan murmured to himself.

As long as his parents are still alive, even if they are old, when he can go to earth in the future, he can extend his parents' life span.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Fan used the Ten Thousand Realms Communication Order.

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