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Chapter 1063: Mine collapse

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The place where Lingyu fell happened to be relatively close to the executioner. She was looking attentively, and suddenly there was a crisp crackling sound in her ear, and she almost jumped without surprise.

She hadn't waited for her to react, and all the other Lingyus near Xiao Chen had been absorbed and exhausted, exhausting the aura.

"Bang! Bang!"

I only heard the sound of Lingyu bursting one after another, the fine sand began to cascade down, and the originally spacious and ventilated cave gradually filled with the smell of dust. In addition to Lingyu, there were large chunks of soil. Drop it down.

When the miner is working, the excavator must stop excavating every few pieces of spirit jade that have been dug, and the load-bearing frame must be reinforced to prevent the mine from collapsing and ensure the safety of the miner.

But now the bursting speed of Lingyu is too fast, and in the middle of the night, no one came to strengthen the bearing frame, so after a series of explosions, small areas of the mine collapsed, and the whole cave The cave looks crumbling.

"Xiao Chen! Leave here, the mine is about to collapse soon!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Xun could not take care of that much. She appeared in shape and shouted to Xiao Chen.

However, Xiao Chen seemed to have not heard the sentence of Xun Xiao, and still sat cross-legged, motionless, and continued to absorb the energy of Lingyu, without any intention to stop.

"Are you guy dead? Even if you want to cultivate and upgrade, you have to ... first!" Xiao Xun was so anxious that she almost sweated, stomped, and rushed in the direction of Xiao Chen. He pulled out of the mine and said.

I was surprised by the punishment girl. Before she could get closer to Xiao Chen, she was pushed back by a strong energy, and fell heavily on the ground in the distance.

Xiao Chen remained motionless, closed her eyes tightly, absorbed the power of Lingyu frantically, and was unaware of the surrounding conditions.


I heard only a loud noise. The rock in the mine had no support from Lingyu, and finally the load-bearing frame collapsed!

The place where Xiao Chen collapsed was the most serious. Countless pieces of rubble fell to the ground. Xun Xiao watched a slightly larger piece of spirit jade hit Xiao Chen's head, and then ... he fainted without a word. Passed.

If it is a normal stone, it is useless to a practitioner like Xiao Chen, but the spirit jade is different. It is extremely hard, and even if it has vitality, it can be broken.

"Ouch! It hurts!" As soon as the young girl got up, she was smashed by the rubble several times. She also had many wounds on her body, but because she was far away, her injuries were not as serious as Xiao Chen's.

"Xiao Chen? Xiao Chen, are you okay?" Looking at Xiao Chen with blood on his face, stunned in the gravel pile, the punishment girl was a little overwhelmed, and tried to shout two sentences, but did not see Xiao Chen responding, only I can stand there stupidly, I don't know if I should go up to check Xiao Chen's injury, or leave him to escape.

She hesitated for a while, but the punishment girl still stayed. She felt that Xiao Chen could not be killed here alone. After all, Elder Sun's order has always been to stare at Xiao Chen and not let him die.

If you leave Xiao Chen here, you will be scolded if you go back alone!

"Forget it, let's be good every day! I hope this stinky rogue will be better for me!" Xun Xiao encouraged herself and finally decided to rescue Xiao Chen.

But when the penalty girl walked in the direction of Xiao Chen, she found that the passage between the two was already filled with gravel and could not cross it at all!

Also, she did not dare to blow away the rubble with magical gas now. In case of shock, she would blow up the mine a second time and collapse, and her own life would be accounted for here.

Gritting his teeth, the punishing girl forbeared the pain on her body, carefully walked over to the rubble pile, moved the rubble piece by piece with both hands, and it took a lot of effort to clear out the one leading to Xiao Chen. path.

"Xiao Chen, how are you?" When he came to Xiao Chen, Xiao Xun found that his eyes were tightly closed, lying on the ground motionlessly, squatting down and pushing his body gently, but still nothing happened.

Xiao Xing's brain was roaring, and she was worried and scared. Xiao Yan's face turned pale, and she cried, "Xiao Chen, you ... don't scare me! You are already masters of the Supreme Master, and you can't be hit by a few stones Is it smashed? What should I do if you die? How can I explain to Elder Sun when I go back? "

刑 When the punishment girl was panicking and was at a loss, Xiao Chen's body suddenly twitched, and then there was no movement.

The gauntlet girl was startled, and quickly reached out and peeped into his breath, holding her breath for a long time before feeling the faint heat, which was Xiao Chen's breath!

"That's great!" Xiao Xie took a long breath and was relieved a lot, she murmured: "I know that you are not so easy to die! You don't pretend to be pretending, stand up! We are still dropping stones, we have to go out quickly, or we will be crushed to death in the mine! "

However, no matter how the criminal girl shouted and shoved, Xiao Chen was still lying straight and still, if she didn't feel his breath just now, and her chest had weak fluctuations, the criminal girl thought Xiao Chenzhen Dead!

Nothing can be done, the punishment girl can only help Xiao Chen lift up and drag him out of the mine, because the top of the cave where Xiao Chen is located is shaky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is very unsafe. , Both of them are likely to be buried alive!

"Why are you so heavy? Obviously look thin and dry, not much meat, I did not expect to sink like a dead pig!" Although Xiao Xiao complained, she did not stop.

刑 Since the punishment girl was also injured by a stone, she could not use too much force, so she could only drag Xiao Chen and move forward slowly.

I don't know how far, the young girl feels that her footsteps are getting heavier and her eyelids are getting heavier. Although they are out of the danger zone, they seem to be far away from the cave entrance.

To cheer her up, the punishment girl kept talking to herself: "Xiao Chen, why are you so mysterious? Why come to such a dangerous place to cultivate? And I am so old that I have never heard of it How did Lingyu help monks improve their cultivation? "

"You were so energetic just now, that you bounced me so far, I thought you could also bounce the stone away! I was stunned without even thinking about it!"

"Xiao Chen, I'm so tired ... Why is this road so long? Seems like there is no end to it, are we never going to go out? We just died in the mine?"

"Xiao Chen, the road ahead is good ... it's so vague, why can't I see it a bit, and the surrounding lights are not on, am I going the wrong way? When can we go out?" Qihang Qingyi Er Yati confession (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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