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Chapter 1093: No one sees everywhere

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Chapter 1093: No One Sees Everywhere

"Yes, your property is not so good! The occupants don't know where they have gone, they don't have any contractual spirit!" Jin Beibei poked his lips and said babblely.

"My sister-in-law, as far as I know, this villa has been unoccupied for more than a year, and has owed a lot of property and management fees. Since you are the owner, you are here this time, so Make it up as soon as possible! "The guard wiped his sweat, finally stated his purpose, and then took out a large stack of documents from his arms and handed them to Jinbei.

He happened to be patrolling nearby and saw Kim Babe standing in front of the villa, with the door open, and came over to check his account.

"What mess?" Jin Beibei frowned, didn't receive the documents from the security guard, thought for a while, and thought, "I don't have so much cash on me. Otherwise, you can take one of the cars in this garage. , By the way, find a few more people to help clean up, you see, this place is so dirty, how can it live? "

说 As Jinbei said, he pressed the garage button, and after the garage door rose slowly, he pointed at the sports cars inside.

"This ... it's not necessary, or wait for your convenience and pay the property again! In fact, there is no such anxiety!" The security guard glanced at the garage subconsciously, and he was shocked and waved his hands again and again. Road.

I'm kidding, there are millions of high-end sports cars in that garage. How dare he take a small security guard? Just glanced and hurried away.

"Hey ... what are you running? I won't bite you, you haven't answered my question yet!" Jinbeibe shouted a few words, seeing the security guards run faster and faster, and disappeared like a rabbit. , I feel a little helpless.

She originally wanted to study for three years in the Tianquan school, and then returned after completing her studies, but when she went, she was quite calm at the beginning, and there was nothing wrong with her. After being cooked, it started to be a little bit brazen.

There were a few disciples who saw that she was doing well, and she was still Tong Yan Ju X. She thought about her and wanted to be pro-Fangze, but the ending was obvious, and the last one was all utterly bitter.

Jin Beibei is talented and intelligent, and the head of the Tianquan faction is very fond of her, so after the disciples complained to the head, she was not punished at all, but the children were reprimanded.

One year passed in a blink of an eye. Jinbeibei felt that staying in the martial arts all day was too boring, so he went to the head of the office to apply for a family holiday, and came back to Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying.

I didn't expect that when Jin Beibei came back in a hurry, it was this pair of people who were waiting for her!

"It's weird. My cousin and my cousin's phone number couldn't be reached ... Even Ye Xiaoye wasn't in the villa. Did they go abroad for three batches?" Jin Beibei called for a long time, The result was still depressed depressed the on-hook button, unscrupulous speculation.

Cheng Mengying, who was helping the punishment girl clean the wound, suddenly sneezed, with an inexplicable expression on her face: "Is it a cold? Is n’t the true practitioner able to get sick?"

Jin Beibei stood outside the villa door and thought for a while, then flipped through the address book, found another phone call and said: "Hey! Cao Yuliang, right? Do you know where my cousin and cousin went? What? Don't know? Goodbye! "

喂 "Hello! Lou Zhenming, have you seen my cousin and cousin? ... It's Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying ... don't you know? How did your little brother behave? Bye!"

喂 "Hello! Isn't Zheng Xiaokun? My Jinbei, have you seen my cousin and cousin ..."

I made several phone calls in succession, but everyone said it in unison, none of them knew the whereabouts of Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying!

Jin Beibei was a little disappointed. It was so easy for him to come back, but the two did not know where they were going, nor did they say to leave a note. Where did they go to find them?

Sitting on the steps for a while, Jin Beibei suddenly remembered that Xiao Chen used to go to Xiaohong Pharmacy to buy medicine, and also had a good relationship with a girl named Hong Zhuan, maybe he could go there and ask!

I said, do it, Jinbeibei stood up immediately, took out the luggage in the villa, ran to the garage, got in her local Jinbeibe car, ready to drive to Xiaohong pharmacy to find out the situation.

However, what surprised Jinbeibei was that she launched a half-day local Jinbeibe car, but she couldn't start it at all!

After a brief inspection, Jinbeibei discovered that this Paramela had not been started for too long, and the battery had run out of electricity, and it could not be turned on at all.

In desperation, Jinbei could only put her luggage back in the villa. Although there were other sports cars in the garage, she estimated that those cars would not work anymore according to Paramela's condition. , So I'm too lazy to try again.

Locked the door of the villa, Jinbeiba walked directly to Xiaohong Pharmacy. Fortunately, she has been practicing in Tianquan for a while, and now she can be regarded as a monk. Although the level is not high, walking a few kilometers is still no problem. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hello! What medicine do you want to buy? When Jin Beibei entered Xiaohong Pharmacy, a young clerk greeted him enthusiastically.

Jin Beibei glanced around first and found that there was no one else in the store, so she turned to the clerk and asked, "Well, I don't buy medicine, I just want to ask, is your Hong Hong girl in?"

"Huh?" The young clerk took a moment's notice, looked at Jinbeibe with a little vigilance, and said cautiously, "Who are you? Is there anything to find Red Candle? I'm not in a drugstore now. Here, if it's not too important, just tell me, and I can help you tell her back. "

"Not here? Why so clever?" Jin Beibei frowned, muttering helplessly: "Well, you can help me tell her, and say that Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying are missing. My name is Jin Beibei. If she knows where they are, contact me as soon as possible, oh, this is my mobile number! "

After talking, Jin Beibei took the prescription paper on the counter, picked up a pen, quickly wrote down a number, handed it to the clerk, and then turned to leave.

"Wait, Jin ... Golden Girl! Is the Xiao Chen you just mentioned a guy who often comes to our store to buy medicines?" The young clerk couldn't help but listen to Xiao Chen's name and ran away from the counter. When he came out, he stopped Jin Beibei who had come to the door of the drug store and asked.

嗷 "Yeah, yeah! Have you ever seen my cousin? Has he been here to buy medicine recently? Where did he go?" Jin Beibei stopped, surprised, and asked again and again.

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