High Climb

Chapter 42: release

Jing Tianyue made a joke, but Xiao Rong kept it in his heart.

The next night was the press conference of "South Wind No Faith". In the afternoon, Jing Tianyue and Xiao Rong went to the venue. In fact, they didn't sleep long. Xiao Rong ate too full at night and couldn't sleep. He even watched half of the movie, which made him drowsy while doing styling.

Her hair that had been shaved before hadn't grown much for so long, but when she picked it up later, it was long and black hanging straight on her shoulders, with a few strands of highlighting.

There were fans on the periphery of the venue. When they got out of the car, they screamed one after another, which shocked the audience waiting in the distance, all waving their hands.

Zhou Zhou hadn't seen this kind of battle for a long time, and it was Xiao Rong's hand when he blinked. He felt that Xiao Rong's popularity was much worse than last year.

With high exposure and popular variety show fans, returning to the peak of popularity seems to be a breeze.

But this time it was Jing Tianyue and Xiao Rongtou who appeared in front of the public together, and neither of them showed up in the TV drama publicity. But many of the people who came to the premiere were also drama fans. Princess Anhua played by Xiao Rong and Concubine Defei played by Jing Tianyue have not put down the finals, and now they are fighting while the iron is hot.

Jing Tianyue hasn't participated in this kind of activity for a long time. The drama produced by Gao Jing leads the boss's script and wears the title of special invitation. On some occasions, she does not go, and others dare not call.

"No Letter from the South" is her first appearance after many years. The roads here are blocked, and there is the sound of dispatching horns.

A former goddess who didn't show up in public after the divorce, the first movie after marriage attracted a lot of attention.

In contrast, the show is like warming up the movie.

The names of Xiao Rong and Jing Tianyue came one after another. The bodyguards stood beside them. No one seemed to be surprised how they got out of a car.

The shapes have similarities, Xiao Rong and Jing Tianyue's relationship is good, and it has become a bystander's concept, starting with Xiao Rong's punch of Qin Mian.

One punch broke through the long-stayed popularity bottleneck. The black and pink two-pronged approach, coupled with the hit drama, became the unmatched popularity of the same period.

There are shouts on both sides. Jing Tianyue is no stranger to such scenes. She has black hair in a red dress and a checkered cloak on her shoulders. The rhinestones on her high heels are very shiny, with the style of Xiaorong standing next to her. It doesn't match at all.

Xiao Rong's black hair shawl, thick bangs cut across the board, sharpness merged with her natural coldness, and her lipstick number is the same as Jing Tianyue's. It doesn't fit in with the unity, and it abruptly cuts out a tacit understanding, obviously just standing side by side. , As if all eyes were on the other person.

They signed on the display board, laughing under the dazzling flash

It looks even more dazzling.

Many celebrities in the industry sat in the audience, and they waited until the audience seats in the back row were full before they both took the stage.

Xiao Rong wore a black and red open-shoulder suit with a solid-color shirt inside. The pants were high-waisted and straight. The tassels of the trousers swayed as she walked. Jing Tianyue walked in front, and Xiao Rong reached out to lift her skirt.

The host smiled and asked: "Why did the two come together?"

Jing Tianyue took the microphone and glanced at Xiao Rong: "What's the relationship between us?"

Xiao Rong pointed to the huge posters on both sides, the pictures of Tu Jin and Xiao Yu, and the pictures of Jing Tianyue and Xiao Rong Nahui, but did not speak.

The host gave a meaningful oh, and the atmosphere was very full by her.

There were some simple talks in the early stage, the film team’s main creative, and reporters’ questions. Xiao Rong had never participated in this before. Last night, he asked Jing Tianyue if he wanted to memorize the manuscript.

Being pinched by Jing Tianyue, "Guide Fang won't give you a manuscript."

Xiao Rong and Jing Tianyue are sitting very close, and the question is for the director first, why is the casting story conceived?

The screenwriter was also there. Xiao Rong met the screenwriter twice. It was a man. It is said that he created this based on his mother's dictation.

When asked why he chose Jing Tianyue as the starring role, there were a lot more barrage on the big screen behind.

This platform is considered to be more active among young people on the entire network. Jing Tianyue is not interested in the choice of platforms in the later stage of the film, but he still glanced back in the audience.

Xiao Rong also saw that all the queen heroines flashed by quickly, and there was no doubt that the leader was Jing Tianyue's mother.

Jing Tianyue laughed, "So don't you know? Fang Dao is my mother's friend."

Everyone knows that the relationship behind her is very hard. People who attacked her back then were all turned on their backs. At this time, they blinked deliberately: "But if you want, I can also ask Fang Dao to give a godmother."

Guide Fang glanced at her and answered this question.

There is no controversy about Jing Tianyue, after all, Jing Tianyue's business ability has no choice.

But the next question falls on Xiao Rongtou. In fact, everyone present, including those watching the live broadcast online, was very curious. Xiao Rong's momentum has been very strong during this period. Looking back at the beginning of the dissolution of NOI, everyone thought that Xiao Rong could not get up completely according to Xinghai's unsaved operation. Unexpectedly, the speed of her recovery was so fast that there was no time to surprise. .

I got a lot of endorsements back. At the beginning, I got attention with the film's transparent photos, and then I starred in costume dramas, and the discussion even kept pace with Jing Tianyue.

, I have to say that the most profitable part of this drama is Xiao Rong. As soon as the drama was over, and the movies followed one after another, the variety show during the period gained a lot of popularity from Reuters. Now, when most people look back, they only feel that Jing Tianyue's influence stands over the vast majority.

"Why did you choose Xiao Xiao as the protagonist?"

Fang Chongmei glanced at the question, "In fact, I was not satisfied with Xiao Xiao at the beginning. Everyone knows that her previous performance was not very good."

"In addition, the previous actor delayed a lot of progress at that time, which made the progress anxious. I even prepared another one after I decided on the candidate."

Xiao Rong's fingers were shaking nervously, and she felt that she would be at the best time of luck in her life.

I am ignorant and lucky.

"But Xiao Xiao later satisfied me."

Fang Chongmei seldom laughed. She was very harsh on the set, and she was very serious about contacting Xiao Rong for some work, and Xiao Rong was also trembling.

She was embarrassed to be praised in person for too little.

Instead, Jing Tianyue nodded. She sat lazily on the stage, holding her chin, "Xiao Rong has made great progress."

Later, it was all about preliminary preparations, and more of them had to be discussed after watching the movie.

When it was officially going online, Xiao Rong stepped down and everyone sat in the first row. The lights were all off, only the light from the big screen. Xiao Rong took a look at Jing Tianyue. The light in front was cold, but the moonlight was shining. The taste makes people want to see more.

But was stepped on.

Xiao Rong returned to his senses.

The person who stepped on the person showed a successful smile.

"No Letter from the South" is the first issue of live broadcast, and Xiao Rong is also the first time to watch it as a film. At the beginning, it was a flashback.

From the perspective of others, a ball of paper rolls down, and someone bends down to pick it up and ask mom what you are doing.

The ball of paper was opened, the blue pen ink was blurred, and the Chinese characters could be vaguely recognized, but it was taken away and thrown into the trash can.

Half of the face appeared in the camera, and the woman in a suit was holding the girl who lost her tooth, with a stern tone, saying who let you in.

The study is the secret of the family, the hostess kept silent, but the child was very curious.

"Mom is writing a letter?"


"Writing to a friend?"


"Who is it for?"

"Write to myself."

"But isn't mom here?"


The woman carried the child down the stairs. The transition stairs went from the wood-grained tiled floor to the concrete stairs. A pair of feet was dragged down with herringbone, leaning on the rail between the building and looking down.

Noisy cicadas, a woman

Holding a parasol, teasing with a man in a suit and leather shoes, the man pulled the suitcase, did not know what to say, and was rejected.

The small suitcase with intricate patterns was picked up by the woman. It had only two wheels. It was very retro. She inserted the parasol into the pull rod and carried it with difficulty.

Upstairs, with the sound of bang bang bang, a few children jumped down with a slingshot and ran away like the wind. The stairs were so narrow that the woman was hit and scolded and went up, only to find that something fell.

Touched, soot.

A figure flashed by.

Xiaoyu met Tu Jin for the first time that summer. The fifth floor had already been rented out on the first day when the other party moved.

Miss, Xiao Yu didn't feel anything. After smoking a cigarette secretly, he turned and went back to the room, listening to the sound of the luggage dragging intermittently.

I wondered how could there be such a lady, someone refused to carry luggage for free.

Xiao Rong's appearance in the early stage of the movie was very lazy, even wearing an old man's undershirt, and the bras are all vest-like, overlapping, revealing the natural white skin that can't be tanned by the sun.

When I was at home, I wore beach pants to cook, with a lollipop in my mouth, teasing the cubs born to my mother and stepdad, and snatching away each other's crispy noodles.

She is eighteen, and she is still a bit of a child.

The first time Tu Jin saw Xiaoyu was that Xiaoyu was bullying her brother, taking the child in the flower bed downstairs, and the child riding an ant cart.

Xiaoyu's white T-shirt is very transparent, showing the outline of the vest, and the bottom of the flip-flops are all worn out. She is holding a pack of gummy bears. The child asks her, but she ignores it and eats it herself.

After the child has cried for a round, then give it to the other party. It is estimated that there are only two left.

The child started crying again, she was impatient, stretched out and pulled the ant cart, and stopped after walking for a while, the string was held in her hand. It was also hot in the evening, and the screams of cooking were endless, and who else was blowing gourd silk, Xiaoyu raised his eyes boredly, Tu Jin leaned on the balcony, and watched her face to face.

One raised his eyes, the other lowered his eyes, and looked away at the same time.

Tu Jin laughed, Xiaoyu put his hand in his trouser pocket, kicked from the **** of the ant car, and flew out two meters away. The monkey boy was happy, and he took off with a scream.


The tone of Fang Chongmei's movie is a bit flat, and the music is very soothing, but she thinks it is not hypnotizing.

Jing Tianyue raised his hands and feet were all charming, Xiao Rong was lazy and chic in every move, his beautiful appearance collided with different people, and he did not look away during the whole process.

Xiao Rong took it seriously, but he didn't expect it to be like this

Yes, although the script is very familiar, it has been a long time since.

It seemed to be back at that time, on the hot set, with her joyful mood and apprehensive request.

When she saw the breakup, she couldn't help but glance at Jing Tianyue.

Jing Tianyue took it seriously, watching Xiao Yu hysterically on the screen.

The atmosphere is rendered too well. From the heartbeat to the separation to the gathering after years, Xiaoyu failed to save Tu Jin in the end. She chose her own way. At first glance, the decent family is eating the flesh little by little.

In a woman's life, sometimes no matter what occupation, life style, or choice, she can only find subtle resonance.

From Xiaoyu, from Tu Jin.

From the frame of the bright red scene where Tujin cuts the wrist, the setting sun sprinkles from the window lattice, like white wrists dripping from the edge of the bathtub. Xiaoyu was able to pull her first love out of the abyss, but failed to bring Tu Jin back to life.

The slow sound of the cucurbit flute was very sad and euphemistic. The first time I met someone who was blowing, it turned into sorrow and joy after many years.

Growing up as an apprentice in a cake shop, Xiao Yu reborn in love and hatred, and broke out of her own things in the city. Finally, she is not the little girl trapped in a small windowless room with nothing.

In Tu Jin's life, she didn't know where she was trapped, maybe she was trapped many years ago when she didn't meet Xiaoyu.

Tu Jin ripened Xiaoyu in some ways, but accelerated her own demise. Throughout her life, she was a poor man who hit the south wall and never looked back.

Love is useless, hatred is useless, life and death are boundless, Xiaoyu returned to her hometown and buried the person she loved the most in her life.

At the beginning, the woman holding the little girl finally showed her whole picture, completely opposite to Xiaoyu's appearance for most of the film. With her exquisite makeup and decent clothes, her name is Yu Qi. Many people say that it sounds like the rest of one's life. It's just a random sweep of the parents' dictionary, which is a person's life.

Tu Jin only called her full name once.

After the wedding, she hugged her and said good wishes to you.

Then no one is well.

Xiaoyu was unmarried all her life, adopted a girl, taught her little by little, and watched her grow up, she locked all her memories in the study.

In fact, there was nothing at all, Tu Jin left her nothing, only memories can be kept through records.

In the second half, weeping could be heard, Xiao Rong saw sore eyes, but couldn't cry.

In fact, she cried too much later when she entered the movie, but when the movie was finished, she thought of other things instead.

It's actually quite silly, she doesn't want to be like this with Jing Tianyue


She used to live it off, one day counts as one day, but in the long-term future, it's nothing to go.

It's all about budgeting carefully.

On the contrary, Jing Tianyue was crying. She looked good when she cried. When the ceiling light was turned on, the expressions of everyone were broadcast on the screen.

Jing Tianyue cried so much that she covered half of her face, Xiao Rong handed over the tissue.

The barrage restarts, all of which are wailing.

Many people have not recovered yet, sitting blankly.

There will be an interview half an hour later, giving the creators time to rest.

In the lounge, only Jing Tianyue and Xiao Rong were the only ones. Xiao Rong asked the makeup artist for tools, walked over, squatted in front of Jing Tianyue, and wiped away tears for the other party.

Jing Tianyue: "It's shameful to watch your own movie."

Xiao Rong smiled and shook his head, "Because the story is so..."

"The makeup is spent," Jing Tianyue turned and looked in the mirror, "Really."

Xiao Rong: "I'll make it up for you."

Jing Tianyue: "Okay."

In fact, she was very skilled in her technique. She used to touch up each other's makeup before, but couldn't hold back her lipstick, so she kissed Jing Tianyue.

Jing Tianyue said, "Xiao Yu."

Xiao Rong replied, "Tu Jin."

It is inevitable that their feelings are drawn from the play, Xiao Rong's first audition took the audition to vent it, and it is only natural that Jing Tianyue will be affected by the infection.

"Love you."

Xiao Rong said, "Jing Tianyue, you want to be with me forever."

The author has something to say: I'm really better at writing messy literature) Wipe tears


When was the last heartbeat in the N-O-I interview?

Liang Yiyi (smiling for business): See senior **** dancing

Wen Fu: Blocked in the toilet provocatively in the third grade

Zhao Mingyan: The school grass eats in the cafeteria opposite me

Xiao Rong: I saw the bank card incoming text message


Amway's song "There was Chang'an"-Little Girl

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