High Above

Chapter 401 The dust has settled (33)

For the residents of Rhianland, a night has never been so long.

Under the display of the nuns of the Huaiguang Church and the chief steward Moda, all the conspiracies and darkness hidden by Baron Ryan in his ancient castle were revealed. Some of the mysteries that had puzzled everyone living in this land for a long time The incident and disappearance now have an explanation.

But compared to hatred, anger and fear, they are more confused. Knowing the truth does not make them feel happy.

Instead, I felt hesitant.

——The baron made a big mistake and has now escaped. So who is the next master of Ryan Territory?

——Will he still maintain the subsidy and let them continue to live like this?

——The descendants of the mountain people and the empire have ended their rule on this land. Does this mean that the loyalty of the mountain people will also be cracked?

The uncertain future makes everyone worried.

Until the two holy knights riding horses galloped all the way and arrived at the sea of ​​flowers.

The light of dawn and Xiahui grass shines on their pure white armor, reflecting a beautiful golden red, and the sun is like a gem embedded behind them.

After receiving the signal for help from their companions, the two temple executors, 'Redemption' and 'Hui Jian', rushed over the night, braved the heavy rain and thunder, and finally arrived at dawn.

Not too early, not too late.

What greeted them was the Sister Yingguang, who was also pregnant with light, and the guide knight from Port Harrison who assisted her.

The arrival of the temple executors calmed down the panic in the city. The two second-level powerhouses took out all the bones under the sea of ​​flowers, purified and blessed them, and then carefully searched every trace of Lian Castle. Finally, under the guidance of the guide knight, he prepared to go to the area around Lone Flame Peak to search for the baron's possible whereabouts.

The two church executors thanked and left.

Now that they had determined their approximate destination, it was very simple for them to search. After a short time, they arrived at the third barrier lake.

They couldn't help but frown when they came to the battle scene, which was already in a mess and was covered by heavy rain and mud.

"Didn't Yingguang say that she was searching for traces of a cult? This doesn't look like a cult sacrifice, but rather a bit like a biological or psychic experiment."

The person who spoke was a tall knight with jet black hair and dark brown eyes. Her voice was loud and her body was so strong that even the Templar Executor's armor, which could accommodate a two-meter-tall man, seemed a bit narrow.

Judging from the horns raised high on her helmet, you can tell that she is a Minoan Asian.

Both men and women of Minoan descent (horned men) are extremely tall and can withstand the recoil of continuous cannons controlled by ordinary people. Their melee combat capabilities are even better. The weapons they use are giant weapons for ordinary people. They can use weapons with one hand or even dual-wield them.

But because of this, the life of the Minoans was quite inconvenient, and they were always regarded as weapons of war. Only a very small number of Minoans had the opportunity to get a good education and become scholars, alchemists and other professions.

Priests are even rarer.

This is true even if they are just monks recognized by Huaiguang, rather than formal priests who can go to the Holy Mountain.

"There is no conflict, but I think they are two separate incidents."

The person who replied was a knight of the White People who was equally tall, but still inferior to his companions. He had a soft face, white hair, and even more gentle manners: "Look, Redemption, there is a corpse there."

"Look at that armor, a creation that imitates the carapace of a dragon ant. Does it remind you of anything?"

"Ha, Lingzhiyuan, it's a good death."

After a quick glance, the Executioner of the Redemption immediately sneered. She patted the horse beneath her and motioned it to move forward. She observed carefully: "Well... the skull was shattered, and the brains and blood were washed away... …”

Raising his head, the Redemption Executor looked at the culture chamber not far away. Golden light shot out from the gap in the helmet, scanning the already turbid culture fluid: "Xiahui Grass Extract, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus ...Hey, are they going to do human body refining? Or reverse decomposition and destroy all the corpses?"

"Huijian, do you analyze it?" Niu Nu's loud voice echoed in the valley.

Hearing the voice of his companion, the executor known as Huijian also rode forward. He observed carefully and then nodded: "According to the information provided to us by Yingguang, the guide knight and Moda steward, the body tissue fluid in these culture chambers It should be his adopted sons and daughters."

"As for the one in the middle, it should be the body of his dead son that he intended to make from a human body."

In this case, many things can be deduced.

"It seems that it was another conspiracy of the Gnosis Institute - Baron Ryan joined forces with them to carry out these plans. In the end, the two sides had conflicts, fought each other, and died together."

Huijian said this in a calm tone, and nodded slightly as he glanced at Baron Ryan's body: "Please see, the traces of this toxin are obviously unique to the Gnostic Academy, and they couldn't be more obvious."

"No, it's not obvious." Shouguang clicked his tongue, causing the surrounding air to tremble significantly, and the horse also neighed: "They will not admit it - never."

"The dragon ant's armor and poison prove nothing. Pit adventurers all like this kind of equipment. One of my dwarf junior brothers has a set at home. It's almost exactly the same...except for the size."

"We don't need them to admit it, even if we don't have absolutely reliable evidence." Huijian replied calmly: "They need to explain to the imperial capital, we only need to condemn it."

"Then that's it." He decided: "Condemn the empire's ineffective control of the nobles, condemn the Gnosis Academy's malicious biological experiments, and according to the 'Five Major Agreements', they must properly handle the losses of all victims - well, if they And if there are relatives.”

When he said this, Shouguang was still carefully observing the traces on the ground.

She even got off the horse, not shying away from the dirt on the ground, and crawled on the ground, carefully searching for every trace of the earth and rocks washed away by the rain.

"Have you discovered anything? Are there any clues about Feiyandi?"

Huijian was not surprised, but he also dismounted from his horse, knelt on one knee, and searched for traces on the ground with his companions: "I don't have the 'Blood Seeking Secret Eye', so I can't see those subtle traces."

"I did find some clues, but it's not the Flying Flame Land. It's obviously a bait to divert attention... Well, Baron Ryan is not that strong, far from it. Hey, maybe he broke out because of anger?"

The tall Knight of Redemption stood up. She was a head taller than Hui Jian who stood up together.

The Minoan executor laughed: "But I don't want to know the truth - I won't continue to investigate."

"Why?" the white-haired knight asked doubtfully - he asked, but with a smile on his lips.

It's obviously business.

"Because I know the truth, when someone asks me, I have to tell it, or refuse to answer - the former is stupid, the latter offends people, and there is no problem if I say I don't know, and they don't expect to learn from us. This leads to the answer, who calls me a Minos."

The tall cow girl waved her hand as if to ward off some flies: "I don't know what you serious priests are going to do. I'm not going to lie - God, it's scary just thinking about it."

"Haha, there is nothing we can do about it, but we have the right not to say it. It is much better than many people." The Executor of Huijian smiled gently: "This is actually why every time our Executor of the Temple Going out is the reason why the two of them formed a team.”

"Moreover, there must be a non-staff member who is not a cleric."

"Eh." Hearing this, the executor of the Redemption of Light was stunned: "Isn't that because the founder of our Huaiguang and the successive popes are twins?"

"...This statement is very romantic, and we all like it." Huijian paused, and said tactfully: "But it's just an excuse. You should read more about our scriptures and redeem yourself, otherwise you won't be able to pass the year-end assessment. .”

"It's not a big deal to delay work and drink." Niu Nu laughed loudly.

Use photographic crystals to record and photograph everything in front of you and save it as evidence. The two temple executors, Atonement and Huijian, sorted out all the evidence at the scene.

When the dust settled, it was over.

But at the end, the two executors were waiting for the city guards from Ryan's territory to bring trailers and other tools to bring back the corpses and culture chambers at the scene.

Huijian turned his head slightly and looked at the body of Baron Ryan.

His eyes lit up with a white psychic aura.


He whispered to himself: [In the process of witnessing...]

Ryan collar.

Holding his own camel beast and carrying his luggage, Ian was saying goodbye.

The Ryan collar module is over, please vote for me!

Recommend a good book "An Unscientific Bourne Identity"

Murphy is right - anything that can go wrong will go wrong at the right time.

Don't be stubborn, but don't break your own persona.

Once may be an accident, twice may be a coincidence, and three times it must be the enemy's action.

Never underestimate a person's ability to distort the truth in order to rationalize an unacceptable truth and use this to make your enemies think they are the ones who made the mistake.

My duty is to keep secrets, and I know that it is the nature of living things to reveal them.

This is the story of a retired military intelligence officer who failed and was forced to return to his old profession after coming to a strange alien world.

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