"The anchor is usually a Buddhist anchor, and he usually broadcasts farming games live."

"So the anchor's mentality is slightly better than that of ordinary people, which is understandable ha."

"But one thing to say, the game of digging the ground is still very interesting."

"People say this game is torture, I want to clarify."

"This game is really good, it is quite suitable for a Buddhist anchor like me."

"I have to say that it is indeed cultivative, and the operation does not need to be too troublesome."

"Playing this game gives me the feeling of being back in the elementary school computer room and playing 4399."

"This kind of game is quite good, and the game configuration is not high, I recommend everyone to play!"

"It's fun to play when you're bored!"

Fang Hao's words made the audience not calm.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

This kind of game is not torturous yet?

Is this kind of game also cultivating?

If you let those big anchors hear this, they will meow and scold the street!

Everyone was speechless.

This game was invented with the mentality of a player!

As a result, Fang Hao also recommended everyone to play?

Fun to play when you're bored?

With Fang Hao's words, the barrage in the live broadcast room broke out!

[You listen, you listen! ] Oh! Talk to people! 】

[Angry anchor, pay attention! ] 】

[Let me explain for the anchor, the above description is only for patients with low blood pressure, normal people do not blindly follow! ] 】

[Good guy! I call it outrageous!! 】

[God clarify! ] I'm going to die laughing! 】

[The anchor's mentality is "100 million" stronger than the average person! ] 】

【Awesome! Also 4399 mini game, you are trying to off elementary school students! 】

[Anchor! Our friends are friends, how many meanings do you want to recommend this game to harm me? 】

[Quickly record this passage and send it to other big anchors!] I want to see big streamers break defenses! 】

[I have a hunch that this little anchor is going to wash the anchor world in blood today! ] Hahahaha].

[There is a saying, the mentality is really stable, pay attention! ] 】

At this moment, many people paid attention to Fang Hao's live broadcast room.

Fang Hao carefully manipulated the character and re-came to the wall.

He moved his joints.

Manipulate the character again, supporting the fulcrum of the wall and climbing up.

Drop Weight!

Climb up by inertia!

Keep dropping the hammer!

Continue up with inertia!

With careful and consistent movements, he really reached the height of the wall.

Above the wall is a balcony.

Climb over the balcony with a gap just enough to accommodate the character's body.

And the role that Fang Hao manipulated at this moment is just above the gap.

"Hmm... In this way, the character seems to be in a bit of a fall. "

"But fortunately, the problem is not very big."

"The next words, there is a very long rail on the left."

"It seems that our game character needs to hook the steel rail and swing his body underneath to slowly pass."

"In this case, come little by little..."

In front of the screen, Fang Hao was very calm.

He manipulated the character's hammer with his mouse, and little by little from the wall to the rail.

It's very slow.

It can be said that it is slow to a rather awesome degree.

Just one angle, five minutes right.

The audience was dumbfounded.

This special bullshit game doesn't torture the player, it tortures the audience, right?

The impatience you watched!

Obviously he can jump over painfully.

The anchor was cautious to an outrageous degree.

[Hurry up! ] I waited until the flowers were all thankful! 】

[Anchor, if you grind so hard again, we will unfollow ah! ] 】

[Damn, I haven't seen the anchor break the defense, my own blood pressure can't hold it first...].

[This is too slow!] 】

[Anchor, hurry up! ] Isn't it just falling! 】

[People can actually tie Buddha to this point, is this the gold content of the Plants vs. Zombies anchor? ] 】

[Upstairs, I don't want gold, I just want a golden dragon! ] 】

[Anchor, please hurry! ] The child's mobile phone is running out of data! 】

The audience's scalp was numb.

It's a mess...

Originally, everyone wanted to see the moment when Fang Hao collapsed and broke his defense and put on the mask of pain.

However, the current situation is very unexpected.

Everyone is almost confused about who tortured whom.

Finally, at the urging of the audience.

Fang Hao successfully came to the rails.

When it comes to the rails, it's basically impossible to fall down.

Therefore, Fang Hao's movements at this time became much smoother.

With his operation, the in-game characters also successfully reached the other side.

With careful operation, he successfully reached a house suspended in the air.

Here, however, a choice conundrum arises.

Two ways!

A route to the left.

It is from the house to the left, and at a distance of three or four hammer lengths, there is a passage to continue forward.

An upward route.

The house can reach the roof, and above the roof, it seems that there is also a place that can be supported by a hammer.

See these two paths.

Fang Hao, who originally did not know the slightest about this game, directly asked in the live broadcast room:

"Family, after our unremitting efforts, we finally came here."

"But now it seems that we have two options."

"I haven't looked up the information before and don't know anything about this game."

"Is there anyone who knows which way is the right way to go?"

(Thanks to the fish dying?) Deep Sea Monthly Pass, thanks to 15695: of tips! In addition, I also saw the comments, thanks for the comments, will speed up the update! )

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