High Above

Chapter 590 Our fallen king (33)

Many voices rang out.

——Is it you?

——Is that you?

——The hero who killed those demons in the Gnostic Academy...the one who avenges us...is it you?

"It's not to avenge you..."

In the dream, Ian quickly realized that he was not simply dreaming, but in the special environment of the subspace, he resonated with the resentful souls that formed the cornerstone of the subspace.

The reason for the resonance is very simple - he killed the researchers of the Academy of Gnosis, who were the beasts who mutilated many experimental subjects to death, so that they could avenge their great revenge, or he could free the phantoms of the controlled souls. .

But to be honest, he didn't want to take the credit, so Ian frowned slightly and explained to the voice seriously: "I have some... um, personal grudges with Lingzhiyuan and Feiyandi? Anyway, I don't like them. He must be killed.”

"It's not for your revenge, you have to make that clear."

——We know, we know, you never act for profit, only for the surging desire in your heart.

——But no matter what, no matter what the purpose, we have died and have sworn an oath.

——You are our savior...

——Our dead king...

The resonance expanded.

It is strange to say that the virtual realm is essentially a place where the soul can enter deeper than sleep or even instinct, and the subspace is the area where the virtual realm and reality are intertwined and distorted.

Falling into a dream in this place is almost like a dream within a dream...but it feels more realistic than reality.

At this moment, Ian smelled a very strange smell, which seemed to be powdered fat, blood, and mixed with pungent smells such as alcohol.

Then, he heard a woman whispering to herself.

[When I was young, my father and mother loved me very much and would often lift me up and put them on their shoulders. My father's shoulders were broad and strong, and my mother held my father's other hand beside her, and we walked together on the street home. I held the wooden doll my father made for me in my arms and smiled happily]

[I am also a good boy. I have learned my father’s carpentry skills since I was a child. I am good at carving wood. The children on the street like the small animals I carve. I am also very happy and always give some to them.]

[My family is not rich, but my parents are willing to pay to send me to study with a local carpentry master... At that time, my parents together could earn fifteen thalers a month, and the master's tuition was one hundred thalers a year. Well, my family has only saved so much for many years]

[I was very scared, but also looking forward to it. I studied very hard. Although I was not the most powerful one, I was among the best among the master’s apprentices. I even got a tuition exemption from the master’s. My father and mother were also very happy. I also gave birth to a pair of younger brothers and sisters. Everything. Everything is developing for the better]

[Looking at the cute sleeping faces of the little guys, I feel more motivated to study]

[The master is very kind. He is not like the masters in other places who force female apprentices to sleep with him. He teaches us with all his heart. Although he hides more than one thing, everyone knows that this is already a great favor]

[So...I don't know why such a good person like the master died]

At first, Ian wanted to interrupt the female voice and ask her who she was and why she was telling him these things.

But soon he was listening with a frown on his face.

What the seeker is best at is listening. He can tell that this woman has psychic powers and a very clear and powerful soul. She is the clearest thinking among the many dead souls that resonate with her, so she was chosen as the representative of the dead souls.

But she is still a dead soul - she is already dead, but she only acts according to her obsessions and communicates with herself according to her obsessions.

So he listened.

Listen to the story of a person's life.

[The master died on a business trip to Rusty Rose City in the east. He accepted a commission from a wealthy businessman to build complete sets of villa furniture. This was a big job. The master told us excitedly that this was a top-notch big business. , after that, he will be able to make a name for himself throughout the Grand Dukedom. At that time, as his disciples, we will have a job to take on - and it is also time to talk about the share.]

[At that time, we were full of hope...the sharing was normal. Before we officially started teaching and became independent, the teachers had to get one-tenth. This was considered a very generous treatment]

[But the teacher died, killed in a monster attack - later we found out that it was biological warfare in the Flying Flame Land. Crazy monsters that never appeared in the Western Plains attacked the teacher's convoy, and several of our senior brothers and sisters. They all died together with the teacher]

[When the teacher dies, the wealthy businessman also has to pay liquidated damages. The master’s children compete for the remaining family property, and the workshop is completely destroyed. No one will support us and provide apprenticeship resources for those of us who have no teachers and senior brothers and sisters, and no one will find jobs for apprentices who have not yet graduated from the apprenticeship - even if there are, they will not make much money]

[There is no shortage of carpenters in the Western Region, so who would want apprentices like us who have not been trained since childhood? 】

[I still can’t understand why life has changed like this in just a short moment... I can obviously start making money and start helping my parents with household expenses! 】

It was only then that the words started to get excited, but soon changed back to a calm tone: [At this time, my father became ill again. He died very quickly, so quickly that it was not normal at all]

[But what can I do? The family had no money for medical treatment, and my father was unwilling to do so. It was a bottomless pit... My mother could barely support her younger siblings by working alone, but what kind of future would there be if I survived like this?

【I...have made many, many attempts. Many, many, really many...]

[I really tried my best to do many things, such as being a barmaid, selling wood carvings on the street, and trying to help with farming... I even tried to help Feiyandi smuggle some things, and ventured into business... I didn't give up, and I didn't just give up. admit defeat]

[But in the end, I still became a prostitute]

Ian listened in silence.

The disease the woman mentioned about her father sounded very similar to the plague that occurred in Nanling... However, Bishop Baiwu patrolled Nanling and killed the spreaders of the plague in time, so it did not cause a major disaster.

But if it were in the Western Region where Fei Yan was more powerful, ordinary people would occasionally die of strange diseases, which could only be said to be helpless.

[In the beginning, it was just for the service fee to accompany the drinks, and then naturally, I sold myself for more money... Once you start, there is no turning back]

[After becoming a prostitute, there is actually nothing wrong with it... At least my family can give my father a better cemetery, and my younger siblings can grow up healthily... Although my mother is sad, she still loves me very much, but I can see She cried at night and complained to her father that she was sorry for me and did not take good care of me]

【She didn’t feel sorry for me. She should have laughed]

[Some customers are rude, some are gentle, and some are not even willing to pay...I have gradually become a person who used to be extremely aggressive in my eyes]

[Originally, I was not dissatisfied with this kind of life. When I get older and my younger brothers and sisters grow up, they still have their own lives, and it’s time for me to rest... no matter what kind of rest]

[But one day, a customer who was still flirting after the show suddenly told me that he had to leave quickly and his daughter was waiting for him to come home]

[I don’t understand - why does he still come to me when he has a family and a daughter? He is simply a scumbag... My father is much better than him, my father...]



【I don't understand】

[When I was a child, I once heard adults say that many people in this world are very unhappy. I didn’t know why. I have such good parents, such lovely brothers and sisters, such a kind master, and friends. Senior brothers and sisters, those friendly neighbors, I should be able to be happy]

【But why? Why can an accident ruin a group of people's lives? 】

[A lot of things happened in the end. For the sake of my family, and also because I was sick and there was no cure, I chose to participate in a suspicious human experiment. The Spiritual Knowledge Institute said they would pay my family a sum of money... not much, after all, the price of infected experimental subjects It can’t be higher, but at least it’s better than my meaningless death]

[At least they will give you money, that’s the only thing I’m grateful for]

[It wasn’t until I became an experimental subject and found out that they were cooperating with Feiyandi and the Grand Duke to carry out various biological research and plague research that I finally understood it]

[It turns out...it's them]

【That’s them. Ruined many lives]

[My life should not be like this, we all are like this]

[So I want revenge - but I don’t have the power. Even if I awakened my spiritual power under the cruel experiment of the Spiritual Knowledge Institute... I still can’t take revenge. That is not a spiritual power used for fighting]

[Maybe it’s because, compared to revenge, I want a happy life...someone can accompany me and understand me]

【Someone...can save me】

At this moment.

The voices of many people sounded together.

——Can you save us?

——You have avenged us...You are our king...

——But maybe... you can also be our savior?

At this moment, in the inner world.

Ian finally saw these people talking to him.

He stood on a pitch-black land and looked around. Hundreds of shadowy white souls stared at him, like a swaying forest of souls.

They surrounded him, and they stared at him with longing and expectation.

Waiting for Ian's reply.

Ian was silent for a long time. He spoke several times, but made no sound.

But he finally answered.

He said: "I roughly know how the Dead King was born... and I finally understand what the savior is."

"That's it, that's it... But, everyone, I'm sorry."

Ian closed his eyes and told the truth: "I am not a hero or a savior."

"I can't save you."

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