Zhang Qi's mouth was trembling as he spoke.

He had already made more than a hundred calls to Fang Hao.

It doesn't get through at all.

That is the moment the game crashes.

Only then did I successfully get through the phone.

This made Zhang Xiaoya, Zhang Qi and other employees in the company even more frightened.

Doesn't that just mean that games are constantly affecting reality?

They are also afraid that this call will not appear if a ghost crawls along the network cable...

But there is no way, some words are not said to Fang Hao.

Maybe things will get worse.

And at this moment, Fang Hao asked awkwardly:

"The key is what then... The heat hasn't picked up yet..."

"Money or something... I haven't done the show yet. "

"And if the live broadcast is not completed, will you give money?"

"Eight eight zero" Fang Hao's words made the other side gasp.


At this time, you still have to worry about the effect of the show?

Your show is almost heavenly!?

There was a supernatural incident in the live broadcast room...

Believe it or not, you are dead now, and you can already make a name for yourself in the history of the anchor industry.

If the effect of the show continues, our company will go to jail!

"Master Fang, what money are you worried about..."

"Don't worry, you even subdued the bosses in the game..."

"Can I have the guts to withhold your money?"

"I still want to live."

Zhang Qi snorted and told Fang Hao that money was not a problem at all.

And in addition, he also explained Fang Hao with thousands of instructions.

The audience has to be told.

Be sure to indicate that everything is a show effect.

Fang Hao nodded and hung up the phone.

Look back into the live room.

Facing the camera, he was in a particularly good mood.

"Audience friends, let me clarify one thing first."

"Everything that happens in this game is actually a show effect."

"It's me and my team, carefully creating the show."

"Our live broadcast room is a positive energy live broadcast room, and the anchor is also a very positive person."

"All the supernatural phenomena that happened just now, and there are ghosts in the anchor's room..."

"In fact, it's all special effects, it's fake, it's just a simple computer effect..."

"And the anchor is also an ordinary streamer, and the game is also modified."

"Nothing has happened, please rest assured."

Fang Hao said with a serious and sincere face.

There are no paranormal and supernatural events.

It's all the anchor himself who is working on the program effect.

But the audience doesn't believe this at all!

[You engage in program effects... Can you change all the live broadcast videos!? 】

[Anchor rest! ] You can't hide it! You are the one who knows! 】

[Just came a call, only to immediately say that I am the effect of the program, rest assured, we all understand... Hey, hey, hey! 】

[Laughing to death, hasn't the anchor realized it yet!?] 】

[This is not a supernatural phenomenon! ] I ate the computer on the spot! 】

[Anchor! You don't pretend! Don't want to! 】

[The acting is too bad! ] Bad reviews! 】

[The live broadcast process in the live broadcast room adds special effects, there is no such technology yet, for a live broadcast to develop new technology... Is it possible? 】

The audience was full of doubts and puzzlement.

All want to ask the protagonist about the specific situation.

Even PPD, Liu Xiaofei, and Xiao Yinzi are now nervously analyzing various possibilities.

There is no doubt that everyone does not believe Fang Hao's statement. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The heat is getting bigger and bigger.

Can't control it.

The house management and even the supertube are all discussing, dare you believe it?

Seeing this, Fang Hao was also very helpless.

The game crashes, and the barrage is questioned.

In the end, Fang Hao was in a state of doubt.

Shame goes down.

"Audience friends, today's live broadcast is here!"

"See you next time live."

"Let me conclude by saying that everything just now was done by my special effects team."

"Not really!"

"Definitely not really ha!"

"Okay, goodbye!"

Compared with the past, the audience sent barrages such as "888".

This time, the audience quit.

The live broadcast room was closed, but the heat in the live broadcast room did not decrease at all.

Even as the topic deepens.

The heat is getting higher and higher!

[Don't go down the anchor! ] Even if you don't play games, you can chat! 】

[Did the anchor go to catch ghosts!] Are you afraid of running away with dirty things in the game! 】

[I now have reason to suspect that the anchor is some reclusive Taoist master! ] 】

[Awesome, a game streamer can be so powerful! ] 】

[Really pull-down?] Wow! I still want to ask questions! 】

[Damn, don't even thank the gift, just leave! ] The anchor's heart is really big! 】

【Hurry up! The brothers' positions have shifted, and some people are forcing stations and other platforms to post live broadcast videos of anchors! 】

Just after Fang Hao was on the air for less than half an hour...

Fang Hao's live broadcast room was sealed by the platform's supertube.

It's not just the live broadcast room that is blocked.

Even the live broadcast room can't send barrages.

But even so, it did not block the relevant remarks.

This night, Fang Hao was angry.


About Fang Hao broadcasting the game live in the entire live broadcast room, broadcasting the recording of supernatural phenomena, and broadcasting it on major platforms in turn!


Directly on major social platforms and short video platforms, directly topped the headline hot search!

And the next morning, Fang Hao's "Ten Records of Hong Kong" live broadcast screen.

It also successfully became the first popular video on the forced station program.

Fang Hao's name appeared again in the major live broadcast rooms.

And about Fang Hao's clearance video.

Once again, it shocked countless viewers.

Although due to the 3.8 system, the recording of those strange pictures in the live broadcast room has disappeared.

But there is no doubt that relying only on what is left.

It also shocked countless viewers beyond belief.

[Groove! ] And this clearance method!? 】

[I remember the game "Hong Kong Trick Ten Records", there are no new maps and new props, right?] 】

[The anchor is so awesome! ] 】

[Why is he not afraid!?] His heart rate is never less than a hundred? Oh, my God! 】

[Groove! ] Why is this game played by the streamer different from this game of ours! 】

【Go check it out! 】 There are modeling masters in the audience who rely on memory to restore the supernatural phenomena that appeared in the live broadcast room! Go check it out! 】

[Although those videos are special effects, millions of people have witnessed the weird scenes! ] It's just not recorded it! 】。

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