High Above

Chapter 310 Flying Flame Remnant Soldiers (13)

In the S-14 underwater channel of Sequoia Base, you can often see the wreckage of some monsters and beasts, as well as various extremely ancient metal man-made wreckages whose shapes and past functions can no longer be discerned.

This place used to be one of the high-speed passages for the underwater transportation of the base, and various materials were transported smoothly through the movement of water, but after a thousand years, it has become a place close to a sewer, and the surrounding monsters will eat the leftover bones or It is hard bones thrown here that make it more and more congested.

At this time, the light dimmed.

Even if there is a surge in the spiritual energy field, causing the surrounding water mist to emit a light that is almost like lightning, the light is still very weak, and people can only vaguely distinguish who the surrounding bone remains belong to.

And at a middle exit of the underwater passage, the survivors of the Sequoia Special Forces and the two monks of the Spiritual Weapon Church had just finished a high-intensity march that was close to fleeing, and now they are paralyzed at the entrance and exit of the road, leaning against a The rib plate of the giant crocodile is being repaired slowly.

"This mission is a complete failure." The captain smiled miserably. He was looking down at the Yifeng sword in his palm. military badge.

The sword itself is of average value, just an ordinary long sword with inscriptions, but the military badge is his symbol of honor, and it is the proof that he has been rewarded by the king for his outstanding performance in the Ye Yingmo battle.

And this veteran who has always been proud of his identity is thinking about whether to use this sword to kill himself, and it will be done once and for all.

But in the end, he still gave up this tempting choice—even if the entire special forces team was almost wiped out, there were only five survivors including the two members of the Spiritual Tool Church.

But he still needs to live on and report everything that happened in the South China Sea ruins group back to the headquarters and inform the king.

"After all, it's not my fault."

Everything is due to luck, this is the true thought of the team leader.

They were obviously the first team to arrive at the South China Sea ruins in the most formal manner, fully armed, and also the first team to find the brain-eating worm's lair!

If it wasn't for the white people appraiser who inexplicably ruined their good deeds, they would have captured the youngest son of the Ellen family and a master alchemist long ago!

And if these three people didn't make trouble, they would have been able to defeat the giant gold centipede, the relic giant, and maybe they would be able to pick up the leak when the crystal dragon and the hive mother were both wounded!

My king, that is a strange relic alien, and a hive mother worm!

Not to mention bringing back the live ones, even if they brought back a dragon egg or a living tissue of the female worm, they would be considered a success this time!

You must know that the Desolate Sea King of Abasalom was interested in the special heritage of the Nanling Sequoia natives' symbiotic worms and the various primitive plague viruses in their hands, so they sent their special forces here.

Their tasks originally included helping the local aborigines improve various epidemics and even infectious diseases, and using biochemical attacks to attack the southern border of the empire.

Plague, poisonous poison, parasites, berserk creatures, mobilized groups of monsters to attack towns... As the subordinates of the Desolate Sea King, they are very familiar with these methods and are extremely proficient.

They will become a disaster for the imperial people. With the least strength and number of people, they will drag the Nanling Army to the local area, unable to support the western plains.

It's okay to say that the crystal dragon, no matter how magical it is, is nothing more than a crystal dragon, and its value is not great.

But the kind of parasites that can devour human brains and quickly turn people into monsters... even the parasites with the hive psionic network, are definitely worth as much as a pre-civilized ether weapon.

Even Apocalypse Armed.

But all of this was completely messed up by those imperial people who didn't understand the value of these creatures.

They killed the mother worm, destroyed the worm nest, and even...activated an unknown relic function, and rushed the body of the mother worm and the worm nest into the endless fiery torrent.

Including most of their team.

The captain saw with his own eyes that several brothers who had no time to retreat fell into the bottomless dark abyss with the giant golden centipede in a daze, and then were blocked by silver metal pipes and disappeared.

What followed was that extreme heat burst out from the pipes, burning everything up.

Failed, completely failed—whether it was the special operations team, or the exploration of the ruins; whether it was the task of disrupting the South Ridge, or cooperating with the Spiritual Weapon Church's search for fire...all of them failed completely.

But it's not all down yet.

"The Nanling Great Relics Group does have modules related to the 'heterogeneous ecosystem' - the insect nest is one of them! Among them, there may not be no relevant information and spare blood reserves!"

Opening his eyes, the head of the team had already strengthened his confidence: "With this information, it will be considered fruitful."


Raise your left hand.

The captain stared at his palm.

There are blue lines spreading, but they are blocked by the source quality.

——Not all the brain-eating worms were destroyed... Before retreating, he purposely let himself be infected, and used his own flesh and blood to supply this strange parasite, but he didn't allow himself to be completely overrun.

Of course, this is very painful... But compared to a complete defeat, where all my subordinates and brothers died in battle without any results, this kind of pain is like a spring breeze and a gentle breeze.

Clenching his palms tightly, the captain closed his eyes, then sighed slowly.

In any case, they haven't lost yet.

"It's over."

However, on the other side, the nun of the Spiritual Tool Church, who lost one hand, made a voice that she didn't know whether it was calm or regretful: "We are all going to die."

"You bastard!"

For a moment, the captain was enraged by the nun's words.

——A defeatist strategist, right? !

He shook the long sword in his hand tightly, then stood up and glared at the other party: "If it wasn't for your aggressive request, we would have retreated to the coast long ago, and then cooperated with the fleet that arrived to suppress the Viscount Harrison Harbor!"

"We can even temporarily replace the dead Sequoia elder, lead the local Nanling aborigines, and attack Port Harrison—with the firearms troops we trained, Port Harrison will definitely be taken by surprise, and it will take a lot of energy to resist! "

"In this way, as long as the viscount and the Nanling fleet are suppressed along the coast, we will have the opportunity to slowly explore this new labyrinth of ruins... How can there be so many things now!"

Although the captain of the Feiyan Special Forces has a persistent prejudice and hostility towards the Imperials, if there is anyone he hates the most, it is without a doubt these lunatics from the Spiritual Weapon Church.

If it wasn't for their single-minded determination to identify the sacred relic at the first time and insist on exploring the maze first, they might have already started to explore here with the most professional team and the protection of the second-level sublimator. This extremely dangerous prehistoric relic!

However, facing such an angry captain, the nun didn't care at all.

She just turned her head, looked to the other side of the corridor, and sighed softly: "We are going to die."

"Haven't you sensed it yet?" The breath that caused us to have a great advantage turned into a sudden turnaround, and directly led to our complete reduction to this situation. "

"The young anomaly has arrived."


The captain raised his head in horror, and looked at the other end of the corridor.

At this moment, he did hear the sound of gentle, steady footsteps slowly approaching them from the other end of the passage.

Bai Zhimin boy's face passed through the dark shadows, and his calm face appeared in front of everyone.

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