High Above

Chapter 882 Happy Coke (5600)

The predecessor of Rongying was an ordinary fisherman in the Light Controlling Land among the countries ruled by the Nirmasas blood system in the Flying Flame Land.

Because of the empire's biological warfare offensive, the coastal fishing grounds of Yuguangdi were almost completely destroyed, and the fish stocks were extinct.

The red tide of poisonous algae swept hundreds of kilometers of coastline. His hometown was completely bankrupt. Countless fishermen looked at the blood-red sea and wanted to cry without tears.

Although the self-purification ability of Terra's oceans is disturbingly fast, red algae is after all a biological weapon specially manufactured by the Empire for the Flying Fire Land. The red tide lasted for nearly a month, seriously damaging the coast of the Flying Fire Land. production work in the region.

A month is enough time for a lot to happen.

For example, if a family is desperate in a disaster, a fisherman who still needs to feed his family can only sell himself to the Niemathas Rough Stone Research Institute and serve as an experimental subject in exchange for some food and money so that his family can survive.

In the laboratory, he underwent various cruel tests and tortures, and was finally determined to have certain psychic talents.

Because of this talent, his broken body was not dismantled and used as raw material for other experiments, but was sent to the 'Psychic Awakening Experimental Group' for further experiments.

And there, he received an extraordinary ‘hospitality’.

Each country in Terra has its own psychic awakening experiment. The empire's "deduction method" is to use various coincidences to catalyze the emotions of the "experimenter" step by step. When they are extremely desperate, or from great sorrow to joy, When great joy turns to sorrow, spiritual energy is born.

Yanjiang's "pension method" is to select individuals with spiritual talents and go through penances that are absolutely impossible for ordinary people to complete. For example, "reciting ancient Dharma classics without sleep for seven days without interruption", "persisting for a while under the wash of an icy waterfall". Meditation day and night, in this process with a mortality rate of over 80%, it is possible for psychic energy to be born naturally.

The Flying Flame Land is very simple.

They are ‘pharmaceutical laws’.

The fisherman was injected with more than 300 ml of testosterone, a large amount of serotonin and adrenal hormones, and a large amount of psychedelic stimulant substances including cocaine - he almost instantly fell into extreme excitement, extreme rage, and extreme aggression. Sexual psychedelic state.

Then, in dying despair, anger and hatred.

He awakened to psychic powers.

And, the soul is shaped.


The spiritual energy he awakened was just the most ordinary 'spiritual blade'.

Due to imagination, most of the awakened spiritual powers of adults without much education are like this. They are neither as strange as young children, nor as sophisticated and terrifying as knowledgeable old people and scholars, nor as sophisticated and terrifying as teenagers of fourteen or fifteen years old due to puberty. With its own exaggeration, small emotions can be sublimated to the whole world.

He just wanted to split the unwillingness in his heart and the enemy in his imagination.

so awkward.

What's even more embarrassing is that he was regarded as a defective product and was thrown into another psychic experiment to fuse with a 'demon'.

Fortunately or unfortunately, he succeeded.

It has become the ‘Rongying’ it is today.

Today, Rong Ying still has human emotions and memories, and loves his family, but his other half is a cold demon, a demon named 'Gluttony'.

The sharp blade and gluttony produced unexpected effects. He could pierce the soul defenses of other humans, and then cannibalize others from the inside of their souls, turning others into his own nourishment.

Not only that, he can even completely obtain the memories of others, and can perfectly imitate the people he has devoured.

This is the most powerful spy candidate.

Fusion Shadow was originally supposed to be put into hiding in the imperial border areas such as the Imperial Capital or Wusha Port, but because a 'big operation' was about to be launched in the southwest plains recently, it was also to test the relevant data of the Fusion Demon, so it was put in To the southwest of the empire.

It just so happened that during this period, many of the secret agents who had been lurking safely in Xiahui Territory were arrested, and even the deep moles who had infiltrated the city hall were caught without even a single action.

The intelligence network around the Baisen Mountains together conveyed a message.

"Be careful of Ian Silverfeng, drastic changes are taking place in his territory!"

This is a troubling sign.

At the critical moment when the Firelands were planning their autumn offensive, they had to figure out what the prophet lord was doing.

And the Fusion Shadow they sent was a demon fusion that would not cause much damage. In this way, even the 'Crisis Prophet' would have difficulty predicting his existence.

January of 775 was a very refreshing day.

Winter in Nanling is supposed to be filled with freezing rain, but before the New Year, the city hall used weather cannons to bring down the rain in advance, so everyone could have a pleasant seven-day clear holiday.

Rongying carried her luggage and walked on the streets of Xiahui City.

Around the square where the sun shines, there are bursts of enthusiastic sales.

From the exit of the shadow-shrouded alley, the sound of enthusiastic voices could be heard.

"Hot scones, baked potatoes..."

"The new fabric from Naumann City is cheap, strong and durable...".

"Floral juice! A local specialty!"

The city in the mountains and forests is not as cold as it used to be. On the contrary, there are crowds of vendors and pedestrians. The streets and alleys are full of various vendors, those selling goods, those selling flowers, those selling leather armor agricultural tools, and those selling insect repellents. ...and so on.

——It is indeed extraordinary.

Seeing this scene, Rong Ying couldn't help but secretly praise in his heart. Even if he was no longer a human being, he could still understand this kind of ordinary people's happiness. This was exactly the life he dreamed of, but no matter how difficult it was to live.

It is precisely because of this that the dark emotions in his heart became deeper and stronger out of hatred for the imperial people.

Yes, he also suffered inhuman torture in Feiyandi, but it was all because of the destruction of the Empire... From Feiyandi's standpoint, the Empire was the source of all evil and the source of all suffering.

(If the empire hadn’t destroyed my hometown... hateful!)

After finally suppressing the hatred in her heart, Rong Ying fell into deep thought: (How can I meet with the officials of the city hall?)

Thinking about his mission, Rong Ying behaves like a typical out-of-towner. He walks on the edge of the street, shrinking back, and his yearning for a better life can be vaguely seen.

At this moment, on the front of a tall building, a crystal board as long as two people was broadcasting news.

[Qingyue Tower, the Capital of Knowledge, Dr. Carlo Vikas, Chief of the Supplies Section, visited Xiahui Ling. The two parties had a cordial and friendly conversation, fully exchanged views, and greatly enhanced the friendship between the two parties. 】

[During the second meeting, Dr. Carlo pointed out that Xiahui Ling is similar to the Capital of Learning in terms of system, and has quite unique insights in the field of alchemy... The two parties decided to launch a certain degree of research cooperation and jointly promote...]

Rong Ying didn't understand the official Chinese and political slang very well, but he understood that a high tower in the 'City of Knowledge' had cooperated with Xiahui Ling. There were similarities in the systems between the two parties... What were the similarities?

No matter, this is important information anyway, so write it down.

Staring closely at the photo of a purple-haired doctor shaking hands with Ian Yinfeng on the crystal board, Rongying suddenly heard a very loud mechanical sound.


The sound of extremely huge objects weighing at least five or six tons being lowered sounded on the other side of the street, but the residents of Xiahui Ling were not surprised at all. They just showed expressions of joy and then looked at their friends around them. , cheered: "There is actually a Coke tasting today!"

"Hurry, go quickly, if you are any slower, you won't be able to queue up in time!"

Hu la la la, almost instantly, the direction of the crowd reversed, heading towards the place where the loud sound came from.

Caught off guard, Rongying was even hit and staggered. The strong man who bumped into him repeatedly said he was sorry, but did not stop and continued towards the street entrance.

"what's the situation……"

Rong Ying was stunned. He had no idea what was going on. Why did the people under Xia Hui's leadership suddenly act like crazy? It was no different from a cult ritual.

If something like this happens, Rongying must go over and see what's going on.

On the main street, there are two giant mechanical armors with a height of three and a half meters standing like statues at the intersection. These giant mechanical armors have black jade-like armor and scarlet one-eyes. The heat dissipation vents of the power furnace behind them are blowing. Moving the twisted hot wind visible to the naked eye, their thick armor makes them look like indestructible mobile fortresses.

It looks similar to the 'magnetic storm armor' in the Flying Flame Land Intelligence, but is overall smoother and somewhat similar to a smaller version of the 'giant combat unit' of the pre-era civilization.

——Brand new mechanical combat armor? This is great information worth uploading. That researcher lord is really awesome.

Keeping the information in mind, Rongying frowned and looked at the details of the two 'new battle armors'.

Then, he froze.


He subconsciously exclaimed in his heart: "There is no one inside this armor?!"

From a demon's perspective, Rongying can see the souls of all people and creatures. Mere armor cannot block his soul perspective at all.

However, when he saw through the structure of the battle armor, he discovered that there were no pilots inside the two new battle armors at all!

Except for a strange octahedral crystal terminal, there is not even room for people to drive in the armor!

Automated combat armor without a pilot? Has the empire’s technology reached this point? Or does it just look good and can only be moved around?

Rong Ying was extremely shocked. He kept this information in his heart and understood why Feiyandi headquarters chose to send him to investigate.

I originally thought it might be a bit overkill, but looking at it now, the importance of Xia Hui Ling is completely worthy of it!

Looking back, after the initial shock, Rongying gradually moved his perspective to the back of the two automated battle armors.

They were boxes of red beverage cans placed along the street, stacked as neatly as bricks.

Thousands or even tens of thousands of beverage cans.

Two automated combat armors were used to protect the goods, and there was a huge advertising hanging on the back, [Xia Hui Ling - Happy Brand Coke], the bright fonts fluttered in the wind in the form of an exaggerated advertisement, stimulating the enthusiasm of the crowd.

[Each person is limited to two cans for trial drinking. Repeat recipients will be warned once. Those who receive three or more warnings in a month will be sent to a "re-education center" to learn the code of conduct for fifteen days.]

From the battle armor, a smooth electronic sound came: [Citizens who want to try Coke, please line up and receive it in order. Welcome to give professional drinking opinions. If Xiahuiling Happy Beverage Factory adopts your opinions, you will be rewarded by the city hall and get the right to consume Happy Brand Coke for free for life]

After stating the request, the two battle armors took a step toward both sides. Then, the citizens who had automatically lined up happily stepped forward to receive two cans of Coke one by one.

Rong Ying blended into the team at a loss. Because everyone received it very quickly and there were no disputes or noises, it took him only a few minutes to arrive in front of the pile of drink cans. He nervously looked at the two battle armors. Under the gaze of his one eye, he picked up two cans and then came to the side.

Seeing many people around happily opening cans and drinking, after a moment of hesitation, Rongying imitated them, unzipped the cans, and drank.

——The irritating feeling exploded in the mouth, and countless small bubbles exploded slightly on the upper, lower, left and right sides of the tongue, bringing an almost 'spicy' feeling... But then, it was sweet!

Sugar... a sweet taste that is rare among civilians in this era filled the mouth. This made Rong Ying, who grew up by the sea and had never eaten sweets and snacks even after merging into a half-demon, subconsciously widen his eyes and then swallowed this. A sip of 'sweet soda'.

The sweet but stimulating liquid fell down the throat and into the abdomen. After taking the first sip, Rong Ying even stayed in a daze for a while.

Then... he looked at the drink can in his hand with an incredulous look.

【Happiness Coke】

"...Xia Huiling, are you rich enough to give out candies to everyone?"

He murmured to himself, his tone full of shock: "This is a free trial... I don't know how much it will cost to sell it officially in the future!"

He finally understood why everyone in Xiahui's territory dropped what they were doing when they heard there was a drink to try.

The owner of the shop was not working, and the vendor who set up the stall asked a familiar friend to look at the stall. The two of them took turns to pick up the stall, and everyone smiled.

Yes, a simple carbonated sweet drink, a simple sense of happiness and joy... Happy Coke is well-deserved!

"Why, is this surprising, a foreigner?"

And a resident with the hair color of a mountain man, who could be identified as a native of Xiahui Ling at a glance, came over enthusiastically and patted the shoulder of Rongying, who still had a look of shock on his face.

His enthusiasm was somewhat beyond Rong Ying's expectation, and he had already begun to talk: "Believe me, choosing to come to Xiahui Ling is the most correct choice in your life!"

"Although our place is not big and it is not particularly lively at the moment, believe me, as long as you live here, you will definitely feel happy!"

"And this Coke, after you drink one can, you don't need to drink the other directly, but instead cook some chicken legs and wings... Our territory has reached a cooperation with the chicken farm in Nauman City, and there is often cheap chicken to buy! "

"Listen to me, this is delicious!"

Although the tone of this local resident was full of pride and pride, this actually made Rong Ying wary.

--what happened? Why are you so enthusiastic?

Could it be that Xiahui Ling was the one who added addictive substances to his drinks to control the entire territory? !

As a person from Feiyandi, it is understandable for Rongying to think so. After all, the Empire in the eyes of Feiyandi is the same thing as Feiyandi in the eyes of the people of the Empire.

But in fact, Ian is really simple. He is just distributing sugar water and providing simple and happy carbohydrate drinks to the people in the territory.

Of course, it is true that sugar is also an addictive substance.

With the agricultural buildings addressing some of the basic crop and vegetable needs, the Ministry of Agriculture of Xia Huiling began to construct some new agricultural building structures to grow a large number of polysaccharide crops including corn, sugar beets, short sugar cane and sweet roots, among others. , and various beans.

What followed were simple refined sugar and syrup workshops, oil pressing plants and protein powder workshops.

All Rong Ying sees now is Coca-Cola.

But in fact, the drinks that Ian took out for trial include orange juice, herbal tea, sweet fruit wine and many other different drinks.

These delicious, sugary drinks that stimulate the secretion of dopamine in the brain were synonymous with obesity, addiction, diabetes, fatty liver and even a variety of unspeakable diseases in the past.

But in Terra, not to mention that everyone is a person transformed by the civilization of the previous era, it is difficult to gain weight... If you can really gain weight, then wouldn't it mean that the living materials are extremely rich, and people don't have to worry about food and clothing? Are you looking for proof of enjoyment?

I'm laughing so hard, I wish I could be fatter.jpg

In this regard, Ian has no intention of making money.

Either they were given away for free, or they were sold at a low price... because Ian did not intend to use these drinks to become a beverage tycoon and make money with cheap sugar happiness.

What he wants to do is to build a reputation - let everyone in Nanling and everyone who drinks in the future of Terra know about Xia Hui Ling and his name, Ian Silver Peak.

As a madman who has already begun to think about how to rule Terra in the future, Ian begins to pave the way for his own fame and prestige from now on.

Although we don’t know why at the moment, the empire will be divided in the future, and other countries will also have various internal problems. With the outbreak of world war, the entire Terra will become a pot of porridge.

I, who was on the path of the star, took advantage of this chaotic farming to unify Nanling. I stayed in my hometown and flew directly to the Jupiter star of Terra (a giant gas planet), and built a fuel base using the relics of the civilization of the previous era.

This path proved to be of little use, so this time Ian set out to conquer all of Terra.

At that time, there are two completely different feelings between being ruled by someone you have heard of in the past and having a favorable impression of, and being ruled by someone who has no reputation and may be cruel.

Of course Rong Ying couldn't figure out the secret behind these.

He simply found it difficult to understand the current situation of Xiahui Leader.

This place is different from any other city on Terra... not in appearance, not in wealth, not in the people who live in it...

The logic here seems to be completely different...

Why do the lords here give out these drinks for free? Why are the people in this place so happy?

The half-demon who borrowed the appearance of others looked around the surrounding streets in confusion - here, people came and went in a hurry, but their actions were orderly.

One or two thousand people lined up in a long queue at the street entrance, but there was not even a single incident of queue jumping... The worst behavior was nothing more than an outsider who had just arrived in Xiahui City like me trying to queue up again secretly. , get one more Coke.

He was quickly discovered by the automatic battle armor. The three-meter-tall giant suddenly moved, accurately grasped the back collar of the man's clothes, and then gently threw it aside, making a thunderous announcement: 【Warning once】

——Can these battle armors really identify a person’s appearance? ! Are the movements so subtle and delicate?

At this moment, Rong Ying fully understood why the spies in Xiahui City were missing... This was a matter of course. The Xiahui leaders who had mastered this automatic identification technology would basically be able to do it if they did not use some special means. It's impossible for spies to sneak into it!

However, how were those secrets that did not take any action on a daily basis discovered?

Rongying didn't know this, but the anxiety in his heart began to grow again... He drank the 'Coke' in his hand with some boredom, and after thinking about it, he put the remaining can of Coke into his pocket.

The Imperials are guilty, Coke is not guilty.

Thinking of this, he started to take steps and continued walking in the city led by Xia Hui.

He wants to complete his mission, find a 'city hall official', and then try to 'eat him' to get his memory and lurk inside Xiahui Territory.

Only after he understands the secret behind Xia Hui Ling will he devour other people and use other people's bodies to leave this place.

But what Rong Ying didn't know was.

Ever since he entered Xiahui City, there had been a 'sight' high above the city that had locked onto him and stared at him.

That is a sun...

A silver-white, cold sun.

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