High Above

Chapter 726: Local sects have limits, so they must surpass humans! (5200)

Chapter 726: Local sects have limits...so they must surpass humans! (5200)

The church is located in the center of the city, and believers often stop to pray around it.

Most of the clergy and monks of Huaiguang Church wear white clothes, which is also respected by believers. Therefore, a group of believers wearing black robes with dark gray concentric circles on their robes will be very conspicuous when they stop at the door of the church.

The tonal contrast is too strong.

Anyone who knows a little bit about Terra's four orthodox religions will know that this is a team from the Minghui Cult. If they are more knowledgeable, they can also see that this is a team of students led by a teacher.

The leaders of the group were holding thick and heavy scriptures wrapped in metal chains tightly in their hands, and they looked bookish.

The Minghui Cult has followers all over Terra, but just as Huaiguang is mainly distributed in the Seven Cities Alliance, the Central Empire, Junling Castle and the Yanjiang region, the Spiritual Mechanism Church is mainly distributed in the Flying Flame Land, the Capital of Knowledge and Far Coast Island, while the Hall of All Souls is concentrated around the Cangtian Royal Court and Canaan Moore.

The main areas of activity of the Ming Sui Cult are located in Yanjiang, Gantryggum and Jiuhan Silent Mountain. They also have a very good relationship with fairies.

The only shortcoming is that the existence of the Suming Cult is very low. They focus on studying the world of the dead, and their attitude towards the society of the living is to 'avoid', or in other words, 'observe'.

Just like places like funeral parlors and crematoriums, although they are still in the human world, they are not really needed and no one will deliberately have anything to do with them.

"Why are they here?"

Ian couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the team of the Suming Religion: "Moreover, there are 'teachers'... This is an official team of priests."

With the development of Harrison Port, other Orthodox missionaries did arrive here. However, after realizing that the Huaiguang Church had already had a church here, they all chose to go to more remote rural villages, or gave up their missionary work. Only offices are established.

The team of Suming Cult also came here a few years ago. They have a small office in the new city in the west of the city, and they usually accept some requests for deathbed prayers.

Generally speaking, this office is sufficient for communication and information transmission. Naturally, there is no need to station ascendants, let alone clergymen.

As the official priests of the Suming Religion, the 'teachers' will not easily leave their temple and the 'position' they use to connect to the virtual realm.

——Something big happened!

Ian thought this in his mind, and subconsciously became vigilant: "If we can allow the mentor to take action, is it possible that there will be another natural disaster in the South China Sea?"

But there is no such sign in the precognitive horizon.

He watched the team of the Suming Cult enter the church. After thinking for a while, he followed with Elders Elan and Pude.

The team of Suming Cult had already made a reservation, and Bishop Baiwu came to greet them personally. However, when he saw Ian following the team, he couldn't help but was slightly startled, and then he said a few words to the instructor in front of the team.

While speaking, the instructor also turned his head curiously and glanced at Ian.

This is a woman whose skin is so white that it is almost transparent, and the cyan blood vessels on her neck can be vaguely seen. Her eyes are covered by eye patches, and she looks quite young just by looking at her cheeks and chin.

But her body was very weak, like a patient who had been bedridden for a long time.

However, there is an invisible force supporting her actions, giving people a feeling that cannot be underestimated.

"It's him." The instructor tilted his head. Although he couldn't see his eyes, he gave Ian a feeling of 'eyes meeting'.

She showed a nice smile and said to Bishop Baiwu: "Then you guys can talk first, we are not in a hurry."

"Thanks for your understanding."

Bishop Baiwu nodded: "You have been tired from traveling for a long time. Please rest in the quiet room in the back hall first. We will provide food and incense."

After speaking, he actually left the Suming Church team behind and walked directly towards Ian.

"Long time no see."

The old man with patched clothes and messy beard and hair smiled and said: "Welcome back to my hometown, Ian. Your current achievements impress everyone... Little Ellan, are you happy to see your brother?"

He turned his head and greeted the little boy who was still eating sausages in a friendly manner. Elan quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, stood upright and said, "Yes, Grandpa Baiwu! I am very happy!"

"Brother You and I have something to talk about. If we need some time, you can go outside and play with Percy and the others."

Bishop Baiwu said, Ellan looked at Ian hesitantly, but after his brother nodded, he happily went to play with the children adopted by Huaiguang.

In recent years, with the economic development of Harrison Port, the local Huaiguang Church has also gained money and began to adopt orphans to train monks like those around the Holy Mountain.

Some of the children received training with Ellan and played together on weekdays. They were close playmates.

"I'm going to watch the kids."

Elder Puder on the side followed Elan and left with his hands behind his back.

Of course he could see that Ian and Bishop Baiwu had something to talk about that he couldn't know. Rather than being asked to leave then, it would be better to leave by himself.

Ian and Bishop Baiwu walked towards the reception room at the back of the church.

"That instructor actually knows me. I didn't think I was so famous."

On the way, Ian was not polite. He knew that communication with these holy men in the true sense of Huaiguang needed to be simple and direct: "Will the four orthodox religions exchange lists of 'observers' like me with each other?"

"Yes. But you have underestimated your reputation. Ms. Fertile Earth is also an alchemist. Of course she knows your name."

Bishop Bai Wu spoke concisely: "They came here for the 'body' left behind in the 'Sea of ​​Sequoia Forest'. But this is just the surface."

"Their real purpose is to find a 'prophet'."


Ian repeated this word without changing his expression. Because he had lost so many vests, he would not be surprised by this kind of thing at all. Even if the Huaiguang Church might have known that he was a prophet, he would not have any emotional change.

Like any normal person, he paused for a moment, as if to digest the 'shock' brought by this word, and then said: "I didn't expect that it would be related to the prophet."

Bishop Baiwu's eyes lit up with a fluorescent white halo. He took a deep look at Ian, and then said equally calmly: "Yes. I really didn't expect it."

"Because the Sequoia natives completely surrendered to Port Harrison, many of their ancient classics were also obtained by Viscount Grant."

"He entrusted our Huaiguang Church and other orthodox churches to deal with these books that record many strange and bloody sacrifices, and we got a lot of extremely special information from them - the prophetic twin leaves in the indigenous legends are actually real, it is a kind of An extremely special item that can give people 'prophet-like' abilities."

"This information aroused our interest, so Huaiguang cooperated with Su Ming. Ms. Fertile Land is an expert in this field. At the same time, this can also explain why the prophecy book is a bit weird when predicting events around Harrison Port. mistake'."

Bishop Baiwu emphasized the word 'strange mistake', and then looked at Ian: "Speaking of which, Elder Pude of your family is also very interested in this matter."

"He also got a lot of information through his relationship with Viscount Grant...Did Puder tell you about this?"

"It's not too late. I just came back and discussed cooperation matters with Viscount Grant."

Ian told the truth without changing his face, but he knew clearly in his heart that the Huaiguang Church most likely knew about his prophetic ability.

It’s not surprising, it’s strange that they didn’t notice it, and they spread the name ‘Prophet of Thunder’ just for others to find out.

Not to mention, Huijian witnessed his almost prophetic choice in the subspace maze, and the Huaiguang Church has probably fully confirmed it since then.

So the white-haired boy said directly: "Let's not talk about the prophet, Bishop Baiwu, has anything strange happened in the Great Maze of the South China Sea recently?"

"Also, there should be priests of the Holy Light stationed in my territory, but neither Sister Yingguang, Mr. Huijian, nor Ms. Redemption, who promised to help, have come. What happened to them? ?”

Ian changed the topic very bluntly, but Bishop Baiwu did not pursue it: "The Great Labyrinth of the South China Sea has been very peaceful recently. Ms. Hua An is responsible for her work. After getting the permission of the local lord, she is now exploring the details inside the labyrinth, and Miss Frost Butterfly... …He’s a sweet kid.”

——Do they still need to explore the internal details of the maze? I was given the map a long time ago!

Ian complained in his heart, and according to Bishop Baiwu, these two goblins didn't do anything serious at all, right?

Hua An can at least touch her on the surface. Shuangdie is a Huaiguang priest who can't say anything good, he can only praise her for being cute.

But frost butterflies are really cute.

"As for the priests who are supposed to help you stabilize the Xia Hui Territory... they are all training."

At this moment, the two of them were already sitting in the reception room.

Bishop Baiwu turned his head, looked to the north where the Holy Mountain was, and saluted slightly: "Moreover, regarding your observation actions, Huaiguang has discussed it twice internally. As witnesses who have been in contact with you, they must also participate in the meeting. , thus slowing down progress.”

"That's it."

Ian was silent for a while. This was indeed a drag on Ying Guang Hui Sword and the others.

He knows what he has done, and Ian knows that in the eyes of the Huaiguang Church, who also knows his true identity and abilities, all people and things related to him need to be handled with caution.

So after the silence, the young man spoke, and Ian raised his head and looked at the bishop sitting opposite him.

He asked directly: "Do the clergymen of Huaiguang Church... share their souls? Or do they have a spiritual network?"

"You could assume it's not a secret. At least not to someone like you."

Bishop Baiwu did not hesitate at all. He seemed to have guessed that Ian would ask these questions: "You who have witnessed the Huaiguang Ceremony with your own eyes will definitely know some of the details, but we cannot explain it."

"It's just that I have to tell you: the truth is more incredible than you think. I hope you won't be too surprised by this in the future."

It is hard for Ian to imagine how unbelievable it could be with the current situation of Huaiguang Church?

If you want to surprise him, you have to be at least a little crazier than all the crazy people on Terra that he knows now... How much more crazy can Huai Guang be?


Ian came to visit Huaiguang Church this time mainly because he wanted to ask about the 'faith issues' in his territory.

Even if you are as confident as Ian, you will not think that if you just create a sect, you will be able to dominate your own territory, crush all spirits, push forward the underworld, and step on spiritual weapons... What the four orthodox religions have to do with Terra Its influence is so profound that it has penetrated into the foundation of culture. Even people who do not believe in the four orthodox religions will subconsciously say "all spirits are above" or "bless you with light" when expressing emotion.

Even if it is a cult leader or a large, loose organization like the Dragon Worship Cult, there are many people within it who believe in orthodox religion more or less... Is it strange? Rather, it's normal.

After all, unlike back home, the cult in Terra knew very well that it was fake and deceptive, and it also knew that the four major orthodox religions really had prophets and priests.

Anyway, it’s free to believe me.jpg

With the acquiescence of the First Prince and Marquis Barton, the empire officially recognized the Chongling Cult as an 'advanced version' of the mountain people's faith, but Ian still wanted to know some important information from the Huaiguang Church...

For example, what is ‘orthodox religion’?

And, how to become ‘Orthodox’.

At least, you have to become a Dragon Worship Cult, right?

Only by following this standard can we not be attacked by Huaiguang Church. Ian didn't want to be suddenly pushed as a copy while he was farming. That wouldn't be a good feeling.

So he came directly to ask!


Bishop Baiwu touched his beard. He pondered for a while, the white light in his eyes flashed, and finally gave an answer that was not an answer: "Orthodoxy is a sect that is beneficial to Terra."

After seeing Ian's frown, he explained: "Whether it is the Dragon Worship Cult or the Iron Heart Church, the Salt Cult or the Joy Cult, they have indeed made indispensable contributions to the world."

"But they have a position, a country, or a bloodline. Even if everyone is doing good and helping others, it will only benefit one place."

"No matter how the mountain people's dragon god belief...and what you call the Worshiping Sect develop, they will only reach this point. You can at most transcend the origin of the 'mountain people's belief', but it is impossible to transcend the position of 'belonging to the empire'."

Having said this, Bishop Baiwu said with emotion: "In the final analysis, ordinary sects have limits. They will be limited by the country, nation and culture. In the final analysis, they will be limited by human thinking."

"Unless it can surpass humans."

"This is the basis of 'Orthodoxy'."

If you were an ordinary person, you would have already complained after hearing this - surpassing human beings? Beyond countries, nations and cultures?

Are you kidding? It’s so easy to transcend. This statement seems to be about eradicating nationalism. Is it possible?

impossible. As long as humans have different appearances, this simple and easy way to distinguish between 'them' and 'us' will never be surpassed.

However, Ian... Ian, who could vaguely see the true purpose of the major orthodox religions, could understand it clearly.

Bishop Baiwu, you are not kidding.

He is a priest - He speaks the truth.

"The light-bearing priests and their mode of action in response to natural disasters are in themselves 'beneficial actions' that transcend all national, national and cultural positions... They even treat intelligent monsters equally. This is undoubtedly a sect that transcends humans. "

"Needless to say, the Psychic Machinery Order. They collect information from civilizations of previous eras, try to integrate humans and machines, and create spiritual machines. The path to ascension is also an act that can benefit all countries and intelligent life, and transcends the limitations of human beings."

"I don't know much about the Hall of All Souls and the Suming Cult, but there must be a corresponding path behind them... and you can probably understand from the names that their stance and actions are indeed 'beyond human beings' and even 'beyond life and death' 'of……"

Hearing this, Ian felt a little enlightened.

No wonder, on the way to the spiritual disaster path, he reached the point of the fifth orthodox sect - because the Chongling sect that spread the technology of the dead king and reached the era of spiritual gods is indeed beneficial to all living beings, and whether it is the empire or Feiyan Land, Cangtian King The court is still Canaan Moor, and all intelligent life will benefit from it.

Even those Warcraft...those 'aliens' who may have lost their intelligence just because they have no soul...with the expansion of the popularity of artificial souls, they will also regain their wisdom and then be used by humans in the Age of Gods. Assimilate and integrate.

This kind of move and behavior pattern is undoubtedly the standard of ‘Orthodox Christianity’!

"If you are afraid that your establishment of a sect will cause other orthodox religions to attack... My answer is that as long as you do not endanger intelligent life and perform evil sacrifices like human sacrifice, then there will be no problem."

Regarding Ian's real question, Bishop Baiwu's answer was very clear: "Chongling Sect is also within the scope of our observation. If there is any disharmony, we will issue a reminder, a warning, and a final notice three times. Three times. Corrective action will be taken only after notification.”

"Don't worry, Ian. It's a common thing in Terra for a lord to create his own sect in order to better control his territory. Don't be too sensitive."

"I can rest assured that."

With Bishop Baiwu's endorsement as a priest, Ian can put a stone in his heart - territory management is not just a technical issue, but also a matter of human nature.

If all parties are satisfied with the development of their territory and hope that their territory will grow, the territory will grow and receive more support.

Of course, a certain number of enemies is also necessary. Without enemies, the people would not be able to distinguish between ‘them’ and ‘us’, and would have no cohesion and sense of crisis, and would not be able to fully develop and unify their ideological trends.

"No wonder everyone likes to blame others. Having such an enemy is indeed a blessing."

After getting the answer he wanted, Ian said goodbye to Bishop Baiwu - the other party still had to contact the team of Suming Cult, so he would be busy next.

And he still has a lot of things to do next.

For example, he had asked Qing Chao to find Shark Shark, Hua An and Shuang Die before. After finding them all, they all went to the South China Sea Labyrinth to get together and see what happened to the crystallized dragon eggs.

But just as Ian left the door of Huaiguang Church, he heard the confident voice of his brother Ellan.

"What you are saying is wrong - my brother is the strongest!"

At this moment, Elan was surrounded by a group of children of similar age.

And he stood in front of the fence at the entrance of the church and said to everyone with great spirit: "Although the Viscount is strong, he is old; Grandpa Baiwu is a priest and will not compare with others."

"Even if others have power, their knowledge is far inferior! Whether it is alchemy or inscriptions, my brother is the most powerful among them!"

"Perhaps you may think now that there are still many strong people in Nanling, but they are all figures of the past!"

"As of now, my brother is undoubtedly the strongest in Nanling!"

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