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Chapter 1090: Tang Tang is crazy

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Xiao Chen grabbed Jia Yubian's collar, lifted him up, and asked with a somber face: "Say! What the **** is Tang Tang? What medicine did you give her?"

Jia Yubian's expression was stagnant, as if he had changed his face. The original emotion immediately eased a lot, and his face calmly said, "What medicine? I don't know what you're talking about. Tang Qianling gave Tang Tang When she came here, she was like a dumbfounded look. My son just called her. "

"Really?" Xiao Chen sneered, his hands tightened tighter: "Stupid, why did you obey your son's instructions? Why did you run to the kitchen to poison? Do you dare to say that? There must be a limit! "

"Ahem ... I ... I really don't know." Jia Yubian was suffocated and flushed, but insisted: "Did you just clamor about going to Tang ... Tang family? If you have the ability, you can directly find ... ask Tang Qianling! "

"I'll wipe it! I can't see that your girl is very long, and her mouth is quite hard! OK, since you don't want to tell the truth, then I can only ask your son!" Flashing, unwilling to look at himself, knowing that the old guy was lying, too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and threw him to the ground with a wave of his hand.

"Oh! You ... what do you want to do!" Jia Yubian screamed in pain, watching Xiao Chen walking towards Miao-like Jia Huoyan in panic.

Xiao Chen turned a deaf ear, turned to the bed, condensed an ice hockey in his right hand, and stared at Jia Huoyan with a smile: "Little bunny, was burned by the fire in the morning? Well, look at the whole bag, and a **** It ’s the same! Do n’t ventilate it? Does it feel extremely hot? Come on, Master Ben has a good heart attack, and it ’s cold. Let me cool down! ”

"You ... don't mess around! I am ... Ah!" Jia Huoyan was so terrified that his voice hadn't fallen, and suddenly felt that his legs were being attacked by a wave of chill, and his breathing time was frozen into ice dumplings. A icy cold started from the soles of his feet, and continued to spread to his upper body.

The fire wounds on her body before the flames had not healed. Now it's all frozen. At this time, he has a feeling of death than life, itchy and numb, cold and hot, and he can't scratch because it is wrapped so well. In addition to itching, his body is more There are tingling sensations in many places. Apparently it has begun to fester!

怎么 样 "How? Are you comfortable? Where else is it burning? Would you like me to add more?" Xiao Chen asked with a smile.

"No ... giggles ... don't, save ... save me ..." Jia Huoyan's teeth trembled and he said indistinctly. In his eyes, Xiao Chen's smile was like a demon.

"Help you? You said it earlier! Let me see. Yo, is this head burned? Come on, let me add some ice to your head to ensure that the temperature drops to the point where your grandfather does not know you." Xiao Chenyi The face suddenly realized, and a hockey ball condensed in his hand. Lean on Jia Huoyan's head.

"Stop! I said, I said it all! Please, don't torture my son any more!" Jia Yubian was horrified, and immediately fell on Xiao Chen's leg, pulling his trouser legs for mercy.

The head is no better than the thigh. If the thigh is frozen, it can be treated. If my head is frozen and silly, it will not be saved for a lifetime!

Xiao Chen stopped slowly until the ice hockey was only one centimeter away from Jia Huoyan's head. He looked down at Jia Yubian's protruding eyes, panicking, and shook his head calmly: "Oh, almost did not Stop your hands! I said why did you go? "

"You ... I ... I didn't think of it just now, now I remember it!" Jia Yubian's old blood didn't squirt in his mouth, staring at the ice ball in Xiao Chen's hand almost touching Jia Huoyan, Gritted his teeth and explained.

"That's the case," Xiao Chen nodded casually, and didn't know that he didn't believe it: "Then you hurry and say it! Otherwise, my son will be frozen into a popsicle, or a big head The shape of the doll, when I was not so kind, I threw him a fireball to thaw! "

"Okay ... Okay! It is indeed Tang Qianling's idea to give Tang Tang medicine! He originally wanted to use Tang Tang's special constitution to experiment with the five poisonous cheats, so he was ordered to cheat her from the worldly world. Come here. "Jia Yubian explained the information he had learned from one to one hundred and fifty:" It is actually no problem to practice the five poisonous cheats, but the kind of medicine Tang Tang took to Tang Tang was very strong. Side effects, so ... "

"I already knew these!" Before Xiao Yubian finished speaking, Xiao Chen waved his empty hand and interrupted impatiently: "Don't pull those useless, I want to know now, How can this potion be relieved? And in whose hands is the antidote? "

"This ... specifically how to lift it, I don't really know. I'm only responsible for funding and sponsoring research, and other things are supervised by Tang Qianling." Jia Yubian explained carefully.

Jia Yu didn't tell a lie. He did not know anything about the experiment. He usually had too much work to do. He didn't take it seriously. He just planned to get a share of it, so he just invested money. Not involved in core research.

"You don't know? Then ..." Xiao Chengang decided to continue to ask ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There was a sudden rush of footsteps outside.

"Not good! Xiao Chen, you go back quickly! Tang Tang seems to be crazy, just hit someone! Now the criminal is trying to stop her, you quickly go to help!" Xiao Chen Zhuan Looking over his head, he saw Cheng Mengying hurried in and said to him panting.

After Xiao Chen and Jia Musen left, Cheng Mengying's daughters were taking care of Tang Tang's injury in the room. After she woke up, she didn't say anything and suddenly shot a hand to Cheng Mengying and Xun Xiao who were closest!

Fortunately, Cheng Mengying and Xun Xing were both masters of the Demon King. Dodge in time. In addition, Tang Tang was injured and could not exert his original strength. This did not cause casualties and caused tragedies.

In a hurry, the punishment girl immediately assigned her work. She and Linger stayed in the room, holding Tang Tang's actions, while Cheng Mengying went to the study to find Xiao Chen back.

But when Cheng Mengying hurried to the study, Xiao Chen was not there at all! Jia Musen told her that Xiao Chen had gone to Jia Yubian's room, and Cheng Mengying had to rush over again.

"What ?!" Xiao Chen was startled, stood up subconsciously, and immediately wanted to rush back, but just took a step, and the thoughts turned, suddenly remembered something, and stopped.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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