Finally, soldiers from both sides came to the field.

Fang Hao also saw the hero dancing madly on the opposite side - the clown.

And the clown at this moment is obviously facing three enemies.

But dancing wildly in place.

There is not the slightest fear.

At this moment, the minions of both sides began to meet.

At this moment, the two licking dogs next to Galen suddenly moved!

Good guy!

A lifeless crazy lick!

The other one who played with his life took the big stick hammer!

Crazy clear line.

The audience was dumbfounded.

In just a split second, they understood the strategy of these two men.

This is to frantically eat Fang Hao's economy and interrupt his replenishment rhythm!


The first game of the game begins.

The two sides of the game are not people from two camps.

Rather, three from the same camp.

The way to play is pure robbery!

The audience laughed.

Looking at the dead A soldier of the toad and troll, everyone had a premonition.

This Fang Hao's supplementary troops are probably going to be sparse!

Sometimes, however, things are evil in this place.

In the live broadcast room, Fang Hao's calm voice came:

"Huh? These two teammates are quite face-giving. "

"Specifically suppressing the minions' HP makes me a last sword."

"Sure enough, three to one is comfortable, and the suppression is very good."

Almost at the moment Fang Hao spoke.

Galen moved under his mouse operation.

Almost every draw A is a steady last shot!

No matter how crazy the other two players who control the Lord of the River and the Lord of Trolls disrupt the rhythm.

But at this moment, Fang Hao seemed to be on the hook.

He was always in the right place at the right time.

Then the knife steadily made up for the "ding" sound.

Even the moment when Fang Hao and Erwuzai's teammates drew A at the same time.

The system will also count the heads of the small soldiers on Fang Hao's body.

The first wave consisted of six soldiers.

Fang Hao took five alone.

The other two players joined forces and only made up one.

And the clown on the opposite side, no one is contending.

But under the tower to mend a knife to make up for a sparse piece.

Only two miserable knives....

This wave, Fang Hao won numbness!

[Am I special!?] 】

[What kind of divine mending knife is this Nima, lying groove! ] 】

[Are teammates bothering the pen?] Keep his rhythm and help him mend the knife!? 】

[Upstairs, the teammate's mending knife is messy enough, and the anchor can't hold this forced mending knife is too strong. ] 】

[Lying groove this level... It really scared me! 】

[Mom, is this really a normal person?] 】

[This... The level of the second handful? Tease me?! You say this is the 20,000th and I believe it! 】

[Vozh! Two people can't grab one of the economy, will they play!? 】

[Damn, Fang Hao's hand has been opened, right? ] It's too godly! 】

[Shhh! Don't be impatient! It doesn't matter how much the mending knife is, the main problem now is that Fang Hao is going to be pitted! 】

[Oh yes, yes, yes! Don't worry, everyone, now the line has been pushed under the tower, he! 】

[Lord of the River, YYDS, brothers are ready! ] 】

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room became excited.

Although it is said that the mending knife grabs the economic aspect.

The audience was shown by Fang Hao's outrageous operation.

But toad's devouring teammates, you can't stand it!

Take precautions, after all, it is difficult for family thieves to prevent!

Sure enough!

When the game time reaches four minutes.

Fang Hao was successfully swallowed by the toad.

The toad player was in front of the screen, smiling like a special meow eating bee, and rushed to the tower with Fang Hao.

The troll players in the back dance like crazy.

It's the same as the dancing god, put that cheer up!

Not saved at all.

In this way, Fang Hao, who almost did not miss a mending knife, sent his first life with the help of his teammates.

And the vegetable clown, whose level may only be in the silver rank, directly took two heads.

In front of the screen, countless viewers stared at Fang Hao's camera with wide eyes.

[Hahaha! Here it comes! 】

[Laugh me to death! ] Crazy stabbing from teammates, hahaha! 】

[Does it feel good to be betrayed?] Look at the expression of the anchor, I feel like my face is about to change! 】

[Hahaha! Fang Hao, you also have today! 】

[Streamer, have you experienced the charm of esports!] Hahaha! 】

[Finally a good start! ] It's going to be cool today! 】

[This should be the beginning of the anchor's doubtful life.] 】

[Don't worry, this is just the beginning! ] The big one is behind! 】

[Laughing to death! ] Fang Hao was killed by the pit alive! 】

[Shh Don't talk, everyone! See what the streamer says this time. 】

The audience laughed forward and backward.


Finally, it was Fang Hao's turn to be pitted himself!

Countless people looked at the screen expectantly.

How to say?

What will Fang Hao say this wave?

In the live broadcast room, it is very quiet at the moment.

Everyone looked at the lower right corner of the screen with anticipation and joy.

Yet at the moment.

Fang Hao on the gray screen looked calm.

As if unaffected, he chose equipment in the spring water.

This scene confused countless audiences.

For a while, everyone didn't know what to say.

You say that you dig the ground and seek promotion because you can accept frustration again and again.

That's understandable.

But now it's a teammate backstab!

Digging the ground to seek improvement is to improve yourself little by little with the improvement of technology.

But this was pitted by teammates... Not at all up to yourself.

This is definitely the most mentally explosive thing!

But why doesn't the anchor have the slightest look of collapse and anger.

Even...... Not even frowning?

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